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spniSelect.js 49.5 KiB
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 This file contains the variables and functions that form the select screens of
 the game. The parsing functions for the opponent.xml file.

 *****               Opponent & Group Specification               *****
 * Stores meta information about opponents.
function createNewOpponent (id, enabled, first, last, label, image, gender,
                            height, source, artist, writer, description,
                            ending, layers, release, tags) {
	var newOpponentObject = {id:id,
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                             release:parseInt(release, 10) || Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY};
	return newOpponentObject;

 * Stores meta information about groups.
function createNewGroup (title, opponents) {
	var newGroupObject = {title:title,
	return newGroupObject;
 *****                  Select Screen UI Elements                 *****
/* main select screen */
$selectTable = $("#select-table");
$selectBubbles = [$("#select-bubble-1"),
$selectDialogues = [$("#select-dialogue-1"),
$selectAdvanceButtons = [$("#select-advance-button-1"),
$selectImages = [$("#select-image-1"),
$selectLabels = [$("#select-name-label-1"),
$selectButtons = [$("#select-slot-button-1"),
$selectMainButton = $("#main-select-button");
Joseph Kantel's avatar
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$selectRandomButtons = [$("#select-random-button"), $("#select-random-female-button"), $("#select-random-male-button")];
$selectRemoveAllButton = $("#select-remove-all-button");
/* individual select screen */
$individualSelectTable = $("#individual-select-table");
$individualNameLabels = [$("#individual-name-label-1"), $("#individual-name-label-2"), $("#individual-name-label-3"), $("#individual-name-label-4")];
$individualPrefersLabels = [$("#individual-prefers-label-1"), $("#individual-prefers-label-2"), $("#individual-prefers-label-3"), $("#individual-prefers-label-4")];
$individualSexLabels = [$("#individual-sex-label-1"), $("#individual-sex-label-2"), $("#individual-sex-label-3"), $("#individual-sex-label-4")];
$individualHeightLabels = [$("#individual-height-label-1"), $("#individual-height-label-2"), $("#individual-height-label-3"), $("#individual-height-label-4")];
$individualSourceLabels = [$("#individual-source-label-1"), $("#individual-source-label-2"), $("#individual-source-label-3"), $("#individual-source-label-4")];
$individualWriterLabels = [$("#individual-writer-label-1"), $("#individual-writer-label-2"), $("#individual-writer-label-3"), $("#individual-writer-label-4")];
$individualArtistLabels = [$("#individual-artist-label-1"), $("#individual-artist-label-2"), $("#individual-artist-label-3"), $("#individual-artist-label-4")];
$individualCountBoxes = [$("#individual-counts-1"), $("#individual-counts-2"), $("#individual-counts-3"), $("#individual-counts-4")];
$individualLineCountLabels = [$("#individual-line-count-label-1"), $("#individual-line-count-label-2"), $("#individual-line-count-label-3"), $("#individual-line-count-label-4")];
$individualPoseCountLabels = [$("#individual-pose-count-label-1"), $("#individual-pose-count-label-2"), $("#individual-pose-count-label-3"), $("#individual-pose-count-label-4")];
$individualDescriptionLabels = [$("#individual-description-label-1"), $("#individual-description-label-2"), $("#individual-description-label-3"), $("#individual-description-label-4")];
$individualBadges = [$("#individual-badge-1"), $("#individual-badge-2"), $("#individual-badge-3"), $("#individual-badge-4")];
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$individualLayers = [$("#individual-layer-1"), $("#individual-layer-2"), $("#individual-layer-3"), $("#individual-layer-4")];

$individualImages = [$("#individual-image-1"), $("#individual-image-2"), $("#individual-image-3"), $("#individual-image-4")];
$individualButtons = [$("#individual-button-1"), $("#individual-button-2"), $("#individual-button-3"), $("#individual-button-4")];

$individualPageIndicator = $("#individual-page-indicator");
$individualMaxPageIndicator = $("#individual-max-page-indicator");

