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  • # Changelog
    All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
    The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( with the difference that every version is prefixed with the vanilla version it is based on. Format is: `vanilla-pregmod`
    ## Unreleased
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2025-02-04
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * WARNING - FCHost users need to update or rebuild FCHost before running alpha.34 or it WILL DELETE YOUR LOCAL SAVES!!! Download info is at and build info is at
    * WARNING - JoiPlay eating saves! Export any saves you care about from alpha.33 using the Save to Clipboard option and then import them into alpha.34 or alpha.35
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * fixes
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2025-02-03
    Frankly George's avatar
    Frankly George committed
    * WARNING - FCHost users need to update or rebuild FCHost before running alpha.34 or it WILL DELETE YOUR LOCAL SAVES!!! Download info is at and build info is at
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * WARNING - JoiPlay eating saves! Export any saves you care about from alpha.33 using the Save to Clipboard option and then import them into alpha.34 or alpha.35
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * leave personal notes for yourself
    Frankly George's avatar
    Frankly George committed
    * missing parent names are now shown by default for new playthroughs
    * the farmyard and food system have both been moved back to experimental and are disabled by default on new playthroughs
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * expanded player elective surgery
    * reduced player elective surgery cooldown
    Frankly George's avatar
    Frankly George committed
    * the player character's prefered hole can now be set to no preference (default for new games)
    * some slave stats can now be tracked for up to five weeks by enabling `Slave Stat History` in experimental options. These stats can be viewed under a slave's `Records` tab once enabled
    * cheaters can now choose to not have all the clothes automatically bought for them (default for new games)
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * overhauled BC (now patched based)
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * Antebellum Revivalism touch ups
    * hero slave lolifiers
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * more AI art stuff
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * Sugarcube updated to 2.37.3
    * Moved the slave pools from Arrays with indices to Maps
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * fixes
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2024-09-18
    * lolimode hero slaves
    * hero slave siblings now come as a package at gamestart (includes a couple new ones)
    * racial beauty can now be set to continental
    * added note keeping
    * slave selection control for pit fights
    * tweaks to relative generation
    * tweaks to relative recruitement, including siblings being able to recruit parents
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * added a cervix micropump upgrade to allow it to grow other fillable implants
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * tweaks to slave schools when lolimode is enabled + minimum ages based off what the school entails
    * nursery might no longer eat children?
    * ability to disable sidebar notifications
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * fixes
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2024-07-06
    * cheatEditActor replaces cheatEditSlave and cheatEditPlayer
    * farmyard improvements and fixes
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * added the smart strap-on, a tool that maximizes femPC's ability to deal with need
    * added skill based recruiter specializations
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * added a new gender fundamentalist recFS event
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * added a new watersports slave interaction
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * added several new coursing hares
    * coursing rep slightly rebalanced (less upfront, more on win)
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * pregnancy report improvements
    * rework selling slaves to the Peacekeepers
    * rework player degeneracy into rumors
    * split dick and clit drugs apart
    * better defined what "age of  majority" is, and how it differs from "age of enslavement".
