r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is shown in public, closely inspected by the judging committee, and then publicly milked. Several of the judges cannot resist giving you a wink as they look ${him} over. ${slave.slaveName} is unsurprisingly named best in show, and will be <span class="green">remembered</span> as dairy stock of the highest pedigree. As ${his} owner, your reputation has <span class="green">also increased.</span>`);
slave.prestigeDesc="${He} is remembered for winning best in show as a dairy cow.";
slave.prestigeDesc="$He is remembered for winning best in show as a dairy cow.";
V.trinkets.push(`a best in show ribbon awarded to ${slave.slaveName} as a milk cow`);
r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is shown in public, closely inspected by the judging committee, and then publicly milked. Several of the judges cannot resist giving you a wink as they look ${him} over, but others look disapprovingly at them; it seems some of your competitors also forwarded money to the committee. After furious wrangling, ${slave.slaveName} loses to another cow. The public is impressed with ${slave.slaveName}'s tits anyway; as you are ${his} owner, your reputation has <span class="reputation inc">increased</span> a little.`);