$individualCreditsButton = $('#individual-credits-button');
/* group select screen */
$groupSelectTable = $("#group-select-table");
$groupSwitchTestingButton = $("#group-switch-testing-button");
$groupNameLabels = [$("#group-name-label-1"), $("#group-name-label-2"), $("#group-name-label-3"), $("#group-name-label-4")];
$groupPrefersLabels = [$("#group-prefers-label-1"), $("#group-prefers-label-2"), $("#group-prefers-label-3"), $("#group-prefers-label-4")];
$groupSexLabels = [$("#group-sex-label-1"), $("#group-sex-label-2"), $("#group-sex-label-3"), $("#group-sex-label-4")];
$groupHeightLabels = [$("#group-height-label-1"), $("#group-height-label-2"), $("#group-height-label-3"), $("#group-height-label-4")];
$groupSourceLabels = [$("#group-source-label-1"), $("#group-source-label-2"), $("#group-source-label-3"), $("#group-source-label-4")];
$groupWriterLabels = [$("#group-writer-label-1"), $("#group-writer-label-2"), $("#group-writer-label-3"), $("#group-writer-label-4")];
$groupArtistLabels = [$("#group-artist-label-1"), $("#group-artist-label-2"), $("#group-artist-label-3"), $("#group-artist-label-4")];
$groupCountBoxes = [$("#group-counts-1"), $("#group-counts-2"), $("#group-counts-3"), $("#group-counts-4")];
$groupLineCountLabels = [$("#group-line-count-label-1"), $("#group-line-count-label-2"), $("#group-line-count-label-3"), $("#group-line-count-label-4")];
$groupPoseCountLabels = [$("#group-pose-count-label-1"), $("#group-pose-count-label-2"), $("#group-pose-count-label-3"), $("#group-pose-count-label-4")];
$groupDescriptionLabels = [$("#group-description-label-1"), $("#group-description-label-2"), $("#group-description-label-3"), $("#group-description-label-4")];
$groupBadges = [$("#group-badge-1"), $("#group-badge-2"), $("#group-badge-3"), $("#group-badge-4")];
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$groupLayers = [$("#group-layer-1"), $("#group-layer-2"), $("#group-layer-3"), $("#group-layer-4")];

$groupImages = [$("#group-image-1"), $("#group-image-2"), $("#group-image-3"), $("#group-image-4")];
$groupNameLabel = $("#group-name-label");
$groupButton = $("#group-button");

$groupPageIndicator = $("#group-page-indicator");
$groupMaxPageIndicator = $("#group-max-page-indicator");

$groupCreditsButton = $('#group-credits-button');
$searchName = $("#search-name");
$searchSource = $("#search-source");
$searchTag = $("#search-tag");
$searchGenderOptions = [$("#search-gender-1"), $("#search-gender-2"), $("#search-gender-3")];

$sortingOptionsItems = $(".sort-dropdown-options li");
$groupSearchGroupName = $("#group-search-group-name");
$groupSearchName = $("#group-search-name");
$groupSearchSource = $("#group-search-source");
$groupSearchTag = $("#group-search-tag");
$groupSearchGenderOptions = [$("#group-search-gender-1"), $("#group-search-gender-2"), $("#group-search-gender-3"), $("#group-search-gender-4")];

 *****                  Select Screen Variables                   *****

/* hidden variables */
var mainSelectHidden = false;
var singleSelectHidden = false;
var groupSelectHidden = false;

/* opponent listing file */
var listingFile = "opponents/listing.xml";
var metaFile = "meta.xml";

/* opponent information storage */
var loadedOpponents = [];
var selectableOpponents = loadedOpponents;
var hiddenOpponents = [];
var loadedGroups = [[], []];
var selectableGroups = [loadedGroups[0], loadedGroups[1]];

