@@ -36,9 +36,46 @@ To play open FCpregmod.html in bin/ (Recommendation: Drag it into incognito mode
JSON at position 0. Stack Trace: SyntaxError: Unexpected token @ in JSON at position 0 at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at JSON.value` or some variant
- clear cookies
- Use FCHost (Recommended)
In addition to not having to deal with browser cache limits or browser cookies being killed and losing save data,
Sugarcube storage is stored onto your disk as more easily editable files,
can also be noticably faster.
A pre-compiled Windows x64 version along
with pre-compiled versions of Pregmod FC designed to support browsers that
do not recognize globalThis can be found [here](https://mega.nz/folder/vzxgwKwL#L4V4JEk1YfWcvC7EG76TMg).
For more details please refer to [FCHost/Documentation_FCHost.md](FCHost/Documentation_FCHost.md)
- If you are using Firefox the cache quota can be increased by typing about:config in the address bar and then modifing dom.storage.default_quota's value. Default value is 5120 kilobytes/ 5 MB.
- If you don't have or want to use Firefox or FCHost:
1. download and unzip NW.js SDK (https://nwjs.io/ ) for your operative system
2. copy the game file (FC_pregmod.html) into the "nwjs-sdk-v0.XX.Y-YOUR_OS" folder
3. in the same folder, create a text file with the following content:
"name": "Free Cities pregmod edition",
"main": "FC_pregmod.html",
and save it as package.json (it must be a UTF-8 file). See the attached file
4. double click nw.exe to launch the game
In this example, 30 is the limit (in MB) that is set for the storage quota, but you can replace it with any number. Google Chrome has the same default value as Firefox.
According to the official docs, the path where the cache files are stored depends on the "name" field in the manifest (in this example: "Free Cities pregmod edition"):
- on Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%/<name-in-manifest>/
- on Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/<name-in-manifest>/
- on Linux: ~/.config/<name-in-manifest>/
You can customize the path by adding another parameter to package.json: