Scarcely has the call ended than another comes in. It's another matron of the Futanari Sisters; she looks so much like her Sister that you are momentarily confused. "I know what my Sister said, and I know what she asked for," she purrs. She manipulates the video call controls, zooming the camera out. It reveals that she has her equally enormous cock in a much younger Sister's pussy; another attendant is lavishing oral attention on her testicles, which are comically big. "She's wrong. We are more beautiful with balls, and the bigger, the better." She shudders, pulling out to blow a gigantic load all over all three of them. Her erection does not waver for an instant as she transfers it to the other futa's anus. "We are sexually superior like this, too. Lust is better than love. Support me instead, I beg you."
Scarcely has the call ended than another comes in. It's another matron of the Futanari Sisters; she looks so much like her Sister that you are momentarily confused. "I know what my Sister said, and I know what she asked for," she purrs. She manipulates the video call controls, zooming the camera out. It reveals that she has her equally enormous cock in a much younger Sister's pussy; another attendant is lavishing oral attention on her testicles, which are comically big. "She's wrong. We are more beautiful with balls, and the bigger, the better." She shudders, pulling out to blow a gigantic load all over all three of them. Her erection does not waver for an instant as she transfers it to the other futa's anus. "We are sexually superior like this, too. Lust is better than love. Support me instead, I beg you."
You receive a personal call from a senior representative of _SCH.title. It seems the _SCH.nickname is raising funds, and since you've already
You receive a personal call from a senior representative of _SCH.title. It seems the _SCH.nickname is raising funds, and since you've already