/* page variables */
var groupSelectScreen = 0;
var individualPage = 0;
var groupPage = [0, 0];
var chosenGender = -1;
var chosenGroupGender = -1;
var sortingMode = "Featured";
var sortingOptionsMap = {
    "Newest" : sortOpponentsByMultipleFields("-release"),
    "Oldest" : sortOpponentsByMultipleFields("release"),
    "Most Layers" : sortOpponentsByMultipleFields("-layers"),
    "Fewest Layers" : sortOpponentsByMultipleFields("layers"),
    "Name (A-Z)" : sortOpponentsByMultipleFields("first", "last"),
    "Name (Z-A)" : sortOpponentsByMultipleFields("-first", "-last"),
var individualCreditsShown = false;
var groupCreditsShown = false;

/* consistence variables */
var selectedSlot = 0;
var individualSlot = 0;
var shownIndividuals = Array(4);
var shownGroup = Array(4);
var randomLock = false;
 *****                    Start Up Functions                      *****
 * Loads all of the content required to display the title
 * screen.
function loadSelectScreen () {

 * Loads and parses the main opponent listing file.
function loadListingFile () {
	/* clear the previous meta information */
	var outstandingLoads = 0;
	var onComplete = function() {
		if (--outstandingLoads == 0) {
			/* Remove any slots that failed to load */
			loadedOpponents = loadedOpponents.filter(function(x) { return x !== null; });
			selectableOpponents = loadedOpponents.slice();

	/* grab and parse the opponent listing file */
        type: "GET",
		url: listingFile,
		dataType: "text",
		success: function(xml) {
			/* start by parsing and loading the individual listings */
            var oppDefaultIndex = 0; // keep track of an opponent's default placement
			$individualListings = $xml.find('individuals');
			$individualListings.find('opponent').each(function () {
                if ($(this).attr('status') === undefined || includedOpponentStatuses[$(this).attr('status')]) {
                    var id = $(this).text();
                    console.log("Reading \""+id+"\" from listing file");
                    loadOpponentMeta(id, loadedOpponents, oppDefaultIndex++, onComplete);
			/* end by parsing and loading the group listings */
			$groupListings = $xml.find('groups');
			$groupListings.find('group').each(function () {
				var title = $(this).attr('title');
				var opp1 = $(this).attr('opp1');
				var opp2 = $(this).attr('opp2');
				var opp3 = $(this).attr('opp3');
				var opp4 = $(this).attr('opp4');
				var newGroup = createNewGroup(title, [opp1, opp2, opp3, opp4]);
				outstandingLoads += 4;
				loadGroupMeta($(this).attr('testing') ? 1 : 0, newGroup, onComplete);
* Loads the meta information for an entire group.
function loadGroupMeta (groupSelectScreen, group, onComplete) {
 /* parse the individual information of each group member */

 for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
   loadOpponentMeta(group.opponents[i], group.opponents, i, onComplete);

 * Loads and parses the meta XML file of an opponent.
function loadOpponentMeta (id, targetArray, index, onComplete) {
	/* grab and parse the opponent meta file */
        type: "GET",
		url: 'opponents/' + id + '/' + metaFile,
		dataType: "text",
		success: function(xml) {
			/* grab all the info for this listing */
			var enabled = $xml.find('enabled').text();
			var first = $xml.find('first').text();
			var last = $xml.find('last').text();
			var label = $xml.find('label').text();
			var pic = $xml.find('pic').text();
			var gender = $xml.find('gender').text();
			var height = $xml.find('height').text();
			var from = $xml.find('from').text();
			var artist = $xml.find('artist').text();
			var writer = $xml.find('writer').text();
			var description = $xml.find('description').text();
            var ending = $xml.find('has_ending').text() === "true";
            var layers = $xml.find('layers').text();
            var release = $xml.find('release').text();
			var tags = $xml.find('tags').children().map(function() { return $(this).text(); }).get();
			var opponent = createNewOpponent(id, enabled, first, last,
                                             label, pic, gender, height, from,
                                             artist, writer, description,
                                             ending, layers, release, tags);
			/* add the opponent to the list */
            if (index !== undefined) {
                // enforces opponent default order according to listing file
                // (instead of order being determined by when the AJAX call completes)
                targetArray[index] = opponent;
      		error: function(err) {
				console.log("Failed reading \""+id+"\"");
      			if (index !== undefined) {
 * Loads opponents onto the individual select screen based
 * on the currently selected page.
function updateIndividualSelectScreen () {
	/* safety wrap around */
	if (individualPage < 0) {
		/* wrap to last page */
		individualPage = Math.ceil(selectableOpponents.length/4)-1;
	/* keep track of how many opponents were on this screen */
	var empty = 0;
    /* create and load all of the individual opponents */
	for (var i = individualPage*4; i < (individualPage+1)*4; i++) {
		var index = i - individualPage*4;

