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/* Epilogue UI elements */
$epilogueScreen = $('#epilogue-screen');

$epiloguePrevButton = $('#epilogue-prev-button');
$epilogueNextButton = $('#epilogue-next-button');
$epilogueResetButton = $('#epilogue-restart-button');
$epiloguePrevOnImage = $('#epilogue-prev-on-image');
$epilogueNextOnImage = $('#epilogue-next-on-image');

/* Epilogue selection modal elements */
$epilogueSelectionModal = $('#epilogue-modal'); //the modal box
$epilogueHeader = $('#epilogue-header-text'); //the header text for the epilogue selection box
$epilogueList = $('#epilogue-list'); //the list of epilogues
$epilogueAcceptButton = $('#epilogue-modal-accept-button'); //click this button to go with the chosen ending

var textBoxDivName = "#epilogueDivBox";

var epilogueSelections = []; //references to the epilogue selection UI elements

var winStr = "You've won the game, and possibly made some friends. Who among these players did you become close with?"; //Winning the game, with endings available
var winStrNone = "You've won the game, and possibly made some friends? Unfortunately, none of your competitors are ready for a friend like you.<br>(None of the characters you played with have an ending written.)"; //Player won the game, but none of the characters have an ending written
var lossStr = "Well you lost. And you didn't manage to make any new friends. But you saw some people strip down and show off, and isn't that what life is all about?<br>(You may only view an ending when you win.)"; //Player lost the game. Currently no support for ending scenes when other players win

/* NPC chosen for epilogue */
var epilogueCharacter = -1; //the character whose epilogue is playing
var epilogueScreen = 0; //screen in the epilogue
var epilogueTextCount = 0; //current latest text box in the current screen of the epilogue

var epilogues = []; //list of epilogue data objects
var chosenEpilogue = null;

var openEpilogueTextBoxes = []; //currently open text boxes on the Epilogue screen

 * Return the numerical part of a string s. E.g. "20%" -> 20

function getNumericalPart(s){
	return parseFloat(s); //apparently I don't actually need to remove the % (or anything else) from the string before I do the conversion

 * Return the approriate left: setting so that a text box of the specified width is centred
 * Assumes a % width
function getCenteredPosition(width){
	var w = getNumericalPart(width); //numerical value of the width
	var left = 50 - (w/2); //centre of the text box is at the 50% position
	return left + "%";

 * Load the Epilogue data for a character
function loadEpilogueData(player){
    if (!players[player]) {
        return [];
	var xml = players[player].xml;
	if (!xml) {return [];} //return an empty list if a character doesn't have an XML variable. (Most likely because they're the player.)
	var playerGender = players[HUMAN_PLAYER].gender;
	//get the XML tree that relates to the epilogue, for the specific player gender
	//var epXML = $($.parseXML(xml)).find('epilogue[gender="'+playerGender+'"]'); //use parseXML() so that <image> tags come through properly //IE doesn't like this
	var epilogues = [];
	$(xml).find('epilogue[gender="'+playerGender+'"],epilogue[gender="any"]').each(function() {
		//use parseXML() so that <image> tags come through properly
		//not using parseXML() because internet explorer doesn't like it
		var epilogueTitle = $(this).find("title").html().trim();
		var screens = []; //the list of screens for the epilogue
		$(this).find("screen").each(function() {
			var image = players[player].folder + $(this).attr("img").trim(); //get the full path for the screen's image
			//use an attribute rather than a tag because IE doesn't like parsing XML
			//get the information for all the text boxes
			var textBoxes = [];
			$(this).find("text").each(function() {
				//the text box's position and width
				var x = $(this).find("x").html().trim();
				var y = $(this).find("y").html().trim();
				var w = $(this).find("width").html();
				var a = $(this).find("arrow").html();
				//the width component is optional. Use a default of 20%.
				if (w) {
					w = w.trim();
				if (!w || (w.length <= 0)) {
					w = "20%"; //default to text boxes having a width of 20%
				//dialogue bubble arrow
				if (a) {
					a = a.trim().toLowerCase();
					if (a.length >= 1) {
						a = "arrow-" + a; //class name for the different arrows. Only use if the writer specified something.
				} else {
					a = "";
				//automatically centre the text box, if the writer wants that.
				if (x.toLowerCase() == "centered") {
					x = getCenteredPosition(w);
				var text = $(this).find("content").html().trim(); //the actual content of the text box
				textBoxes.push({x:x, y:y, width:w, arrow:a, text:text}); //add a textBox object to the list of textBoxes
			screens.push({image:image, textBoxes:textBoxes}); //add a screen object to the list of screens
		if (screens.length > 0) { //if there isn't any epilogue data, don't do anything
			var epilogue = {player:player,title:epilogueTitle,screens:screens}; //epilogue object
	return epilogues;

