I ran into this issue on an arcology where it was both Intellectual Dependency and Gender Fundamentalist with Bimbo Law such that receiving bimbo miseducation actually lowered perceived beauty. Checking the code, it looks like there was a TODO there. It looks like there was a Math.abs on miseducation such that even having negative education made the bimbo law give a deduction. I assume the original intent may have been that even miseducation counts as "education", but I'd have to disagree with that, so putting this forward. It doesn't make sense to me that an education specifically designed to bimbofy would be at odds with a bimbo law. I didn't want to create any "double-dipping" and make things go the other way by giving a bonus twice, so to speak, so instead of moving the negative intelligenceImplant to a positive bonus for this (which is already granted by Intellectual Dependency) I just changed it so the check for passing the law is 0 or less, instead of exactly 0, and changed the labels around.
I hope it's OK to submit changes like this even without being a top contributor. I think it makes sense, but please review.