		if (i < selectableOpponents.length) {
			shownIndividuals[index] = selectableOpponents[i];
			$individualNameLabels[index].html(selectableOpponents[i].first + " " + selectableOpponents[i].last);
            if (selectableOpponents[i].ending) {
            else {
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            $individualLayers[index].attr("src", "img/layers" + selectableOpponents[i].layers + ".png");
			$individualImages[index].attr('src', selectableOpponents[i].folder + selectableOpponents[i].image);
			if (selectableOpponents[i].enabled == "true") {
				$individualButtons[index].html('Select Opponent');
				$individualButtons[index].attr('disabled', false);
			} else {
				$individualButtons[index].html('Coming Soon');
				$individualButtons[index].attr('disabled', true);
		} else {
            $individualCountBoxes[index].css("visibility", "hidden");
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			$individualButtons[index].attr('disabled', true);
	/* reload if the page is empty */
	if (empty == 4 && individualPage != 0) {
		individualPage = 0;

 * Loads opponents onto the group select screen based on the
 * currently selected page.
function updateGroupSelectScreen () {
	/* safety wrap around */
  if (groupPage[groupSelectScreen] < 0) {
		/* wrap to last page */
		groupPage[groupSelectScreen] = (selectableGroups[groupSelectScreen].length)-1;
	} else if (groupPage[groupSelectScreen] > selectableGroups[groupSelectScreen].length-1) {
		/* wrap to the first page */
		groupPage[groupSelectScreen] = 0;
    $groupMaxPageIndicator.html("of "+selectableGroups[groupSelectScreen].length);
    /* create and load all of the individual opponents */
	$groupButton.attr('disabled', false);
	for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		var opponent = selectableGroups[groupSelectScreen].length > 0 ?
            selectableGroups[groupSelectScreen][groupPage[groupSelectScreen]].opponents[i] :

		if (opponent) {
			shownGroup[i] = opponent;
			$groupNameLabels[i].html(opponent.first + " " + opponent.last);
            if (opponent.ending) {
            else {
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Joseph Kantel committed
            $groupLayers[i].attr("src", "img/layers" + opponent.layers + ".png");
			$groupImages[i].attr('src', opponent.folder + opponent.image);
Joseph Kantel's avatar
Joseph Kantel committed
			$groupButton.attr('disabled', true);
    if (selectableGroups[groupSelectScreen].length == 0) {
        $groupNameLabel.html("(No matches)");
    } else {

 *****                   Interaction Functions                    *****

 * The player clicked the advance dialogue button on the main
 * select screen.
function advanceSelectDialogue (slot) {
    /* update dialogue */
    /* determine if the advance dialogue button should be shown */
    if (players[slot].state.length > players[slot].current+1) {
        $selectAdvanceButtons[slot-1].css({opacity : 1});
    } else {
        $selectAdvanceButtons[slot-1].css({opacity : 0});
    /* direct the dialogue bubble */
    if (players[slot].state[players[slot].current].direction) {
		$selectBubbles[slot-1].addClass("dialogue-bubble dialogue-"+players[slot].state[players[slot].current].direction);
	} else {
		$selectBubbles[slot-1].addClass("dialogue-bubble dialogue-centre");
    /* update image */
    $selectImages[slot-1].attr('src', players[slot].folder + players[slot].state[players[slot].current].image);

