<br>Invest more resources into the project to increase its effectiveness.
<br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(_cost)>>. Will provide more of the focused resource each week but increase reputation upkeep.//
<br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(_costC)>>. Will provide more of the focused resource each week but increase reputation upkeep.//
You upgraded your propaganda machine to its limits.
@@ -112,13 +112,13 @@ The propaganda hub is a surprisingly inconspicuous building, dimly lit from the
<br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology * _HistoryDiscount))>>. Will provide authority and unlock special upgrades, but will increase upkeep.//
<br>Invest more resources into the project to increase its effectiveness.
<br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(_cost)>>. Will provide more authority each week, but increases upkeep.//
<br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(_costM)>>. Will provide more authority each week, but increases upkeep.//
You have upgraded the authenticity department to its maximum.
@@ -160,13 +160,13 @@ The propaganda hub is a surprisingly inconspicuous building, dimly lit from the
<br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology * _HistoryDiscount))>>. Will provide authority and unlock special upgrades, but will increase upkeep.//
You lack the reputation to further expand operations.
@@ -195,4 +195,4 @@ The propaganda hub is a surprisingly inconspicuous building, dimly lit from the
You have infiltrated the black market and are now in partial control of it. [[Withdraw from the black market|propagandaHub][$SecExp.buildings.propHub.upgrades.marketInfiltration = 0]]
<br>Invest more resources into the project to increase its speed.
<br>//One-time cost of <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(50000 * $upgradeMultiplierArcology * $SecExp.buildings.riotCenter.brainImplantProject*$HackingSkillMultiplier))>> with an additional <<print cashFormat(5000)>> each week in maintenance. Will shorten the time required to complete the project.//
<br>//One-time cost of <<print cashFormat(_costBIP)>> with an additional <<print cashFormat(5000)>> each week in maintenance. Will shorten the time required to complete the project.//
<br><br>The great brain implant project is underway. Estimated time to completion: <<print Math.trunc((100 - $SecExp.buildings.riotCenter.brainImplant) / $SecExp.buildings.riotCenter.brainImplantProject)>>
<br>The great brain implant project is underway. Estimated time to completion: <<print Math.trunc((100 - $SecExp.buildings.riotCenter.brainImplant) / $SecExp.buildings.riotCenter.brainImplantProject)>>.
The great brain implant project is completed, rebellions against you will be extremely difficult to organize.
@@ -197,13 +198,13 @@ The riot control center opens its guarded doors to you. The great chamber inside