    * collapsed SlaveState, PlayerState, etc into HumanState (everything still ends up the same, just is built more logically)
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * AI related things, most notably the dressing room
    * ability to save to clipboard for you mobile players
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * startingGirls can now be imported/exported
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * slave generation can now be seeded
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * fixes
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2024-04-08
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * added a pregnancy/breeding report
    * added new universal impregnation rules: citizens and slaves
    * expanded universal impregnation rule: player to allow for more exotic methods of impregnation
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * added penetrative and clitoral penetrative porn fames
    * AI related things, most notably the dressing room
    * fixes
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2024-03-24
    * player .energy and .need
    * tool cleaning and improvements (compilers, sanityCheck, etc)
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * genetic quirk support for Autosurgery
    * control options for naturally occuring exotic hair colors
    * favorites system improvements
    * ability to export and import starting girls and starting settings
    * defiant slaves are more of a problem
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * RESSdesperateBreeder
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * AI related things, most notably the dressing room
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2024-02-03
    * various AI related things
    * fixes
    * mostly just a stable version before the storm that is the player energy rework
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2023-12-17
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * added penetrative skill
    * added toggle for RA-sort, toggle for Favorites Passage, search history for Find Slave + L hotkey
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * added immortal ovaries
    * corporation cheats
    * RA ability to tally total births
    * slaves are now always tracked and can no longer slip through end week reports
    * custom animals should no longer corrupt saves
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * fixes
    * ai art improvements
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2023-08-29
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * added a series of consumer reduction drugs
    * slave's maximum possible erection can now be modified by slave's height and health (toggleable in options)
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * added support for AI art
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * experimental interactions option
    * fSuckDick added to experimental interactions
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * more player-slave dick relations
    * bulk ovum transplant
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2023-06-17
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * overhauled incubator tank controls
    * added Ravish PA
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * added torture PA
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * RECI adoption
    * refsArtifact events
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * added support for mod-added drugs
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * untested support for custom events
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2023-03-12
    * fixes
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2023-03-11
    * Antebellum Revivalism FS added
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * pit revamped
    * reCelebrityDebt event
    * added isVirile() function
    * added isHorny() function (check for sources of constant arousal)
    * added aggrosperm, livestock, and progenitor gene mods
    * added potency genetic quirk
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * added genetic height
    * added genetic breast size
    * vasectomies cut sperm release
    * fixes and code improvements
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2023-01-15
    * Fix issue related to function names not being camalCase.
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2023-01-15
    * Elohiem's webGL art update 10
    * expanded slave combat skill
    * added part-time job support
    * combat skill can be trained part-time in the pit
    * added PA options for training slaves in combat
    * non-slave personal attentions now heavily affected by player age, arousal and hindrances
    * reworked whoring PA to better account for your body and the arcology's tastes
    * added player rest PA
    * NG+ slave retirement improvements (adjusts retirement based off transferred slave age)
    * Deadliness can now be hovered over to see what is contributing to it
    * reproduction formula food now works outside of the Master Suite
    * universal impregnation rules can now manage superfetation
    * clinical pregnancy observation options can now be limited to just high risk pregnancy
    * reDrunkenWoman event
    * Slave shelter now considers more things you can do to a slave
    * startingGirls can now set some genetic quirks
    * bimboScore() now returns an unclamped value for better RA support
    * expanded nameless slave support
    * encyclopedia converted to DOM
    * starting arcology choices can now be rerolled
    * fixes
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2022-10-10
    * fixed major issue
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2022-10-10
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * added player mobility
    * added porn studio for better porn control
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * added new slimness enthusiast food policy
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * overhauled the neighbor FS selection process
    * locate slave improvements
    * removed dTree in favor of lodash and d3
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * fixes
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2022-08-27
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * fixes and code improvements
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2022-08-26
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * added player drugs
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * added player health
    * added Doctor Consultation for all your health and drug needs
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * added player salon
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * genePool player object record
    * Chattel religionist "Holy Nudism" policy
    * chooses own clothing now slightly less restrictive wth Chattel religionist
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * RA simple mode
    * RA can now report which rule made a change
    * New Game++ (Start in new arcology at same week.)
    * Elohiem's webGL art update 9
    * webGL animations
    * added event peFoodplay
    * fixes
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2022-06-09
    * PC endWeek effects added
    * PC diet controls added
    * added event ressGorging
    * womb system optimization
    * fixes
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2022-05-25
    * fixes
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2022-05-22
    * Elohiem's webGL art update 8
    * Fixes
    Blank_Alt's avatar
    Blank_Alt committed
    * New Security Expansion features (boost rep gain and both relationship with the peacekeeper General as an alternative to selling slaves).
    * c-section option available during report birth.
    * Updated slave art.
    * Edo or Chinese revivalist slave's name now follow the surname-name order.
    * Can purchase larger slave capacity slots for some facilities.
    * Move Special Force deployment focuses from AfterActionReport to Firebase.
    * Bodyguard's sword can now reflect some Future Societies.