 * Filters the list of selectable opponents based on those
 * already selected and performs search and sort logic.
function updateSelectableOpponents(autoclear) {
    var name = $searchName.val().toLowerCase();
    var source = $searchSource.val().toLowerCase();
    var tag = $searchTag.val().toLowerCase();

    // reset filters
    selectableOpponents = [];

    // search for matches
    for (var i = 0; i < loadedOpponents.length; i++) {
            && loadedOpponents[i].label.toLowerCase().indexOf(name) < 0
            && loadedOpponents[i].first.toLowerCase().indexOf(name) < 0
            && loadedOpponents[i].last.toLowerCase().indexOf(name) < 0) {
        if (source && loadedOpponents[i].source.toLowerCase().indexOf(source) < 0) {
        if (tag) {
            if (!loadedOpponents[i].tags || !loadedOpponents[i].tags.some(function(t) {
                return t.toLowerCase().indexOf(tag) >= 0;
            })) {

        // filter by gender
        if (chosenGender == 2 && loadedOpponents[i].gender !== eGender.MALE) {
        else if (chosenGender == 3 && loadedOpponents[i].gender !== eGender.FEMALE) {

        selectableOpponents.push(loadedOpponents[i]); // opponents will be in featured order

    /* hide selected opponents */
    for (var i = 1; i < players.length; i++) {
        if (players[i]) {
            /* find this opponent's placement in the selectable opponents */
            for (var j = 0; j < selectableOpponents.length; j++) {
                if (selectableOpponents[j].folder == players[i].folder) {
                    /* this is a selected player */
                    selectableOpponents.splice(j, 1);

    // If a unique match was made, automatically clear the search so
    // another opponent can be found more quickly.
    if (autoclear && (name != null || source != null) && selectableOpponents.length == 0) {

    /* sort opponents */
    // Since selectableOpponents is always reloaded here with featured order,
    // check if a different sorting mode is selected, and if yes, sort it.
    if (sortingOptionsMap.hasOwnProperty(sortingMode)) {

    /* update max page indicator */
    $individualMaxPageIndicator.html("of "+Math.ceil(selectableOpponents.length/4));
 * The player clicked on an opponent slot.
function selectOpponentSlot (slot) {
    if (!players[slot]) {
        /* add a new opponent */
        selectedSlot = slot;
		/* update the list of selectable opponents based on those that are already selected, search, and sort options */
		/* reload selection screen */
        /* switch screens */
		screenTransition($selectScreen, $individualSelectScreen);
    } else {
        /* remove the opponent that's there */

 * The player clicked on the Preset Tables or Testing Tables button.
function clickedSelectGroupButton (screen) {
	/* switch screens */
	screenTransition($selectScreen, $groupSelectScreen);

 * The player clicked on the Preset Tables or Testing Tables 
 * button from within the table select screen.
function switchSelectGroupScreen (screen) {
    if (screen !== undefined) {
        groupSelectScreen = screen;
    } else {
        groupSelectScreen = 1 - groupSelectScreen;
    if (groupSelectScreen == 1) {
        $groupSwitchTestingButton.html("Preset Tables");
    } else {
        $groupSwitchTestingButton.html("Testing Tables");
 * Filters the list of selectable opponents based on those
 * already selected and performs search and sort logic.
function updateSelectableGroups(screen) {
    var groupname = $groupSearchGroupName.val().toLowerCase();
    var name = $groupSearchName.val().toLowerCase();
    var source = $groupSearchSource.val().toLowerCase();
    var tag = $groupSearchTag.val().toLowerCase();
    // reset filters
    selectableGroups[screen] = loadedGroups[screen].filter(function(group) {
        if (!group.opponents.some(function(opp) { return opp; })) return false;

        if (groupname && group.title.toLowerCase().indexOf(groupname) < 0) return false;

        if (name && !group.opponents.some(function(opp) {
            return opp.label.toLowerCase().indexOf(name) >= 0
                || opp.first.toLowerCase().indexOf(name) >= 0
                || opp.last.toLowerCase().indexOf(name) >= 0;
        })) return false;

