Cum diet's 'fetish reveal' effects and report text triggering where it shouldn't for devotion>20
Playing on mod version 3.9.5. Noticed it when the same sentence cropped up all over the weekly assignment report after I accidentally changed all my slaves' diet base.
Offending code from saDiet.js:
The highlighted else block's comment, report text, and effects all imply an unknown, preexisting cumslut fetish being revealed, but it also executes for any devotion>20, non-nympho, non-cumslut slave on a cum-added/based diet.
While looking through every occurrence of "dietcum" and "cumdiet" in the /src folder, I noticed a couple odd things, though they might be intended:
- The encyclopedia says cum diets can advance the cumslut fetish, but the only code I found where cum diet modified fetish strength was within fattening and restrictive diets (saDiets.js near lines 180 and 380), and only for devotion <= 20. Slaves either above 20 devotion or not on one of those two diets get no fetish increase from it. Encyclopedia's technically correct, it's just odd to me.
- The highlighted block covers up a gap where otherwise most slaves above 20 devotion would be entirely unaffected by cum diets - no stat changes or report text, they'd be skipped aside from the chance to switch fetishes. Personally, I'd think a cum-based diet is at least worth a line in the weekly report, even if only for ... flavor.