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concatFiles.bat 1.05 KiB
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  • Learn to ignore specific revisions
  • @echo off
    :: Concatenates files from dir %1 specified with wildcard %2 and outputs result to %3
    :: temporary codepage change to avoid mojibake
    FOR /f "tokens=2 delims=:." %%x IN ('CHCP') DO SET _CP=%%x
    CHCP 65001 > NUL
    :: TODO Proper temp file instead of bin\list.txt
    :: Collect sorted list of files
    ECHO "Ignore the first line to skip the BOM" >%_LISTFILE%
    (FOR /R "%~1" %%F IN (%2) DO echo "%%F") | sort >>%_LISTFILE%
    :: If we have powershell available, strip the absolute path information
    :: If not, fail silently (which is fine, but will leak path information into the built file)
    powershell -command "" 2> NUL
    IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 powershell -command "(get-content -literalPath \"%CD%\%_LISTFILE%\" -encoding utf8) -replace [regex]::escape(\"%CD%\"),'' -replace '\"','' ^| set-content -encoding utf8 -literalPath \"%CD%\%_LISTFILE%\""
    :: Append the files
    (FOR /F "skip=1 usebackq delims=" %%F IN (`type "%_LISTFILE%"`) DO (