Most of the individuals who broke in had the intelligence to not only evade suspicion on their way in, but scamper away before dawn, with the sole exception of a single one of them, discovered amongst a pile of half-eaten luxury dishes with a huge belly contrasting their thin frame.
Given the damage their fine dining experience has cost the eatery, and the complete lack of any significant funds to their name, this individual is undeniably slated for enslavement. Judging by the few low resolution images you glanced over along the horrible security footage, your keen eyes recognize the looks hidden beneath the grime of $his lifestyle. As the price is rather cheap, given the restaurant staff seems more intent on punishing them rather than reimbursing their losses, so surely they would be more than happy to have $him taken off of their hands.
Given the damage their fine dining experience has cost the eatery, and the complete lack of any significant funds to their name, this individual ended up, unsurprisingly, enslaved by the property's owner. Judging by the few low resolution images you glanced over along the horrible security footage, your keen eyes recognize the looks hidden beneath the grime of $his lifestyle. The price is rather cheap, as the restaurant staff seem more intent on punishing them rather than reimbursing their losses, while the owner wants nothing more than to be rid of the gluttonous thief, so surely they would be more than happy to have $him taken off of their hands.
//$His price is a measly <<print cashFormat(1000)>> credits. Alternatively, you could buy $him and sell $him for a bit of profit.//