It's behind female hormones > 350 for the highest level. I think the 18 yo cutoff for hormone effects is to prevent potentially nasty interactions between the hormone change code and growth/puberty code.
No, increaseWetness(slave) is another function, it called only on a birthday until they are 18yo. It's like a natural increase during the growth. But for some reason it checks for male hormones (-200 Heavily masculine for the best result and if u have more than 20 u get nothing at all).
This one does seem to be backwards...looks like more masculine slaves have higher chances to increase wetness during physical development, across the board.
I've being looking for a way to increase vaginaLube without the cheats for 16yo, but it looks almost impossible for some reason.
Hormones effects are ignored as I mentioned here #3821 so it's a no go
My aphrodisiacs are already upgraded and I can't reverse the upgrade, so it's a no go too.
Pregnancy has some checks too, but I don't want to make them pregnant.
Natural aging has some options for wetness increase, but for some reason they're locked behind male hormones. U may say "just use male hormones then", but it will bring very bad results in other growth areas such as face and stuff.
...and I don't see anything else. Am I missing something? Is really impossible to increase vaginaLube before they turn 18yo and hormones effects will start working?
Can we get some easier options for increasing wetness? Some drug or something.
As I work through the player endWeek report, a means to increase player vaginal wetness will need to be decided on.
As it stands, I'm leaning towards high .energy having a chance to increase it if you are in good health. I'll backport it to slaves afterwards if I'm satisfied with it.
I think if you give them uterine hypersensitivity there is a random check against hormone levels, that doesn't rely on age and also doesn't rely on pregnancy. It's around line 75864 in the code.
I swear, if you tell me you also don't want to mess with their genetics while getting this effect I will scream.
Nope, they already have uterine hypersensitivity mod, but it doesn't help. It should help with the chances, but the whole code doesn't work if they are younger than 18yo or if u have aphrodisiacs upgrade.
I don't see anything at line 75864, do u check it in the master build or release?
That's only for arcologyAgent job and I don't really know what it does and how to unlock it. From what it looks like u need to start rivalry with another arcology and then u will be able to send agent there.
And while the slave has that agent job they have some different checks