-Run the compile file, go to folder "bin", click the "FC_Pregmod" and play. (Recommendation: Drag it into incognito mode)
## Common problems
I get an error on gamestart reading "Apologies! A fatal error has occurred. Aborting. Error: Unexpected token @ in JSON at position 0. Stack Trace: SyntaxError: Unexpected token @ in JSON at position 0 at JSON.parse (<anonymous>) at JSON.value" or some variant
-clear cookies
* How do I start the game?
- Run the compile file, go to folder "bin", click the "FC_Pregmod" and play. (Recommendation: Drag it into incognito mode)
Everything is broken!
-Do not copy over your existing download as it may leave old files behind, replace it entirely
* I get an error on gamestart reading "Apologies! A fatal error has occurred. Aborting. Error: Unexpected token @ in JSON at position 0. Stack Trace: SyntaxError: Unexpected token @ in JSON at position 0 at JSON.parse (<anonymous>) at JSON.value" or some variant
- clear cookies
I can't save more than once or twice.
-Known issue caused by sugarcube level changes. Save to file doesn't have this problem and will likely avoid the first problem as well.
-It is possible to increase the memory utilized by your browser to delay this
* Everything is broken!
- Do not copy over your existing download as it may leave old files behind, replace it entirely
I wish to report a sanityCheck issue.
-Great, however a large majority of the results are false positives coming from those specific sections being split over several lines in the name of readability and git grep's intentionally (http://git.661346.n2.nabble.com/bug-git-grep-P-and-multiline-mode-td7613900.html ) lacking support for multiline. An Attempt to add -Pzl (https://gitgud.io/pregmodfan/fc-pregmod/merge_requests/2108 ) created a sub condition black hole. What follows are examples of common false positives that can safely be ignored;
* I can't save more than once or twice.
- Known issue caused by sugarcube level changes. Save to file doesn't have this problem and will likely avoid the first problem as well.
- It is possible to increase the memory utilized by your browser to delay this
* I wish to report a sanityCheck issue.
- Great, however a large majority of the results are false positives coming from those specific sections being split over several lines in the name of readability and git grep's intentionally (http://git.661346.n2.nabble.com/bug-git-grep-P-and-multiline-mode-td7613900.html ) lacking support for multiline. An Attempt to add -Pzl (https://gitgud.io/pregmodfan/fc-pregmod/merge_requests/2108 ) created a sub condition black hole. What follows are examples of common false positives that can safely be ignored:
@@ -25,8 +27,9 @@ I wish to report a sanityCheck issue.
left: 0;
right: 0;
How to mod (basic doc):
## How to mod (basic doc):
1. All sources now in the src subdir, in separate files. 1 passage = 1 file.
@@ -77,7 +80,8 @@ How to mod (basic doc):
5. (optional, but recommended) Run sanityCheck before final push to catch any errors you missed. (You can ignore errors unrelated to files you changed.)
6. Make merge request through gitgud interface.
## Related repositories
## Submodules
FC uses a modified version of SugarCube 2. The sources can either be obtained preferably via [this repo](https://gitgud.io/Arkerthan/sugarcube-2) or by applying the patch to the official SC2 files.
When modifying SC2 make sure to open an MR here and at the SC2 repo, so they stay in sync.
FC uses a modified version of SugarCube 2. It is integrated as a git submodule. If you are interested in modding SC2 this is a [good starting point](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Submodules) for using submodules. Instructions to build SC2 can be found [here](devNotes/sugarcube stuff/building SugarCube.md).
When modifying SC2 make sure to open an MR here and at the [SC2 repo](https://gitgud.io/Arkerthan/sugarcube-2), so they stay in sync.