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2022-03-25
    * added loans
    * age now centered around  an ideal age + policies to manage it
    * fixes
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2022-02-12
    * first stages of a rudimentary modding API
    * physicalDevelopment now applies to a growing PC
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * dairy converted to DOM
    * personal attention applicable to master suite slaves
    * Cosmetic implant surgeries reworked to be more realistic: implant size that can be fit in is dynamically computed based on asset size, players don't need to begin with the smallest size anymore if a bigger fits. Cosmetic implant surgeries now cost a lot more (beware, autosurgery is also affected!) to compensate for achieving the grow targets quickly. Autosurgery can be tuned to use only specific set of implant types and its note in the end week logs became more detailed and visually detectable.
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * fixes
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2022-01-06
    * Sugarcube updated to 2.36.1
    * Added juvenile detention facility market
    * fixes
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2021-10-29
    * player long description added
    * added a number of animal tail/ear/limb prosthetics
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * expanded highlights and other hair accents
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * added several new hairstyles (pixie cut, bob cut, double buns, chignon, french twist, dutch braid, double dutch braid)
    * piercings overhauled
    * added better support for custom piercings
    * added a REFS event for Roman Revivalism
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * added the option to permit multiple random events per week
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * added twilight theme
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * Elohiem's webGL art update 5.1
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * fixes
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2021-09-12
    * fixes
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2021-09-09
    * Event system JS conversion completed
    * Elohiem's webGL art update 5
    * illness overhauled again
    * more pit fight options added
    * added event reSiblingPlease
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * improved support for compound relationships
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2021-08-17
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * Elohiem's webGL art update 4
    * near complete conversion of .tw passages to .js
    * fixes
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2021-07-16
    * final list of events converted to JS
    * fixes
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2021-07-11
    * remaining facilities converted to DOM
    * many more events converted to JS
    * fixes
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2021-07-10
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * Arcade DOM conversion
    * Farmyard DOM conversion
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * Personal attention DOM conversion
    * many events converted to JS
    * fixes
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2021-06-26
    * Implementation of Facility class (technical stuff)
    * further conversion of .tw files to .js
    * fixes
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2021-06-17
    * Universal rule for babies to incubator
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * MOD secExp oceanic battles enabled
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * sellSlave overhauling (discard now works again)
    * fixes
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2021-05-23
    * more fixes
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2021-05-22
    * fixes
    ## - 2021-05-22
    * Base 4.0.0 foundation added
    * Age based player careers implemented (4.0.0)
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * Reminders system improvements
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * Elohiem's webgl art update 2 & 3
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * added new hairstyles (bangs, hime, drills)
    klorpa's avatar
    klorpa committed
    * added slave distribution presets (PLC, Japan/Korea, Caribbean)
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * heavy reconstruction of the event systems
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * REFI conversion complete
    * Cheat mode and debug mode controls for event selection
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * fixes
