<br>''Boobs'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.boobs" $tempSlave.boobs>> //100: masculine chest (if title = 1) or flat chested (if title = 0)(WIP), 300+: A cup, 400+: B cup, 500+: C cup, 650+: D cup, 800+: DD cup, 1000+: F cup, 1200+: G cup, 1400+: H cup//
<br>''Boobs Implant'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.boobsImplant" $tempSlave.boobsImplant>> //do you have breast implants - size in CCs//
<br>''Lactation'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.lactation" $tempSlave.lactation>> //are you lactating - 0: no, 1: yes//
<br>''Age Implant'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.ageImplant" $tempSlave.ageImplant>> //0: no surgery, 1: age altering surgery//
<br>''Player Aging'': <<textbox "$playerAging" $playerAging>> //0: no aging, 1: no aging, but birthdays, 2: aging//
<br>''Pregnancy Length'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.preg" $tempSlave.preg>> //how far along your pregnancy is (pregMood kicks in at 24+ weeks) - -2: infertile, -1: contraceptives, 0: not pregnant, 1 - 42: pregnant, 43+: giving birth//
<br>''Fetus Count'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.pregType" $tempSlave.pregType>> //how many you're having (1-8)//
<br>''PregSource'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.pregSource" $tempSlave.pregSource>> //who knocked you up - 0: unknown, -1: self-impreg, -2: citizen, -3: former Master, -4: male arc owner, -5: client, -6: Societal Elite, -7: designer baby, -9: Futanari Sister//
<br>''PregMood'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.pregMood" $tempSlave.pregMood>> //how you act when heavily pregnant - 0: no change, 1: submissive and motherly, 2: aggressive and dominant//
''<<if $tempSlave.skill.trading >= 100>>
You are a master at economics and trading.
<<elseif $tempSlave.skill.trading >= 80>>
You are an expert at economics and trading.
<<elseif $tempSlave.skill.trading >= 60>>
You are skilled in economics and trading.
<<elseif $tempSlave.skill.trading >= 40>>
You know some things about economics and trading.
<<elseif $tempSlave.skill.trading >= 20>>
You are a beginner in economics.
<<elseif $tempSlave.skill.trading >= 0>>
You know only the basics of trading.
<<elseif $tempSlave.skill.trading >= -20>>
You know how to haggle a little.
<<elseif $tempSlave.skill.trading >= -40>>
You know how to shop around.
<<elseif $tempSlave.skill.trading >= -60>>
You know not to pay sticker price.
<<elseif $tempSlave.skill.trading >= -80>>
People always give you discounts, but you never save any money.
They said it was a bear market, so where are the bears?