App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("p",el,`Once you arrive at the prison, the door opens to a garage and another door, brightly lit to welcome you to the premises. Through the door, you find the prisoner's quarters, each of them enclosed by electrified fences to ensure your safety as you see the stock. A guard enters, asking you to follow him as he leads you across the chamber to meet with the warden.`);
App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("p",el,`Entering the warden's quarters, you take a seat across from him as he takes the initiative. "Ah, fancy meeting one such as yourself here. Though we house some of the hardiest criminals you can find, I'm sure someone of your capabilities could find great use for them." He smirks. "... or perhaps great entertainment through the pits," he says as he beckons to his staff as they bring in the selected stock.`);