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  • #!/usr/bin/env python3
    # Note: this script can be used to host a small, local web server using bottle
    # that can be used for testing.
    # It'll use gevent if you have that installed; otherwise it'll default to
    # bottle's built-in development server.
        from gevent import monkey; monkey.patch_all()
        gevent_available = True
    except ImportError:
        gevent_available = False
    from bottle import get, post, request, response, redirect, route, run, static_file
    import os
    import os.path as osp
    def redir_index():
        return redirect('/index.html')
    # Bottle should do this automatically, but it doesn't for some reason
    ext_mimetypes = {
        '.png': 'image/png',
        '.jpg': 'image/jpeg',
        '.gif': 'image/gif',
        '.css': 'text/css',
        '.js': 'text/javascript',
        '.html': 'text/html',
        '.xml': 'application/xml'
    def statics(filename):
        ext = osp.splitext(filename)[-1]
            mimetype = ext_mimetypes[ext]
        except KeyError:
            mimetype = 'text/plain'
        return static_file(filename, root=os.getcwd(), mimetype=mimetype)
    if gevent_available:
        server = 'gevent'
        server = None
    run(host=host, port=port, server=server)