r.push(`With all your discounts factored in you got a <span class="yellowgreen">${(500-V.discount)/5}%</span> discount`);
r.push(`You spent <span class="yellowgreen">${cashFormat(V.spent)}</span> on your new slaves.<br><br>`);
r.push(`You spent <span class="yellowgreen">${cashFormat(V.spent)}</span> on your new slaves.`);
r.push(`Your new pair of slaves look frightened and uncertain, but seem encouraged by each other's presence.`);
r.push(`They arrive hand-in-hand and don't let go of each other until the end of the enslavement process, and even after they break their grip and undress at your instruction, their eyes never stray far from each other. With a closer look at them, their blood relation is as obvious as their infatuation with one another. No wonder they couldn't keep it a secret.`);
r.push(`This is placeholder event info.`);
/* remove the below line to make the intro blurb show up for every slave, not just the first */
You have cast such a wide net for slaves this week that all are more expensive than normal.
<<elseif _seed > 0>>
You have cast such a wide net for slaves this week that some (_seed) are more expensive than normal.
<<if $market.slaveMarket == "TFS">>
/* Put line about The Futanari Sisters discount & pricing */
<<elseif $discount == 475>>
Your bulk delivery came with a @@.yellowgreen;5%@@ discount.
With all your discounts factored in you got a @@.yellowgreen;<<print (500-$discount)/5>>%@@ discount;
You spent @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat($spent)>>@@ on your new slaves.<br><br>
<<case "inStock">>
You clear out <<= App.Markets.marketName($market.slaveMarket, $market.numArcology)>> of its stock of $market.newSlaves.length slaves.
<<if $market.slaveMarket == "TFS">>
/* Put line about The Futanari Sisters discount & pricing */
<<elseif $discount == 475>>
Your bulk delivery came with a @@.yellowgreen;5%@@ discount.
With all your discounts factored in you got a @@.yellowgreen;<<print (500-$discount)/5>>%@@ discount;
You spent @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat($spent)>>@@ on your new slaves.<br><br>
<<case "liquidator">>
<p>Your new pair of slaves look frightened and uncertain, but seem encouraged by each other's presence.</p>
<<case "egyptian">>
<p>They arrive hand-in-hand and don't let go of each other until the end of the enslavement process, and even after they break their grip and undress at your instruction, their eyes never stray far from each other. With a closer look at them, their blood relation is as obvious as their infatuation with one another. No wonder they couldn't keep it a secret.</p>
<<case "event">>
This is placeholder event info.
/* remove the below line to make the intro blurb show up for every slave, not just the first */