App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("p",frag,`When civilization turned upon itself, some countries readily took to enslaving their own. Others were raided by their neighbors for their desirable, and profitable, citizens. Which nationalities were most affected by the booming slave trade, and thus, likely to appear in your local slave markets?`);
App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("p",frag,`When civilization turned upon itself, some countries readily took to enslaving their own. Others were raided by their neighbors for their desirable, and profitable, citizens. Which nationalities were most affected by the booming slave trade, and thus, likely to appear in your local slave markets?`);
App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("p",frag,`+ to increase pop. – to reduce pop. 0 to remove entirely`,"bold");
App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("p",frag,`+ to increase pop. – to reduce pop. 0 to remove entirely`,"bold");