As the two would-be assassins collapse, the pretty woman draws a vicious-looking curved knife from her sleeve, swears in a foreign language, and lunges towards you. There's nothing standing between you two. You level your handgun onto her, but she's like a blur, kicking it out of your hand with enough force it feels like your hand shattered. The assassin grins psychotically at you and flourishes her curved knife as you reel back. "Bhalwi al-sham asmik qalbik, dog." The Sekhmeti assassin spits, before lunging forward one last time to slash her knife up into your throat. A moment later, everything goes black.
<<case "snipedbysons">>
<<case "idiot ball">>
<<setLocalPronouns _S.Bodyguard>>
You quickly move to deal _S.Bodyguard.slaveName a slap across the face. You have an instant to realize the depth of your folly as $his combat training kicks into gear: before $he realizes what $he's doing, $he has drawn $his sword, blocked your slap (and incidentally, removed your hand in doing so), and buried the sword in your chest on the riposte. $His devotion returns to $him as $his combat instincts subside. As you fade, you see $his eyes cloud with terrible, unhealable guilt; in one sure movement, $he draws $his weapon, sets it to semi-automatic, places it under $his chin, and fires a single round.