Most slaveowners in the Free Cities are male. The preexisting power structures of the old world have mostly migrated to the new, and it can often be very hard to be a free woman in the Free Cities. Some manage to make their way, but in many arcologies, men are the owners, and women are the owned. You'll cut a striking figure as the owner and leader of your arcology, but
[[Smoked|PC Body Intro][$PC.refreshmentType = 0]] | [[Drank|PC Body Intro][$PC.refreshmentType = 1]] | [[Eaten|PC Body Intro][$PC.refreshmentType = 2]] | [[Snorted|PC Body Intro][$PC.refreshmentType = 3]] | [[Injected|PC Body Intro][$PC.refreshmentType = 4]] | [[Popped|PC Body Intro][$PC.refreshmentType = 5]] | [[Orally Dissolved|PC Body Intro][$PC.refreshmentType = 6]]
<div class="indent note">
Flavor only; no mechanical effect. If entering a custom refreshment, please assign proper usage.
<<if $PC.refreshmentType == 0>>"Smoke" must fit into the following sentence: "I smoked a $PC.refreshment" to fit events properly
<<elseif $PC.refreshmentType == 5>>"Popped" must fit into the following sentence: "I shook the bottle of $PC.refreshment" to fit events properly
<<elseif $PC.refreshmentType == 6>>"Orally Dissolved" must fit into the following sentence: "I placed a tab of $PC.refreshment under my tongue" to fit events properly
<<if $PC.vagina != -1>>
[[Confirm player character customization|PC Preg Intro]]
[[Confirm player character customization|PC Appearance Intro]]