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Forked from pregmodfan / fc-pregmod
16616 commits behind the upstream repository.
DCoded's avatar
brickode authored

Free Cities - pregmod

Pregmod is a modification of the original Free Cities created by FCdev.

Play the game

To play the game you have to download the sources first. You can either download an archive of the current state or, if you plan to keep up to date with current progress, clone the repository.

Clone the repo:

  1. Install Git for terminal or a Git GUI of your choice.
  2. Clone the repo
    • Via terminal: git clone --single-branch
  3. Get updates
    • Via terminal: git pull

Compile the game:

  • Windows

    • Run compile.bat
    • Second run of compile.bat will overwrite without prompt
  • Linux/Mac

    1. Ensure executable permission on file devTools/tweeGo/tweego (not tweego.exe!)
    2. Ensure executable permission on file
    3. In the root dir of sources (where you see src, devTools, bin...) run command ./ from console. Alternatively, if you have make installed, run make all in the root directory.

To play open FCpregmod.html in bin/ (Recommendation: Drag it into incognito mode)

Common problems

  • I get an error on gamestart reading Apologies! A fatal error has occurred. Aborting. Error: Unexpected token @ in JSON at position 0. Stack Trace: SyntaxError: Unexpected token @ in JSON at position 0 at JSON.parse (<anonymous>) at JSON.value or some variant

    • clear cookies
  • Everything is broken!

    • Do not copy over your existing download as it may leave old files behind, replace it entirely
  • I can't save more than once or twice.

    • Known issue caused by SugarCube level changes. Save to file doesn't have this problem and will likely avoid the first problem as well.
    • It is possible to increase the memory utilized by your browser to delay this
  • I wish to report a sanityCheck issue.

    • Great, however a large majority of the results are false positives coming from those specific sections being split over several lines in the name of readability and git grep's intentionally lacking support for multiline. An Attempt to add -Pzl (pregmodfan/fc-pregmod!2108 (closed) ) created a sub condition black hole. What follows are examples of common false positives that can safely be ignored:
[MissingClosingAngleBracket]src/art/vector/<<print "<style>."+_art_display_class+" {
	<<print "<style>."+_art_display_class+" {
position: absolute;
height: 100%;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
left: 0;
right: 0;


First time setup:

  1. Follow the steps to clone the main repository if you haven't already.
  2. Create an account on gitgud if you don't have a usable one.
    • (optional) Add an SSH key to your account for easier pushing. This allows you to connect to gitgud through SHH, which doesn't require your credentials every time.
  3. Fork the main repository through gitgud interface.
    • (optional) Delete all branches other than pregmod-master, so you don't get them locally when fetching.
  4. Setup your fork as a remote
    • (optional) Rename the main repository to upstream
      • Via terminal: git remote rename origin upstream
    • Add your repo as remote
      • Via terminal: git remote add origin <url-to-your-fork>
      • The big clone button in the gitgud interface on your fork gives you the relevant URLs.
  5. Checkout pregmod-master
    • Via terminal: git checkout pregmod-master
  6. Make sure fc-pregmod tracks upstream/master
    • Via terminal: git branch -u upstream/pregmod-master

Typical cycle with Git:

  1. Get changes from upstream
    • Via terminal: git pull
    • If you don't get new commits from upstream repeat steps 4&5 of the setup.
  2. Checkout a new branch for your work
    • Via terminal: git checkout -b <branch-name>
  3. Make your changes as you like
  4. Commit your changes
    • Via terminal: git commit <files>
    • Make the commit message useful (Fix X, Add Y, etc.)
  5. (optional, but recommended) Run sanityCheck before final push to catch any errors you missed. (You can ignore errors unrelated to files you changed.)
  6. Push result into your forked repository
    • Via terminal:
      • Initially git push -u origin <branch-name>
      • Afterwards git push will suffice.
  7. Create merge request through gitgud interface.
  8. Checkout pregmod-master in preparation of next change.
  9. Once the merge request was accepted, delete your local branch.
    • Via terminal: git branch -d <branch-name>


FC uses a modified version of SugarCube 2. More information can be found here.