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * RA UI tweaks
    * tooltips now managed by Tippy
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2021-04-02
    * more surname control universal rules
    * cheat edit slave overhaul
    * fixes
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    ## - 2021-03-20
    * further refinement to Elohiem's openGL renders
    * added lewd crests
    * fixes
    ## - 2021-03-12
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * fixes incubator issues
    ## - 2021-03-12
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * fixes event issues
    * incubator object conversion
    ## - 2021-03-11
    Pregmodder's avatar
    Pregmodder committed
    * more JS conversion
    * fixes
    ## - 2021-03-09
    * added Elohiem's openGL renders
    * added HG abortion permissions
    * raiding, expiration & retirement JS conversions
    * fixes
    ## - 2021-03-02
    * added catmod, a mod that allows you to develop and produce your own catgirls
    * new events
    * completed belly descriptions
    * new one legged shoe descriptions
    * more event conversions
    * fixes
    ## - 2021-01-25
    * sugarcube updated to 2.34.1
    * new clothing vectors for revamped art set
    * new shoe vectors for revamped art set
    * added support for tracking partners
    * cleaned up facility head related tutoring
    * your usual fixes and code improvements
    ## - 2020-12-29
    * added the toy shop (custom sex toy printing)
    * added extreme implant breast shape "spherical"
    * added associated nipple shape "flat" (preventable via piercings and lactation)
    * tweaked NCS hormone balance effects
    * shoes to data
    * buttplugs to data
    * dildos to data
    * more lingering .tw files to DOM
    * SC tweaks to facilitate complete conversion to JS from tweeScript
    * fixes
    ## - 2020-12-22
    * learned how to add vectors
    * fixed nicea event chain
    * fixed issues with the TFS
    * clothing data overhaul
    * description options converted to JS
    * lingering passage .tw files converted to DOM
    * fixes
    ## - 2020-12-13
    ## - 2020-11-06
    * weather updates
    * overhauled smart and dumb vibrators
    * added polyhydramnios, galactorrhea, neoteny and progeria genetic quirks
    * added gumjob trendsetting
    * added support for deep pregnancy editing to cheat edit slave new
    * RA can now be set to only apply once to a slave
    * fixes
    * further code optimization
    ## - 2020-10-04
    * added the ability to favorite slaves
    * more Neo Imp events
    * considerable overhauling of the pit and related code
    * fixes and code improving
    ## - 2020-09-13
    * added Neo Imperialism FS
    * added undercut hairstyle
    * various fixes and code cleaning
    * ongoing major code overhauls
    ## - 2020-08-30
    * added hormone controls to the dairy
    * various fixes and code cleaning
    ## - 2020-08-27
    * revamped tiredness
    * revamped illness
    * Schoolteacher accent affects language teaching
    * various code touch ups
    * fixes
    ## - 2020-08-01
    * SugarCube updated to 2.33.1
    * completion of RECI cleanup
    * fixes
    ## - 2020-07-31
    * added The Utopian Orphanage slave school
    * SugarCube updated to 2.33.0
    ## - 2020-07-30
    * revised mobility tracking
    * overhauled inbreeding effects
    * farmyard development progressed
    * continued code cleanup
    * fixes
    ## - 2020-07-06
    * added hair to the organ farm
    * more code cleanup
    * breast size immobilization floor raised for adult/teen slaves
    * fixes
    ## - 2020-06-16
    * custom hotkeys
    * custom theme support
    * added Uterine Hypersensitivity genetic quirk
    * lactation rules applicable to all slaves
    * major nursery work
    * longSlaveDescription converted to DOM
    * fixes & code improvements
    ## - 2020-06-06
    ## - 2020-05-13
    * browser saving rework
    * split neck accessories into face and neck slots
    * added neckties
    * added tracking for abortions, miscarriages, pit wins and pit losses
    * fixes
    ## - 2020-05-03
    * SugarCube updated to 2.31.1
    * added a python based save editor
    * added incubator upgrade to improve young slave pregnancy adaptation
    * added incubator setting to generate husks for bodyswapping
    * added nipple growth drugs
    * added rabbit, horse, and squirrel tails
    * added rabbit ears
    * added fangs
    * deprecated vanilla relationships (replaced by limit family growth)
    * various fixes and cleaning
    ## - 2020-03-27
    ## - 2020-03-15
    * added Stud subordinate slave role and associated universal impregnation rule
    * arcology layout overhauled