        if (source && !group.opponents.some(function(opp) {
            return opp.source.toLowerCase().indexOf(source) >= 0;
        })) return false;

        if ((chosenGroupGender == 2 || chosenGroupGender == 3)
            && !group.opponents.every(function(opp) {
                return opp.gender == (chosenGroupGender == 2 ? eGender.MALE : eGender.FEMALE);
            })) return false;

        if (chosenGroupGender == 4
            && !(group.opponents.some(function(opp) { return opp.gender == eGender.MALE; })
                 && group.opponents.some(function(opp) { return opp.gender == eGender.FEMALE; })))
            return false;

        return true;
 * The player clicked on the select random group slot.
function clickedRandomGroupButton () {
	selectedSlot = 1;
    for (var i = 1; i < players.length; i++) {
        players[i] = null;
	/* get a random number for the group listings */
  var randomGroupNumber = getRandomNumber(0, loadedGroups[0].length);

	/* load the corresponding group */
	loadBehaviour(loadedGroups[0][randomGroupNumber].opponents[0].id, updateRandomSelection);
	loadBehaviour(loadedGroups[0][randomGroupNumber].opponents[1].id, updateRandomSelection);
	loadBehaviour(loadedGroups[0][randomGroupNumber].opponents[2].id, updateRandomSelection);
	loadBehaviour(loadedGroups[0][randomGroupNumber].opponents[3].id, updateRandomSelection);

 * The player clicked on the all random button.
function clickedRandomFillButton (predicate) {
	/* compose a copy of the loaded opponents list */
	var loadedOpponentsCopy = [];
	/* only add non-selected opponents from the list */
	for (var i = 0; i < loadedOpponents.length; i++) {
		/* check to see if this opponent is selected */
		var position = -1;
		for (var j = 1; j < players.length; j++) {
			if (players[j] && loadedOpponents[i].folder == players[j].folder) {
				/* this opponent is loaded */
				position = j;
		if (position == -1) {
			if(predicate) {
				if(predicate(loadedOpponents[i])) {
			} else {
	/* select random opponents */
	for (var i = 1; i < players.length; i++) {
		/* if slot is empty */
		if (!players[i]) {
			/* select random opponent */
			var randomOpponent = getRandomNumber(0, loadedOpponentsCopy.length);
			/* load opponent */
			loadBehaviour(loadedOpponentsCopy[randomOpponent].id, updateRandomSelection);
			/* remove random opponent from copy list */
			loadedOpponentsCopy.splice(randomOpponent, 1);

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 * The player clicked on the remove all button.
function clickedRemoveAllButton ()
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    for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
        players[i] = null;

 * The player clicked on a change stats card button on the
 * individual select screen.
function changeIndividualStats (target) {
    for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
        for (var j = 1; j < 4; j++) {
            if (j != target) {
            else {
    individualCreditsShown = (target == 2); // true when Credits button is clicked

 * The player clicked the select opponent button on the
 * individual select screen.
function selectIndividualOpponent (slot) {
    /* move the stored player into the selected slot and update visuals */
	individualSlot = slot;
	loadBehaviour(shownIndividuals[slot-1].id, individualScreenCallback, 0);

 * This is the callback for the individual select screen.
function individualScreenCallback (playerObject, slot) {
    players[selectedSlot] = playerObject;
    players[selectedSlot].current = 0;
	/* switch screens */
	screenTransition($individualSelectScreen, $selectScreen);

 * The player is changing the page on the individual screen.
function changeIndividualPage (skip, page) {
    if (skip) {
        if (page == -1) {
            /* go to first page */
            individualPage = 0;
        } else if (page == 1) {
            /* go to last page */
            individualPage = Math.ceil(selectableOpponents.length/4)-1;
        } else {
            /* go to selected page */
            individualPage = Number($individualPageIndicator.val()) - 1;
    } else {
        individualPage += page;

