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Merged Frankly George requested to merge franklygeorge/fc-pregmod:GenePoolState into pregmod-master

This is my work on #5383. It should be ready for merging.


  • Fixed formatting (mostly) and type defs in src/js/ibcJS.js
  • Added App.Entity.GenePoolRecord and FC.GenePoolRecord
    • HumanState now extends GenePoolRecord
  • Added V.genePoolDefaults which gets set to new App.Entity.GenePoolRecord()
    • This is used as a stable base to cull all unchanged values from GenePoolRecords before adding them to V.genePool
  • Converted V.genePool from an array to an object, where the key is a slave ID and the value is a partial GenePoolRecord object
  • Set V.genePool to be read only
    • ESLint/TSC will complain if you try to add or remove from it directly
  • Added new functions for handling of the gene pool:
    • getGenePoolRecord(HumanState or SlaveID)
      • used to get a record from the gene pool.
      • will return undefined if no record exists for the given HumanState/ID
      • what it does
        • gets a clone of the partial GenePoolRecord from V.genePool
        • fills in missing values with the defaults from V.genePoolDefaults
        • fills in missing values from new App.Entity.GenePoolRecord() in case something has been added
        • returns the complete GenePoolRecord
    • isInGenePool(HumanState or SlaveID)
      • returns true if the record exists
    • addToGenePool(HumanState)
      • adds the given HumanState to the gene pool; this will throw an error if a record already exist for the HumanState
      • what it does
        • takes the given HumanState and clones it
        • takes the cloned HumanState and culls it down to a valid GenePoolRecord
        • takes that GenePoolRecord and culls it of all values that haven't changed compared to V.genePoolDefaults
        • adds the partial GenePoolRecord to V.genePool
    • deleteGenePoolRecord(HumanState, force: boolean)
      • removes the record from the gene pool; by default this will keep records that are still needed
    • App.Verify.I.genePool()
      • removes unneeded gene pool records
      • runs all gene pool records through the patch system as PlayerState or SlaveState
        • stores the result in a list
      • sets V.genePoolDefaults to new App.Entity.GenePoolRecord()
      • goes through the stored list and adds each one back into the gene pool
      • this should ensure that the gene pool records structure stays up to date while keeping the actual values the same as they were
    • getAllSlaves()
      • return: V.slaves, V.cribs, V.incubator.tanks, and all four detached slaves (if they exist)
    • getAllHumans()
      • this is kinda a placeholder for if we add CitizenState
      • currently returns getAllSlaves() + V.PC
  • Fixed typo in App.Verify.I.playerPhysical() that was calling App.Verify.I.humanHealth() instead of App.Verify.I.humanPhysical()
  • Fixed App.Entity.CustomSlaveOrder.releaseID being set to 0
  • getRelative() returns immediately if ID = 0
  • findFather() now uses the new getAllHumans() if the faster checks fail
  • generateSlaveID() now gets the slaveIDs for all objects from the following: getAllSlaves(), V.genePool, and V.missingTable
    • it also doesn't skip every other number now
  • Moved InfantState.js and ChildState.js to the same directory as the other state files /src/js/states
  • Renamed all of the state files to ensure compile order
    • I needed to do this to get InfantState.js and ChildState.js below SlaveState.js
    • Not that important at the moment, but if we end up adding new states that depend on other states having them sorted will be helpful

By culling all unneeded and unchanged keys we will save a lot of storage for large arcologies

Will close #5383

Long term goals

  • Replace App.UI.editGenetics with App.UI.Cheat.cheatEditActor


  • write a patch
    • set V.genePoolDefaults to a static copy of App.Entity.GenePoolRecord
    • move V.genePool from an array to an object
    • run all the old genePool objects through addToGenePool() and then add them to the new gene pool
  • write App.Verify.I.genePool()
    • go through each record and remove it if it is no longer valid
    • basically deleteGenePoolRecord() but for the whole pool
    • link the new validation function into the validation system
  • test
    • figure out why V.IDNumber is not being filtered in App.Verify.Utils.verify()
    • gene pool record for -1 goes missing during patching or verification, gets put back when App.Verify.gameVariables() gets called at the end of App.Verify.everything()
    • make sure App.UI.SlaveInteract.slaveSlaveSwap works correctly
    • I am almost positive that I broke the genetics editor. So test the hell out of it
    • New Game Plus
Edited by Frankly George

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