// note that the slave.brand object won't have slave.brand["upper armS"] with an S defined, just the left and right, so we just use the left since we know they match.
return`${slave.brand[surface.left]} branded into the flesh of both ${his}${surface.both}`;
return`${leftBrand} branded into the flesh of both ${his}${surface.both}`;
}elseif (leftBrand&&rightBrand){
// matching places but different marks
return`both ${slave.brand[surface.left]} branded into the flesh of ${his}${surface.left}, and ${slave.brand[surface.right]} branded into ${his}${surface.right}`;
}elseif (slave.brand[surface.left]){
return`both ${leftBrand} branded into the flesh of ${his}${surface.left}, and ${rightBrand} branded into ${his}${surface.right}`;
}elseif (leftBrand){
// left
return`${slave.brand[surface.left]} branded into the flesh of ${his}${surface.left}`;
}elseif (slave.brand[surface.right]){
return`${leftBrand} branded into the flesh of ${his}${surface.left}`;
}elseif (rightBrand){
// right
return`${slave.brand[surface.right]} branded into the flesh of ${his}${surface.right}`;
return`${rightBrand} branded into the flesh of ${his}${surface.right}`;