 * Draw Epilogue Text Box num for the current screen
function drawEpilogueBox(num){
	if (num <= openEpilogueTextBoxes.length - 1) return; //have already drawn this box, so don't do anything
	var boxDivName = textBoxDivName+num;
	var screenData = chosenEpilogue.screens[epilogueScreen];
	var boxData = screenData.textBoxes[num];
	//make new div element
	var newEpilogueDiv = $(document.createElement('div')).attr('id', boxDivName);
	//allow the writer to use ~name~ to refer to the player
	var content = boxData.text.replace([NAME], [players[HUMAN_PLAYER].label]);
	//add the contents of the text box
	var dialogueID = 'epilogue-dialogue-'+num;
					'<div id="epilogue-bubble-'+num+'" class="bordered dialogue-bubble-area modal-dialogue">' +
						'<div class="dialogue-area">' +
							'<span id="'+dialogueID+'" class="dialogue-bubble">'+content+'</span>'+
						'</div>' +
	//use css to position the text box
	newEpilogueDiv.css('position', "absolute");
	newEpilogueDiv.css('left', boxData.x);
	newEpilogueDiv.css('top', boxData.y);
	newEpilogueDiv.css('width', boxData.width);
	//attach new div element to screen
	//keep track of the open Epilogue Text Boxes, so they can be removed later

 * Draw all Epilogue Text Boxes from 0 to num for the current screen
function drawEpilogueBoxesTo(num){
	//the existing text boxes are [0, openEpilogueTextBoxes.length - 1], inclusive
	//if there's too many, close the extra ones
	while (openEpilogueTextBoxes.length - 1 > num){
		var textBox = openEpilogueTextBoxes.pop();
	//if there's not enough boxes open, make the required ones
	for (var i = openEpilogueTextBoxes.length; i <= num; i++){

 * Clear any Epilogue Text Boxes
function clearEpilogueBoxes(){
	while (openEpilogueTextBoxes.length > 0){
		var textBox = openEpilogueTextBoxes.pop();

 * Add the epilogue to the Epilogue modal

function addEpilogueEntry(epilogue){
	var num = epilogues.length; //index number of the new epilogue
	var player = players[epilogue.player]
	var nameStr = player.first+" "+player.last;
	if (player.first.length <= 0 || player.last.length <= 0){
		nameStr = player.first+player.last; //only use a space if they have both first and last names
	var epilogueTitle = nameStr+": "+epilogue.title;
	var idName = 'epilogue-option-'+num;
	var clickAction = "selectEpilogue("+num+")";
	var htmlStr = '<li id="'+idName+'" class="epilogue-entry"><button onclick="'+clickAction+'">'+epilogueTitle+'</button></li>';

 * Clear the Epilogue modal

function clearEpilogueList(){
	epilogues = [];
	epilogueSelections = [];

 * The user has clicked on a button to choose a particular Epilogue

function selectEpilogue(epNumber){
	chosenEpilogue = epilogues[epNumber]; //select the chosen epilogues
	epilogueCharacter = chosenEpilogue.player;
	for (var i = 0; i < epilogues.length; i++){
		epilogueSelections[i].removeClass("active"); //make sure no other epilogue is selected
	epilogueSelections[epNumber].addClass("active"); //mark the selected epilogue as selected
	$epilogueAcceptButton.prop("disabled", false); //allow the player to accept the epilogue