    * fixes
    ## - 2020-03-07
    * added corrective diet
    * food market tweaking
    * restored lost policy effects and text
    * fixes
    * more code improvement
    ## - 2020-03-02
    ## - 2020-03-01
    * added a follow up event to "snatch and grab"
    * assistant code restructuring
    * corrected breast description desyncs
    * continued code DOMifiying
    * fixes
    ## - 2020-02-23
    * tiredness overhauled (temp disabled)
    * illness tweaked
    * slave performance listing
    * debug beauty/FResult listing
    * reminder system
    * engineering & warfare personal attention options
    * RA can now target race for abortion
    * better defined breast and butt implant types
    * porn/ads code optimization
    * arcology structure optimization
    * expanded racial eye, hair and skin color ranges
    * royal blood event can now use real dynasties
    * CSS replacing SC formatting
    * code consolidation
    * major code structure improvements
    * various fixes and balance changes
    ## - 2019-12-26
    ## - 2019-12-25
    * slave health overhaul (short and long term health, exhaustion effects and illness)
    * slave release rules overhaul (better control of who they do in their free time)
    * eye object overhaul
    * organ farm cleanup
    * limb cleaning
    * added overflow feedback to demand
    * added pit assign/remove rules to the RA
    * fixes and cleaning
    ## - 2019-12-11
    * JS'd saGetMilked
    * milk value slightly boosted with repopulation law
    * tweaked femCum output upwards
    ## - 2019-12-10
    * fixed critical error in BC player object conversion
    * temporarily added option to remove accidental dicks from the player to options
    ## - 2019-12-09
    * added slave search feature
    * closed major RA exploit
    * cheat edit player and player testicle enhancement re-enabled
    * slave listing performance improvements
    * fixes and cleaning
    ## - 2019-12-04
    * standardized player and slave objects
    * cheat edit player and player testicle enhancement disabled for cleaning
    * whoring added to citizen satisfaction
    * high class whores can target lower than max classes
    * better defined difficulty (make sure to check that it was converted to desired settings)
    * rule and porn slave variables objectified
    * FS naming is now player selectable instead of a priority
    * minor fixes and JSification
    ## - 2019-11-21
    * added FS Intellectual Dependency
    * added FS Slave Professionalism
    * added FS Statuesque Glorification
    * added FS Petite Admiration
    * minor bug fixes
    * eyes currently in a state of flux
    ## - 2019-11-09
    * SugarCube updated to 2.30.0
    * RA told to start working properly again
    * 3.0.0 work (SP research - Bimbo slave names)
    * various minor fixes and cleaning
    ## - 2019-10-28
    * beta 3.0.0 work (schoolroom remodel)
    * added ability to reject delivered custom slaves without closing the order
    * dairy job requirements adjusted
    * RA label tweaks and fixes
    * fixes
    * saTakeClasses JSification
    ## - 2019-10-15
    * corporation overhauling
    * some minor ui settings
    * fixes and cleaning
    * beta 3.0.0 work
    ## - 2019-10-01
    * amputation rework
    * support for missing eyes
    * added RA controls for birth and abortion tallies
    * fixes and cleaning
    ## - 2019-09-03
    * amputation rework nearing completion
    * tweaks to the RA and facility workers
    * altered gender fund bimbo law (it now focuses on lack of education instead)
    * fixes and cleaning
    ## - 2019-08
    * large update to the nursery beta content
    * fixes and cleaning
    ## - 2019-08
    * secExp refactoring + expansion
    * amputation rework in progress
    * development of FCHost
    ## - 2019-07-31
    * scar system added
    * partial amputation and amp rework underway
    * four wip FSs now neighbor ready
    * player slave impregnation bug fixed
    * fixes and cleaning
    ## - 2019-07-09
    * SugarCube updated to 2.29.0
    * incest toggle added
    * added more watersports content
    * various fixes and cleanings
    ## - 2019-06-27
    ## - 2019-06-17
    ## - 2019-06-14
    * RA refactoring
    * multibranding
    * added support for gloves and arm accessories
    * expanded the traitor event line
    * superfetation tweaks
    * preg analysis can now identify genetic quirks in fetuses
    * enabled weight gain/loss genetic quirks
    * added androgyny genetic quirk
    * fixes
    ## - 2019-05-25
    * unified cybermod with vanilla
    * major pronoun work (99.9% completion)
    * slave assignment links improved
    * facility transfer tab added to facility assignment
