<br>You can't possibly be the only one annoyed at FCTV customer service. You soon have $him bent over with $his upper half encased in a wall, and $his lower half along with $his tramp stamp "$activeSlave.stampTat" exposed to the entire archology. A large monitor above $his ass ensures every detail of $his expressions are available, and aphrodisiacs ensure they are interesting. Long waits for tech support are common in this broken world, but even so, the queue that forms as the word gets out is quite impressive. $He spends a torturous day in the stocks before being hauled in for enslavement, somewhat @@.red;the worse for wear@@ and @@.red;acting oddly@@ due to $his ordeal, bruises all over $his body, cum leaking from $his @@.lime;loosened@@ anus<<if $activeSlave.vagina > -1>> and @@.lime;fucked-out@@ pussy<</if>>. The public @@.green;enjoys the fun.@@
<br>You can't possibly be the only one annoyed at FCTV customer service. You soon have $him bent over with $his upper half encased in a wall, and $his lower half along with $his tramp stamp "$activeSlave.stampTat" exposed to the entire archology. A large monitor above $his ass ensures every detail of $his expressions are available, and aphrodisiacs ensure they are interesting. Long waits for tech support are common in this broken world, but even so, the queue that forms as the word gets out is quite impressive. $He spends a torturous day in the wall before being hauled in for enslavement, somewhat @@.red;the worse for wear@@ and @@.red;acting oddly@@ due to $his ordeal, bruises all over $his body, cum leaking from $his @@.lime;loosened@@ anus<<if $activeSlave.vagina > -1>> and @@.lime;fucked-out@@ pussy<</if>>. The public @@.green;enjoys the fun.@@
<<if $FCTVreceiver <= 3>>
Frustrations released, they also seem more likely to watch FCTV.