Its compliance systems have been upgraded to allow slaves no mental respite, painstakingly correcting the tiniest misbehaviors to soften flaws into quirks at the cost of considerable anguish to inmates denied any rest from correction.
Its compliance systems have been upgraded to allow slaves no mental respite, painstakingly correcting the tiniest misbehaviors to soften flaws into quirks at the cost of considerable anguish to inmates denied any rest from correction.
Its compliance systems are standard. [[Upgrade them to soften slave flaws|Cellblock][cashX(forceNeg(_Tmult1), "capEx"), $cellblockUpgrade = 1], $ += 0.1, $PC.hacking += 0.1] //Costs <<print cashFormat(_Tmult1)>>//
Its compliance systems are standard. [[Upgrade them to soften slave flaws|Cellblock][cashX(forceNeg(_Tmult1), "capEx"), $cellblockUpgrade = 1, $ += 0.1, $PC.hacking += 0.1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(_Tmult1)>>//