Number of ready to be impregnated ova (override normal cases), default - 0. For delayed impregnations with multiples. Used onetime on next call of the SetPregType widget. After SetPregType use it to override .pregType, it set back to 0 automatically.
Number of ready to be impregnated ova (override normal cases), default - 0. For delayed impregnations with multiples. Used onetime on next call of the SetPregType widget. After SetPregType use it to override .pregType, it set back to 0 automatically.
superfetation: (future usage)
Superfetation is condition when pregnancy not block ovulation cycle, so further, second and more impregnantion possible when alredy pregnant. Very rare IRL.
Superfetation is condition when pregnancy not block ovulation cycle, so further, second and more impregnantion possible when alredy pregnant. Very rare IRL.
0 - no
0 - no
1 - condition present
1 - condition present
ovaImplant: (future usage)
Ovary implant state and type.
Ovary implant state and type.
@@ -1742,7 +1742,7 @@ has the slave been turned into a broodmother
@@ -1742,7 +1742,7 @@ has the slave been turned into a broodmother
0 - no
0 - no
1 - standard 1 birth/week
1 - standard 1 birth/week
2 - black market 12 births/week
2 - black market 12 births/week
3 - black market upgrade for implant firmware, to allow change weekly number of ova in range of 1 to 12 in remote surgery block. (broodmotherFetuses change through remote surgery).
3 - black market upgrade for implant firmware, to allow change weekly number of ova in range of 1 to 12 in remote surgery block. (broodmotherFetuses change through remote surgery). (future usage)
count of ova that broodmother implant force to release. Should be setted with "broodmother" property together. If broodmother == 0 has no meaning.
count of ova that broodmother implant force to release. Should be setted with "broodmother" property together. If broodmother == 0 has no meaning.