The ominous message dominates the screens of your office. <<print $assistantName>> quickly gathers all information available to prepare your arcology for battle.
@@ -78,33 +77,31 @@ The ominous message dominates the screens of your office. <<print $assistantName
Some of your citizens, terrified by the mass of slaves assaulting, killing and butchering their fellow citizens, were gathering near the entrance of your penthouse. In the end it happened, the slaves dared attack their betters
It seems your troops and your adversary will fight
<<if $battleTerrain == "urban">>
in @@.yellow;the streets of the arcology.@@
in <strong>the streets of the arcology.</strong>
<<elseif $battleTerrain == "rural">>
in @@.yellow;the rural land@@ surrounding the free city.
in <strong>the rural land</strong> surrounding the free city.
<<elseif $battleTerrain == "hills">>
on @@.yellow;the hills@@ around the free city.
on <strong>the hills</strong> around the free city.
<<elseif $battleTerrain == "sea">>
in @@.yellow;the sea@@ surrounding the city.
in <strong>the sea</strong> surrounding the city.
<<elseif $battleTerrain == "coast">>
along @@.yellow;the coast@@ just outside the free city.
along <strong>the coast</strong> just outside the free city.
<<elseif $battleterrain == "outskirts">>
right against @@.yellow;the walls of the arcology.@@
right against <strong>the walls of the arcology.</strong>
<<elseif $battleTerrain == "mountains">>
in @@.yellow;the mountains@@ overlooking the arcology.
in <strong>the mountains</strong> overlooking the arcology.
<<elseif $battleTerrain == "wasteland">>
in @@.yellow;the wastelands@@ outside the free city territory.
in <strong>the wastelands</strong> outside the free city territory.
Your sophisticated virtual simulations and advanced recon drones allows you to accurately predict the numbers you're about to face. <<print $assistantName>> sends you the data: approximately @@.yellow;<<print Math.round($attackTroops * (1 + random(-1,1) * 0.1))>> men@@ are coming.
Your sophisticated virtual simulations and advanced recon drones allows you to accurately predict the numbers you're about to face. <<print $assistantName>> sends you the data: approximately <strong><<print Math.round($attackTroops * (1 + random(-1,1) * 0.1))>> men</strong> are coming.
<<elseif $perimeterDrones ==1>>
Thanks to your drones you have a rough estimate of the numbers you're about to face. <<print $assistantName>> sends you the data: around @@.yellow;<<print Math.round($attackTroops * (1 + random(-3,3) * 0.1))>> men@@ are coming
Thanks to your drones you have a rough estimate of the numbers you're about to face. <<print $assistantName>> sends you the data: around <strong><<print Math.round($attackTroops * (1 + random(-3,3) * 0.1))>> men</strong> are coming
Unfortunately you have no good information on what is coming your way, the confused reports of your citizens gives you only a vague number. @@.yellow;<<print $assistantName>> sends you the data: around <<print Math.round($attackTroops * (1 + random(-5,5) * 0.1))>> men@@ are coming.
Unfortunately you have no good information on what is coming your way, the confused reports of your citizens gives you only a vague number. <<print $assistantName>> sends you the data: around <strong><<print Math.round($attackTroops * (1 + random(-5,5) * 0.1))>> men</strong> are coming.
@@.yellow;poorly armed@@: old rusty small arms are the norm with just a few barely working civilian vehicles.
<<elseif $expectedEquip == 1>>
@@.yellow;lightly armed@@: mostly small arms with some repurposed civilian vehicles and a scattered few machine guns. There's no sign of heavy vehicles, artillery or aircrafts.
<<elseif $expectedEquip == 2>>
@@.yellow;decently armed@@: good quality small arms, machine guns a few mortars. There seems to be some heavy military vehicles coming as well.
<<elseif $expectedEquip == 3>>
@@.yellow;well armed@@: high quality small arms, snipers, demolitions teams, heavy duty machine guns and mortars. Heavy military vehicles are numerous and a few artillery piecies are accompaning the detachment.
<<elseif $expectedEquip == 4>>
extremely well armed: excellent small arms and specialized teams with heavy duty infantry support weapons. Heavy presence of armored military vehicles, artillery pieces and even some attack helicopters.
<<if $battleTerrain == "sea">>
<<if $expectedEquip == 0>>
<strong>;poorly armed</strong>: small rusty civilian ships armed with whatever could be salvaged.
<<elseif $expectedEquip == 1>>
<strong>;lightly armed</strong>: mostly unarmed civilian ships with a few small military boats with decent armaments.
<<elseif $expectedEquip == 2>>
<strong>;decently armed</strong>: a small fleet of salvaged military ships. Most small in size and firepower, with a few exceptions.
<<elseif $expectedEquip == 3>>
<strong>;well armed</strong>: a good assortment of military ships with good armament and some menacing heavy ships fitting a few powerful pieces of naval artillery.
<<elseif $expectedEquip == 4>>
extremely well armed: a majestic fleet filled with well armed ships, with heavy artillery present in high numbers. It seems even an old salvaged carrier is joining the attack.
<<if $expectedEquip == 0>>
<strong>;poorly armed</strong>: old rusty small arms are the norm with just a few barely working civilian vehicles.
<<elseif $expectedEquip == 1>>
<strong>;lightly armed</strong>: mostly small arms with some repurposed civilian vehicles and a scattered few machine guns. There's no sign of heavy vehicles, artillery or aircrafts.
<<elseif $expectedEquip == 2>>
<strong>;decently armed</strong>: good quality small arms, machine guns a few mortars. There seems to be some heavy military vehicles coming as well.
<<elseif $expectedEquip == 3>>
<strong>;well armed</strong>: high quality small arms, snipers, demolitions teams, heavy duty machine guns and mortars. Heavy military vehicles are numerous and a few artillery piecies are accompaning the detachment.
<<elseif $expectedEquip == 4>>
extremely well armed: excellent small arms and specialized teams with heavy duty infantry support weapons. Heavy presence of armored military vehicles, artillery pieces and even some attack helicopters.
You quickly lay down a plan of action:
@@ -143,34 +153,33 @@ You quickly lay down a plan of action:
/* leader assignment */
<span id="leader"><strong>$assistantName</strong></span> will lead your troops.
<span id="leader"><strong><<print $assistantName>></strong></span> will lead your troops.
@@ -216,7 +225,7 @@ You quickly lay down a plan of action:
/* troop deployment */
With your current readiness level you can still send <span id="deploUni"><strong>$deployableUnits</strong></span>. Available units:
With your current readiness level you can <<if $deployedUnits > 0>>still<</if>> send <span id="deploUni"><strong><<print $deployableUnits>></strong></span>. Available units:
<<set _mL = $militiaUnits.length>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _mL; _i++>>
@@ -232,13 +241,13 @@ With your current readiness level you can still send <span id="deploUni"><strong