<<unset _art_outfit >> /* clean up variable possibly already set by prior widget run */
<<switch _artSlave.clothes>> /* select available clothes */
<<case "a ball gown" "a biyelgee costume" "a bunny outfit" "a cheerleader outfit" "a dirndl" "a fallen nuns habit" "a halter top dress" "a hijab and abaya" "a huipil" "a kimono" "a latex catsuit" "a long qipao" "a maternity dress" "a military uniform" "a mini dress" "a monokini" "a mounty outfit" "a nice maid outfit" "a nice nurse outfit" "a red army uniform" "a schoolgirl outfit" "a schutzstaffel uniform" "a slave gown" "a slutty maid outfit" "a slutty nurse outfit" "a slutty qipao" "a slutty schutzstaffel uniform" "a succubus outfit" "a toga" "an apron" "attractive lingerie" "battlearmor" "battledress" "body oil" "clubslut netting" "conservative clothing" "cutoffs and a t-shirt" "lederhosen" "nice business attire" "restrictive latex" "slutty business attire" "spats and a tank top" "stretch pants and a crop-top" "Western clothing">>
<<case "a ball gown" "a biyelgee costume" "a bunny outfit" "a cheerleader outfit" "a dirndl" "a fallen nuns habit" "a halter top dress" "a hijab and abaya" "a huipil" "a kimono" "a latex catsuit" "a long qipao" "a maternity dress" "a military uniform" "a mini dress" "a monokini" "a mounty outfit" "a nice maid outfit" "a nice nurse outfit" "a red army uniform" "a schoolgirl outfit" "a schutzstaffel uniform" "a slave gown" "a slutty maid outfit" "a slutty nurse outfit" "a slutty qipao" "a slutty schutzstaffel uniform" "a succubus outfit" "a toga" "an apron" "attractive lingerie" "battlearmor" "battledress" "clubslut netting" "conservative clothing" "cutoffs and a t-shirt" "lederhosen" "nice business attire" "restrictive latex" "slutty business attire" "spats and a tank top" "stretch pants and a crop-top" "Western clothing">>