Invest in better equipment for your drones to increase their battle effectiveness.
Invest in better equipment for your drones to increase their battle effectiveness.
<br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(($secBotsUpgradeCost * $secBots.maxTroops) + 1000)>> and will increase attack and defense value of the unit by 15% for every upgrade.//
<br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(($secBotsUpgradeCost * $secBots.maxTroops) + 1000)>> and will increase attack and defense value of the unit by 15% for every upgrade.//
<br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(($equipUpgradeCost * $mercUnits[$targetIndex].maxTroops) + 5000)>> and will slightly increase the base stats of the unit.//
<br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(($equipUpgradeCost * $mercUnits[$targetIndex].maxTroops) + 5000)>> and will slightly increase the base stats of the unit.//
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ The singular solution to the two problems is obvious. It's equally obvious that
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ The singular solution to the two problems is obvious. It's equally obvious that
Understanding that the general needs to couch the situation in a way he can justify in public, and perhaps in a way he can justify to himself, you offer to house the prisoners on a contract basis, with immediate payment to the general so he can meet his forces' immediate needs. Naturally, the prisoners will be kept busy while you keep them; menial labor seems appropriate. It's unlikely that the situation will ever stabilize to the point where they can be released, so for safety, they should all be detained indefinitely. And of course, each prisoner's individual detention will be available for resale. Just like any other slave's.
Understanding that the general needs to couch the situation in a way he can justify in public, and perhaps in a way he can justify to himself, you offer to house the prisoners on a contract basis, with immediate payment to the general so he can meet his forces' immediate needs. Naturally, the prisoners will be kept busy while you keep them; menial labor seems appropriate. It's unlikely that the situation will ever stabilize to the point where they can be released, so for safety, they should all be detained indefinitely. And of course, each prisoner's individual detention will be available for resale. Just like any other slave's.
The general is unable to keep from smiling slightly when he hears that you understand perfectly and are willing and able to assist. There's some bitterness there, but not much. The two of you adjust the terms. The new menial slaves will be delivered immediately, several hundred of them; the general prefers to have this be a one-time transfer. After all, having an ongoing prisoner pipeline between his prisoner pens and the Free City might draw unwanted political attention. For now, he has the funds he needs, not to mention an empty prison camp.
The general is unable to keep from smiling slightly when he hears that you understand perfectly and are willing and able to assist. There's some bitterness there, but not much. The two of you adjust the terms. The new menial slaves will be delivered immediately, several hundred of them; the general prefers to have this be a one-time transfer. After all, having an ongoing prisoner pipeline between his prisoner pens and the Free City might draw unwanted political attention. For now, he has the funds he needs, not to mention an empty prison camp.