6.85 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Application for "normalizing" SVGs
These problems are addressed:
* Inkscape notoriously copies class styles into the object definitions.
* Inkscape uses labels on layers. Layers are basically named groups.
Inkscape does not sync the group id with the layer label.
Usage Example:
python3 vector_source.svg
import re
import sys
import lxml.etree as etree
color_classes = {
'skin', 'head', 'torso', 'boob', 'penis', 'scrotum', 'belly', 'areola', 'bellybutton', 'labia', 'hair',
'pubic_hair', 'armpit_hair', 'eyebrow_hair', 'shoe', 'shoe_shadow', 'smart_piercing', 'steel_piercing',
'steel_chastity', 'outfit_base', 'gag', 'shadow', 'glasses', 'eye', 'sclera',
'white', 'skin', 'skin_highlight', 'skin_shade', 'skin_strong_highlight', 'skin_strong_shade', 'arm',
'arm_highlight', 'arm_shade', 'head', 'head_highlight', 'head_shade', 'torso', 'torso_highlight',
'torso_shade', 'boob', 'boob_highlight', 'boob_shade', 'penis', 'penis_highlight', 'penis_shade',
'scrotum', 'scrotum_highlight', 'scrotum_shade', 'belly', 'belly_highlight', 'belly_shade', 'neck',
'neck_highlight', 'neck_shade', 'legs', 'legs_highlight', 'legs_shade', 'butt', 'butt_highlight',
'butt_shade', 'feet', 'feet_highlight', 'feet_shade', 'areola', 'labia', 'hair', 'shoe_shadow',
'smart_piercing', 'steel_piercing', 'steel_chastity', 'gag', 'shadow', 'glasses', 'lips', 'eyeball',
'iris', 'highlight1', 'highlight2', 'highlight3', 'highlightStrong', 'armpit_hair', 'pubic_hair',
'muscle_tone', 'belly_details', 'shoe_primary', 'shoe_primary_highlight', 'shoe_primary_shade',
'shoe_accent', 'shoe_accent_highlight', 'shoe_accent_shade', 'top_primary', 'top_primary_highlight',
'top_primary_shade', 'top_accent', 'top_accent_highlight', 'top_accent_shade', 'bottoms_primary',
'bottoms_primary_highlight', 'bottoms_primary_shade', 'bottoms_accent', 'bottoms_accent_highlight',
'bottoms_accent_shade', 'bra_primary', 'bra_primary_highlight', 'bra_primary_shade', 'bra_accent',
'bra_accent_highlight', 'bra_accent_shade', 'bra_strap1', 'bra_strap2', 'bra_strap3', 'shirt_center1',
'shirt_center2', 'shirt_center3', 'panties_primary', 'panties_primary_highlight', 'panties_primary_shade',
'panties_accent', 'panties_accent_highlight', 'panties_accent_shade', 'stockings_primary',
'stockings_accent', 'top_primary_strong_highlight', 'top_primary_strong_shade',
'top_accent_strong_highlight', 'top_accent_strong_shade', 'bottoms_primary_strong_highlight',
'bottoms_primary_strong_shade', 'bottoms_accent_strong_highlight', 'bottoms_accent_strong_shade',
'bellymask_1', 'bellymask_2', 'bellymask_3', 'bellymask_4', 'bellymask_5', 'bellymask_6', 'bellymask_7',
'bellymask_8', 'bellymask_9', 'bellymask_normal', 'bellymask_hourglass', 'bellymask_unnatural', "feet_nails"
def fix(tree):
# know namespaces
ns = {
'svg': '',
'inkscape': ''
# find document global style definition
# mangle it and interpret as python dictionary
style_element = tree.find('./svg:style', namespaces=ns)
style_definitions = style_element.text
pythonic_style_definitions = '{' + style_definitions. \
replace('\t.', '"').replace('{', '":"').replace('}', '",'). \
replace('/*', '#') + '}'
styles = eval(pythonic_style_definitions)
# go through all SVG elements
for elem in tree.iter():
if elem.tag == etree.QName(ns['svg'], 'g'):
# compare inkscape label with group element ID
lbl = elem.get(etree.QName(ns['inkscape'], 'label'))
if lbl:
i = elem.get('id')
if i != lbl:
print("Overwriting ID %s with Label %s..." % (i, lbl))
elem.set('id', lbl)
# clean styles (for easier manual merging)
style_string = elem.get('style')
if style_string:
split_styles = style_string.strip('; ').split(';')
styles_pairs = [s.strip('; ').split(':') for s in split_styles]
filtered_pairs = [(k, v) for k, v in styles_pairs if not (
k.startswith('font-') or
k.startswith('text-') or
k.endswith('-spacing') or
k in ["line-height", " direction", " writing", " baseline-shift", " white-space", " writing-mode"]
split_styles = [':'.join(p) for p in filtered_pairs]
style_string = ';'.join(sorted(split_styles))
elem.attrib["style"] = style_string
# remove all style attributes offending class styles
s = elem.get('style')
c = elem.get('class')
if c and s:
if 'i' in locals():
s = s.lower()
c = c.split(' ')[0] # regard main style only
classes = c.split(' ')
has_color_class = any(x in color_classes for x in classes)
if has_color_class:
s_new = re.sub('fill:#[0-9a-f]+;?', '', s)
if s != s_new:
print("Explicit fill was removed from style string ({0}) for element with ID {1} "
"because its class ({2}) controls the fill color".format(s, i, c))
s = s_new
if s == 'style=""': # the style is empty now
del elem.attrib["style"]
cs = ''
if c in styles:
cs = styles[c].strip('; ').lower()
if c not in styles:
print("Object id %s references unknown style class %s." % (i, c))
if cs != s.strip('; '):
print("Style %s removed from object id %s differed from class %s style %s." % (s, i, c, cs))
del elem.attrib["style"]
print('--------------------------- i not defined - propably a clip-path with a style ---------------------------')
print("Element tag: ".format(elem.tag))
print("Element style: ".format(s))
print("Element class: ".format(c))
print(etree.tostring(elem, pretty_print=True))
print('--------------------------- i not defined - propably a clip-path with a style ---------------------------')
# remove explicit fill color if element class is one of the color_classes
if __name__ == "__main__":
input_file = sys.argv[1]
tree = etree.parse(input_file)
# store SVG into file (input file is overwritten)
svg = etree.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True)
with open(input_file, 'wb') as f:
f.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>\n'.encode("utf-8"))