    * new slave school specializing in nulled slaves
    * added a drug to force erections
    * aphrodisiacs counter erectile dysfunction
    * added birth tracking tattoo
    * added event to revive FCNN
    * added upgrade to gene lab allowing further genetic quirk detection and control
    * dwarfism and gigantism genetic quirks added
    * added genetic muscle gain and loss
    * added dick and testicle branding
    * fixed branding
    * breast implants now impact milk production based on % implant
    * many new names added to lacking name pools
    * restored chem summary to the clinic
    * fixes
    ## - 2019-04-17
    ## - 2019-04-15
    * converted saWhore to js
    * added rules summary to the RA
    * fixes
    ## - 2019-04-14
    ## - 2019-04-13
    ## - 2019-04-12
    * fixed issues with salon skin treatments
    * fixed inflation errors
    ## - 2019-04-11
    * major fixes to slave skills (BC required)
    ## - 2019-04-09
    * Arcade overhauled
    * population now affects demand
    * added superfetation genetic quirk
    * added rear lipedema genetic quirk (constant ass growth)
    * many new names and nicknames
    * player can now be impregnated during the futanari sister orgy
    * added tracking for futanari sister impregnation
    * player medicine and trading skill now more useful
    * easier to passively gain slaving skill
    * artificial eyes better managed
    * tweaks to FCTV
    * added overalls outfit
    * UI changes
    * slave data structural changes
    * tanning and skin color tweaks
    * fixes
    * code cleaning
    ## - 2019-03-15
    * fixes
    * code cleaning
    * CSS tweaks to intro summary
    ## - 2019-03-13
    * fixes
    * code cleaning
    * player engineering skill now functional
    ## - 2019-03-11
    * fixes
    * CSS tweaks
    * body modification reactions expanded
    ## - 2019-03-10
    ## - 2019-03-09
    * overhauled chastity
    * overhauled reputation tracking
    * reputation is now harder to build the higher it gets
    * ear shaping surgeries
    * horn implant surgeries
    * tail socket cybernetics port and tails
    * taste and smell senses
    * fertility diet no longer blocked by chastity
    * RA can now apply contraceptives to postpartum slaves
    * RA can now manage basic abortions
    * added abortion tracking tattoos
    * added bulk incubator retrieval
    * added "albinism", "heterochromia", "pFace" and "uFace" genetic traits
    * added sexy Santa outfit
    * watersports is now toggleable
    * added option for force surname-name on all slaves
    * fixes
    * various code cleaning
    ## - 2019-02-08
    ## - 2019-02-06
    * fixes
    * nox/deepmurk vector art now reflects basic height
    ## - 2019-02-04
    * fixes
    * penthouse milkers upgrade now only milks
    * "well hung" can now apply to female slave development
    * more code cleaning
    ## - 2019-02-02
    ## - 2019-02-01
    * added ear surgery (elf)
    * groundwork for multiple marriage
    * fixes and cleaning
    ## - 2019-01-29
    ## - 2019-01-28
    * core SugarCube changes (now built from source)
    ## - 2019-01-28
    ## - 2019-01-26
    * corporation overhauled
    * more farmyard development
    * food resource and management (optional)
    * fixes
    ## - 2019-01-23
    ## - 2019-01-21
    * fixes
    * sufficiently grown babies may survive slave bursting
    * more budget fixes to seeUnit and pPeaceKeepersDeficit
    * overhauled budget tracking
    * embedded vector art now handled in JS
    * fixes
    ## - 2019-01-16
    ## - 2019-01-13
    * fixes
    * belly implant microfilter can be installed anally
    * cleaning
    ## - 2019-01-12
    * fixes
    * improved RA accent handling
    * backend code work
    ## - 2019-01-11
    * now with even more fixes and cleaning
    * tweaked preg biometrics to require ovaries of some sort
    ## - 2019-01-09
    ## - 2019-01-08
    ## - 2019-01-05
    DCoded's avatar
    DCoded committed
    * more cleaning
    * `!` appears when you can upgrade an FS now too
    ## - 2019-01-03
    ## - 2019-01-02
    ## - 2019-01-01
    * fixed cloning
    * added an ovary implant to boost fertility
    * added an ovary implant to that doubles ovulation
    * added an ovary implant that forces asexual reproduction
    * resetting a slave in starting girls no longer wipes origins
    * various code clean up
    * fixes
    ## - 2018-12-28
    * sent cloning back to cheatmode for more testing
    * fixes
    ## - 2018-12-27
    ## - 2018-12-23
    * Sugarcube updated to 2.28.2
    * cellblock, schoolroom and master suite now have added ways to maintain natural lactation
    * fixes
    * code cleaning
    ## - 2018-12-21