r.push(`${He} seems totally concentrated on obedience: the constant discomfort often has the effect of forcing a slave to marshal all ${his} mental faculties in the service of pain avoidance.`);
r.push(`${He} seems totally concentrated on obedience: the constant discomfort often has the effect of forcing a slave to marshal all ${his} mental faculties in the service of pain avoidance.`);
r.push(`${His} responses to your routine questions are so mechanical and honest that you make an impromptu confession of it. You require ${him} to tell the full tale of all ${his} minor infractions against the rules, and even order ${him} to confess ${his} resistant thoughts to you as well. Past the ability to resist, ${he} pours out a stream of ${his} inner fears, hopes, and feelings about ${his} life as a sex slave.`);
r.push(`${His} responses to your routine questions are so mechanical and honest that you make an impromptu confession of it. You require ${him} to tell the full tale of all ${his} minor infractions against the rules, and even order ${him} to confess ${his} resistant thoughts to you as well. Past the ability to resist, ${he} pours out a stream of ${his} inner fears, hopes, and feelings about ${his} life as a sex slave.`);
r.push(`form into the shower, wash ${him}, and apply curatives, <span class="health dec">though ${he}'s still quite injured.</span> ${He} wakes to find ${himself} curled up in your lap, and ${he} stiffens for a brief moment before <span class="devotion inc">relaxing against your chest,</span> weeping softly.`);
r.push(`form into the shower, wash ${him}, and apply curatives, <span class="health dec">though ${he}'s still quite injured.</span> ${He} wakes to find ${himself} curled up in your lap, and ${he} stiffens for a brief moment before <span class="devotion inc">relaxing against your chest,</span> weeping softly.`);
if ((eventSlave.fetish!=="submissive")&&(random(1,100)>50)){
if (eventSlave.fetish!=="submissive"&&fetishChangeChance(eventSlave)>random(1,100)){
r.push(`up ${his} loosened ass. ${He} <span class="devotion inc">does ${his} best</span> to relax and resumes,`,Spoken(eventSlave,`"Oh ${Master}..."`));
r.push(`up ${his} loosened ass. ${He} <span class="devotion inc">does ${his} best</span> to relax and resumes,`,Spoken(eventSlave,`"Oh ${Master}..."`));
if ((eventSlave.fetish!=="humiliation")&&(random(1,100)>50)){
if (eventSlave.fetish!=="humiliation"&&fetishChangeChance(eventSlave)>random(1,100)){
r.push(`${He} has come to associate <span class="fetish gain">humiliation</span> with sexual fulfillment.`);
r.push(`${He} has come to associate <span class="fetish gain">humiliation</span> with sexual fulfillment.`);