 * Show the modal for the player to choose an Epilogue, or restart the game.
function doEpilogueModal(){
	clearEpilogueList(); //remove any already loaded epilogues
	chosenEpilogue = null; //reset any currently-chosen epilogue
	$epilogueAcceptButton.prop("disabled", true); //don't let the player accept an epilogue until they've chosen one
	//identify the winning player
	var winner = -1;
	for (var i = 0; i < players.length; i++){
		if (players[i] && !players[i].out){
			winner = i;
	//whether or not the human player won
	var playerWon = (winner == HUMAN_PLAYER);
	if (playerWon) { //all the epilogues are for when the player wins, so don't allow them to choose one if they lost
		//load the epilogue data for each player
		for (var i = 0; i < players.length; i++){
			var playerIEpilogues = loadEpilogueData(i);
			for (var j = 0; j < playerIEpilogues.length; j++){
	//are there any epilogues available for the player to see?
	var haveEpilogues = (epilogues.length >= 1); //whether or not there are any epilogues available
	$epilogueAcceptButton.css("visibility", haveEpilogues ? "visible" : "hidden");

	//decide which header string to show the player. This describes the situation.
	var headerStr = '';
	if (playerWon){
		headerStr = winStr; //player won, and there are epilogues available
		if (!haveEpilogues){
			headerStr = winStrNone; //player won, but none of the NPCs have epilogues
	} else {
		headerStr = lossStr; //player lost
	$epilogueHeader.html(headerStr); //set the header string
	$epilogueSelectionModal.modal("show");//show the epilogue selection modal

 * Start the Epilogue
function doEpilogue(){
	//just in case, clear any open text boxes
	epilogueScreen = 0; //reset epilogue position in case a previous epilogue played before this one
	epilogueText = 0;
	progressEpilogue(0); //initialise buttons and text boxes
	screenTransition($titleScreen, $epilogueScreen); //currently transitioning from title screen, because this is for testing

 * Move the Epilogue forwards and backwards.

function progressEpilogue(direction){
	//direction should be +1 to move to the next line, -1 to go to the previous line
	var screens = chosenEpilogue.screens; //the epilogue being shown
	var fullOpacity = 1;
	var disabledOpacity = 0.4;
	epilogueTextCount += direction;
	if (epilogueTextCount < 0){ //moving back, possibly to the previous screen
		if (epilogueScreen < 0){ //not actually changing screen
			epilogueScreen = 0;
			epilogueTextCount = 0; //if already on the first screen, stay at the first position
		} else {
			epilogueTextCount = screens[epilogueScreen].textBoxes.length - 1; //set text box count to the final box in the new current screen
	} else if (epilogueTextCount >= screens[epilogueScreen].textBoxes.length){ //moving forwards, possibly to the next screen
		if (epilogueScreen >= screens.length){ //not actually changing screen
			epilogueScreen = screens.length - 1;
			epilogueTextCount = screens[epilogueScreen].textBoxes.length - 1;
		} else {
			epilogueTextCount = 0;
	drawEpilogueBoxesTo(epilogueTextCount); //actually draw the text boxes
	var screen = screens[epilogueScreen]; //the current screen, after the next/prev button is pressed
	var atFirst = (epilogueScreen <= 0) && (epilogueTextCount <= 0); //at the first position. disable the "previous" button
	var atLast  = (epilogueScreen >= screens.length - 1) && (epilogueTextCount >= screen.textBoxes.length - 1); //at the last position. disable the "next" button and enable the "restart" button
	//set previous/next/restart buttons properly
	$epiloguePrevButton.prop("disabled", atFirst);
	$epilogueNextButton.prop("disabled",  atLast);
	$epilogueResetButton.prop("disabled", !atLast);
    $epiloguePrevOnImage.prop("disabled", atFirst);
    $epilogueNextOnImage.prop("disabled", atLast);
	$epiloguePrevButton.css("opacity", atFirst ? disabledOpacity : fullOpacity);
	$epilogueNextButton.css("opacity", atLast  ? disabledOpacity : fullOpacity);
	$epilogueResetButton.css("visibility", atLast ? "visible" : "hidden");
	//set the background image
	var imageString = "url("+ screen.image + ")";
	//console.log("setting image string to: "+imageString);
	$epilogueScreen.css('background-image', imageString);