For months there were strong indications that an old world nation was quietly taking steps towards legalizing slavery. The market began to anticipate a serious increase in the demand for slaves in earnest but this week a month of protests against the country's leaders ended in a violent coup. The new government, claiming to only follow the will of the people, has made several promises, including a very vocal rebuke of even the slightest possibility of legal slavery within their borders. The slave market was shocked to find the previous government to be so weak and even more shocked at how unwilling the new one is to accept the times we live in. The panicked market quickly adjusted to greatly lowered slave demand and projections show a short-term price drop of up to ten percent. There will be no immediate impact on you or your slaves, but the coming weeks will be a fine time to buy new stock, and a terrible time to sell. @@.yellow;The market price of slaves has dropped.@@
The Free Cities make a real effort to avoid armed conflict, especially amonst themselves, as such endeavors almost never have any real winners. But tensions grew so high in their trade conflict that the likelihood of a full blown war between two Free Cities became not just a possibility but a near certainty for months. As skirmishes commenced and slave armies were quickly drilled for action on both sides, the slave market anticipated a boost to demand as soon as the fighting intensified. Miraculously, cooler heads prevaled and the Free Cities agreed to disband their armies. While many people sighed with relief the slave market was forced into a shock adjustment, projections show a short-term price drop of up to five percent. There will be no immediate impact on you or your slaves, but the coming weeks will be a fine time to buy new stock, and a terrible time to sell. @@.yellow;The market price of slaves has dropped.@@