<<set _customer.clothes = "spats and a tank top">>
<<set _customer.boobs = 1000>>
<<set _customer.butt = 3>>
<<set _customer.hLength = 30>>
<<set _customer.clothes = "sport shorts and a sports bra">>
<<set _customer.behavioralFlaw = "arrogant">>
<<set _customer.markings = "none">>
<<set _customer.shoes = "flats">>
<<setLocalPronouns _customer 2>>
/* set up tech */
<<set $activeSlave.clitPiercing === 3>>
<<if $seeDicks == 0>>
<<set $activeSlave.backTat = "FCTV SERVICE for clits">>
@@ -132,7 +133,7 @@ $He unboxes the new remote and turns $his back to you, eagerly demonstrating how
At the touch of a button, $his drone whirs to a stop and begins to fall to the floor. Before it hits, you touch a second and a dart hits $him in the neck. $He collapses into darkness.
As the tech wakes up $he finds $himself resting on your couch, with you looking into $his eyes with concern. $He winces in pain and asks what happened. You gravely informed $him that $he must been working very hard and may have been dehydrated: $he passed out. $His back was quite bruised but other than some nausea, your systems report $he should be fine. You encourage $him to keep up $his fluids, then hand $him back $his communicator and mention it looks like $he is going to be late for $his other appointment. With a panicked look on $his face the tech thanks you, seizes $his device and heads out the door followed by $his drone. "I haven't seen that much debt outside of a slave in quite some time." <<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>> remarks. "$He's fortunate to have that job."
As the tech wakes up $he finds $himself resting on your couch, with you looking into $his eyes with concern. $He winces in pain and asks what happened. You gravely informed $him that $he must been working very hard and may have been dehydrated: $he passed out. $His back was quite bruised but other than some nausea, your systems report $he should be fine. You encourage $him to keep up $his fluids, then hand $him back $his communicator and mention it looks like $he is going to be late for $his other appointment. With a panicked look on $his face the tech thanks you, seizes $his device and heads out the door followed by $his drone. "I haven't seen that much debt outside of a slave in quite some time," <<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>> remarks. "$He's fortunate to have that job."
The tech, $activeSlave.slaveName, shoves their way through the crowd as quickly as they can. In front of $him no one pays much attention, but the crowd behind begins to titter and even point and laugh. Oblivious, $activeSlave.slaveName arrives at the desired address and pauses to catch a breath. Watching from the eyes of $his drone, you can tell $his back is stiff and $his running had been uncomfortable. You can't help but laugh at $his shirt. Unknown to $activeSlave.slaveName, the entire back of $his shirt has been replaced with a clear panel of similar feeling material. It clearly shows $his $activeSlave.skin skin, as well as $his new tattoo. Like the lettered shirt it replaced, it also reads in block letters "FCTV SERVICE" but underneath it also reads
<<if $seeDicks == 0>>
@@ -144,14 +145,13 @@ The tech, $activeSlave.slaveName, shoves their way through the crowd as quickly
You finger your new TV remote, as well as a much more sinister looking one designed for your slaves.
<<if $seeImages == 1>>
<div class="imageColumn">
<div class="imageRef medImg">
<<SlaveArt _customer 2 0>>
<<if $seeImages == 1>>
<div class="imageColumn">
<div class="imageRef medImg">
<<SlaveArt _customer 2 0>>
The door opens, and one of your citizens appears. $activeSlave.slaveName doesn't know it, but you've made a small change to $his calendar. $His new client has a <<if _customer.dick > 0>>legendarily large dick<<else>>legendary love of anal<</if>>, even for $arcologies[0].name. The tech loses their professional facade for a moment, glancing at the customer's <<if _customer.dick > 0>>enormous dick<<else>>hips<</if>> before gulping and gluing their eyes on the customer's face. "Hi, I'm $activeSlave.slaveName from FCTV, and I'm here to take a look at your receiver."
"Certainly, it's in the bedroom on the bottom shelf." As the tech takes a step forward you touch the first button on your other remote. The tech freezes. You know from the work you did that they would be experiencing a puzzling throbbing or buzzing sensation at the moment. Their smart piercing was installed with a few blockers to pain, but their sense of touch should be very acute, even heightened with some local aphrodisiacs. There is also a vibe deep inside their ass, with a glue that will take some time to wear off. <<if $activeSlave.prostate>>Its buzzing should be impacting their prostrate directly, albeit subtley.<</if>>
<br>You can't possibly be the only one annoyed at FCTV customer service. You soon have $him bent over with $his upper half encased in a wall, and $his lower half along with $his tramp stamp "$activeSlave.stampTat" exposed to the entire archology. A large monitor above $his ass ensures every detail of $his expressions are available, and aphrodisiacs ensure they are interesting. Long waits for tech support are common in this broken world, but even so, the queue that forms as the word gets out is quite impressive. $He spends a torturous day in the wall before being hauled in for enslavement, somewhat @@.red;the worse for wear@@ and @@.red;acting oddly@@ due to $his ordeal, bruises all over $his body, cum leaking from $his @@.lime;loosened@@ anus<<if $activeSlave.vagina > -1>> and @@.lime;fucked-out@@ pussy<</if>>. The public @@.green;enjoys the fun.@@
<br> can't possibly be the only one annoyed at FCTV customer service. You soon have $him bent over with $his upper half encased in a wall, and $his lower half along with $his tramp stamp "$activeSlave.stampTat" exposed to the entire archology. A large monitor above $his ass ensures every detail of $his expressions are available, and aphrodisiacs ensure they are interesting. Long waits for tech support are common in this broken world, but even so, the queue that forms as the word gets out is quite impressive. $He spends a torturous day in the wall before being hauled in for enslavement, somewhat @@.red;the worse for wear@@ and @@.red;acting oddly@@ due to $his ordeal, bruises all over $his body, cum leaking from $his @@.lime;loosened@@ anus<<if $activeSlave.vagina > -1>> and @@.lime;fucked-out@@ pussy<</if>>. The public @@.green;enjoys the fun.@@
<<if $FCTVreceiver <= 3>>
Frustrations released, they also seem more likely to watch FCTV.
<<set $FCTVreceiver++>>
@@ -233,12 +233,12 @@ You...
<br><<link "Let them go">>
<<replace "#result">>
<br>You consider yourself well repaid for the fun you have had today, and dismiss the tech. They seem incredulous for a second, and then are incredibly thankful. They hobble out of the room as quickly as they can, leaking a little fluid with every step. Naturally, you remember the vibe as soon as they leave. Oh well, it will work itself loose eventually and you have plenty more. A fair exchange, really, one small forgotten tech product for another.
<br> consider yourself well repaid for the fun you have had today, and dismiss the tech. They seem incredulous for a second, and then are incredibly thankful. They hobble out of the room as quickly as they can, leaking a little fluid with every step. Naturally, you remember the vibe as soon as they leave. Oh well, it will work itself loose eventually and you have plenty more. A fair exchange, really, one small forgotten tech product for another.
<br><<link "Let them go but release the footage">>