<br><<link "Organize a televised demonstration of $his skills.">>
<<replace "#result2">>
You are so impressed by $his ideas that you arrange to have $him demonstrate $his discoveries on a prominent FCTV talkshow. It will take some time, and you'll have to insure that $he's at least reasonably well known before the show's executives will agree to allow $him on-air, but you're certain that $activeSlave.slaveName's name will soon be on the lips of pregnancy-loving slave owners and Free Cities citizens around the world. In the meantime, you implement her ideas around the arcology. $He is @@.hotpink;thrilled@@ to have pleased you so much that you would @@.mediumaquamarine;put such faith in $his ideas.@@
<br><<link "Organize a televised demonstration of $his skills.">>
<<replace "#result2">>
You are so impressed by $his ideas that you arrange to have $him demonstrate $his discoveries on a prominent FCTV talkshow. It will take some time, and you'll have to insure that $he's at least reasonably well known before the show's executives will agree to allow $him on-air, but you're certain that $activeSlave.slaveName's name will soon be on the lips of pregnancy-loving slave owners and Free Cities citizens around the world. In the meantime, you implement her ideas around the arcology. $He is @@.hotpink;thrilled@@ to have pleased you so much that you would @@.mediumaquamarine;put such faith in $his ideas.@@
<br><<link "Organize a televised demonstration of $his skills.">>
<<replace "#result2">>
You are so impressed by $his ideas that you arrange to have $him demonstrate $his discoveries on a prominent FCTV talkshow. It will take some time, and you'll have to insure that $he's at least reasonably well known before the show's executives will agree to allow $him on-air, but you're certain that $activeSlave.slaveName's name will soon be on the lips of pregnancy-loving slave owners and Free Cities citizens around the world. In the meantime, you implement her ideas around the arcology. $He is @@.hotpink;thrilled@@ to have pleased you so much that you would @@.mediumaquamarine;put such faith in $his ideas.@@