 * The player clicked on a change stats card button on the
 * group select screen.
function changeGroupStats (target) {
    for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
        for (var j = 1; j < 4; j++) {
            if (j != target) {
            else {
    groupCreditsShown = (target == 2); // true when Credits button is clicked

 * The player clicked the select opponent button on the
 * group select screen.
function selectGroup () {
    /* clear the selection screen */
	for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
		players[i] = null;
	/* load the group members */
	for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        if (selectableGroups[groupSelectScreen][groupPage[groupSelectScreen]].opponents[i]) {
			loadBehaviour(selectableGroups[groupSelectScreen][groupPage[groupSelectScreen]].opponents[i].id, groupScreenCallback, i+1);

 * This is the callback for the group select screen.
function groupScreenCallback (playerObject, slot) {
	console.log(slot +" "+playerObject);
    players[slot] = playerObject;
    players[slot].current = 0;
    /* switch screens */
	screenTransition($groupSelectScreen, $selectScreen);

 * The player is changing the page on the group screen.
function changeGroupPage (skip, page) {
	if (skip) {
		if (page == -1) {
			/* go to first page */
      groupPage[groupSelectScreen] = 0;
		} else if (page == 1) {
			/* go to last page */
			groupPage[groupSelectScreen] = selectableGroups[groupSelectScreen].length-1;
		} else {
			/* go to selected page */
			groupPage[groupSelectScreen] = Number($groupPageIndicator.val()) - 1;
		groupPage[groupSelectScreen] += page;

 * The player clicked on the back button on the individual or
 * group select screen.
function backToSelect () {
    /* switch screens */
	screenTransition($individualSelectScreen, $selectScreen);
	screenTransition($groupSelectScreen, $selectScreen);

 * The player clicked on the start game button on the main
 * select screen.
function advanceSelectScreen () {

 * The player clicked on the back button on the main select
 * screen.
function backSelectScreen () {
	screenTransition($selectScreen, $titleScreen);

 *****                     Display Functions                      *****
 * Displays all of the current players on the main select
 * screen.
function updateSelectionVisuals () {
    /* update all opponents */
    for (var i = 1; i < players.length; i++) {
        if (players[i]) {
            /* update dialogue */
            /* determine if the advance dialogue button should be shown */
            if (players[i].state.length > players[i].current+1) {
                $selectAdvanceButtons[i-1].css({opacity : 1});
            } else {
                $selectAdvanceButtons[i-1].css({opacity : 0});
			/* show the bubble */
            /* update image */
            $selectImages[i-1].attr('src', players[i].folder + players[i].state[players[i].current].image);
            $selectImages[i-1].one('load', function() { $(this).show(); });
            /* update label */
            /* change the button */
            $selectButtons[i-1].html("Remove Opponent");
        } else {
            /* clear the view */
            $selectAdvanceButtons[i-1].css({opacity : 0});
            $selectLabels[i-1].html("Opponent "+i);
            /* change the button */
            $selectButtons[i-1].html("Select Opponent");
    /* check to see if all opponents are loaded */
    var loaded = 0;
    for (var i = 1; i < players.length; i++) {
        if (players[i]) {
Joseph Kantel's avatar
Joseph Kantel committed
    /* if enough opponents are loaded, then enable progression */
    if (loaded >= 2) {
        $selectMainButton.attr('disabled', false);
    } else {
        $selectMainButton.attr('disabled', true);
Joseph Kantel's avatar
Joseph Kantel committed
    /* if all opponents are loaded, disable fill buttons */
    if (loaded >= 4) {
        for (var i = 0; i < $selectRandomButtons.length; i++) {
            $selectRandomButtons[i].attr('disabled', true);
Joseph Kantel's avatar
Joseph Kantel committed
    else {
        for (var i = 0; i < $selectRandomButtons.length; i++) {
            $selectRandomButtons[i].attr('disabled', false);
Joseph Kantel's avatar
Joseph Kantel committed
Joseph Kantel's avatar
Joseph Kantel committed
    /* if no opponents are loaded, disable remove all button */