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edit-dialogue.txt 318 KiB
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#required for behaviour.xml

#Number of phases to "finish" masturbating

#Tags describe characters and allow dialogue directed to only characters with these tags, such as: confident, blonde, and british. All tags should be lower case. See tag_list.txt for a list of tags.

#required for meta.xml
#select screen image
from=Pokemon (HGSS)
description=Misty is the Gym Leader of Cerulean City and gives the Cascade Badge to trainers that defeat her. She's worried about being unable to find romance and is here in hopes of picking up a date.

#When selecting the characters to play the game, the first line will always play, then it randomly picks from any of the start lines after you commence the game but before you deal the first hand.

#Items of clothing should be listed here in order of removal.
#The values are formal name, lower case name, how much they cover, what they cover
#Please do not put spaces around the commas.
#"Important" clothes cover genitals (lower) or chest/breasts (upper). For example: bras, panties, a skirt when going commando.
#"Major" clothes cover underwear. For example: skirts, pants, shirts, dresses.
#"Minor" clothes cover skin or are large pieces of clothing that do not cover skin. For example: jackets, socks, stockings, gloves.
#"Extra" clothes are small items that may or may not be clothing but do not cover anything interesting. For example: jewelry, shoes or boots with socks underneath, belts, hats. In the rest of the code, "extra" clothes are called "accessory".
#If for some reason you write another word for the type of clothes (e.g. "accessory"), other characters will not react at all when the clothing is removed.
#What they cover = upper (upper body), lower (lower body), other (neither).
#The game can support any number of entries, but typically we use 2-8, with at least one "important" layer for upper and lower (each).
clothes=swimsuit top,swimsuit top,important,upper

#Notes on dialogue
#All lines that start with a # symbol are comments and will be ignored by the tool that converts this file into a xml file for the game.
#Where more than one line has an identical type, like "swap_cards" and "swap_cards", the game will randomly select one of these lines each time the character is in that situation.
#You should try to include multiple lines for most stages, especially the final (finished) stage, -1. 

#A character goes through multiple stages as they undress. The stage number starts at zero and indicates how many layers they have removed. Special stage numbers are used when they are nude (-3), masturbating (-2), and finished (-1).
#Line types that start with a number will only display during that stage. The will override any numberless stage-generic lines. For example, in stage 4 "4-swap_cards" will be used over "swap_cards" if it is not blank here. Giving a character unique dialogue for each stage is an effective way of showing their changing openness/shyness as the game progresses.
#You can combine the above points and make multiple lines for a particular situation in a particular stage, like "4-swap_cards" and "4-swap_cards".

#Some special words can be used that will be substituted by the game for context-appropriate ones: ~name~ is the name of the character they're speaking to, but this only works if someone else is in focus. ~clothing~ is the type of clothing that is being removed by another player. ~Clothing~ is almost the same, but it starts with a capital letter in case you want to start a sentence with it.
#~name~ can be used any time a line targets an opponent (game_over_defeat, _must_strip, _removing_, _removed, _must_masturbate, etc).
#~clothing~ can be used only when clothing is being removed (_removing and _removed, but NOT _must_strip).
#~player~ can be used at any time and refers to the human player.
#~cards~ can be used only in the swap_cards lines.
#All wildcards can be used once per line only! If you use ~name~ twice, the code will show up the second time.

#Lines can be written that are only spoken when specific other characters are present. For a detailed explanation, read this guide:
#Here is an example line (note that targeted lines must have a stage number):
#0-female_must_strip,target:hermioine=happy,Looks like your magic doesn't help with poker!

#These lines are used to say different things depending on which other characters are present when the character
#is selected and when the game starts.

#fully clothed
0-selected,direction:down=neutral,Hi! The name's Misty, the Cerulean City gym leader!
0-selected,direction:down=neutral,Hey there! I'm Misty, the Kanto Water-type specialist!
0-selected,direction:down=neutral,I'm Misty! The tomboyish mermaid! At least, that's what people call me.
0-selected,direction:down=neutral,Misty here! You'd better not take me too lightly. I'm pretty tough!
0-game_start,direction:down=pleased,Ah, ~player~! Thanks for inviting me! I like the looks of the guys you've brought along.
0-game_start,direction:down=excited,Let's get this game started already!
0-game_start,direction:down=excited,A game of Strip Poker with both guys and girls in the mix! This should be fun!
0-game_start,count-human_male:1,marker:player_male=1,direction:down=pleased,Strip poker? Sounds like fun! Maybe afterwords, you and I could get to know each other a bit more, ~player~?
0-game_start,alsoPlaying:roxie,count-human_male:1,marker:player_male,direction:down=neutral,Oh? Hey Roxie! I haven't seen you since the PWT! How's it been at your gym?
0-game_start,count-human_male:1,test:~background~:beach,marker:player_male=3,direction:down=excited,The beach? Perfect! After the game, I can show off my swimming skills
0-game_start,count-human_male:1,test:~background~:hot spring,marker:player_male,direction:down=thinking,If we're in a hot spring, then why are any of us still wearing clothes?
0-game_start,count-human_male:1,test:~background~:poolside,marker:player_male=8,direction:down=excited,Strip poker by the pool! After we all get naked, we can enjoy some skinny dipping!
0-game_start,count-male:0,marker:misty_noguys,direction:down=irritated,So this is the game? Wait! ~player~! You said there would be guys here too!
0-game_start,count-male:1-4,count-human_male:1,test:~background~:hot spring,marker:player_male,direction:down=pleased,Mixed bathing in a hot spring, huh? How romantic!
0-game_start,count-male:1-4,test:~background~:hot spring,direction:down=pleased,Mixed bathing in a hot spring, huh? How romantic!
0-game_start,alsoPlaying:mae,count-roxie:1,count-human_male:1,test:~background~:poolside,marker:player_male,direction:down=happy,I couldn't agree more Roxie!

#This is what a character says while they're exchanging cards and commenting on their hands afterwards.
#When swapping cards, the game will automatically put a display a number between 0-5 where you write ~cards~.
#These lines display on the screen for only a brief time, so it is important to make them short enough to read at a glance.

#stage-generic lines that will be used for every individual stage that doesn't have a line written
swap_cards,direction:down=neutral,I'll trade ~cards~ cards.
swap_cards,direction:down=happy,How about a Wonder Trade for these ~cards~.
swap_cards,direction:down=neutral,Dealer! ~cards~ new cards, please!
swap_cards,direction:down=thinking,Huh? Oh, it's my turn! I'll take ~cards~ new cards.
swap_cards,direction:down=neutral,I don't need these ~cards~.
swap_cards,direction:down=neutral,These ~cards~ are just holding me back.
good_hand,direction:down=excited,This hand is gonna sweep through all of you!
good_hand,direction:down=pleased,Looks like I'm keeping what I still have on for now.
good_hand,direction:down=thinking,It'll be smooth sailing with these cards. Well, I guess it would be more like smooth swimming for me.
good_hand,direction:down=excited,You're not gonna beat this hand!
good_hand,direction:down=excited,This hand is like the equivalent of a Critical Hit!
good_hand,direction:down=excited,I've got this one, for sure!
okay_hand,marker:misty_badwithdates,direction:down=embarrassed,This could work. Then again, that's what I think about all of my dates too...
okay_hand,marker:misty_badwithdates,direction:down=embarrassed,This is already going better than most of the dates I go on.
okay_hand,direction:down=pleased,If you're good enough, you may get me out of something this round.
okay_hand,direction:down=thinking,Hmm. This really could go either way.
okay_hand,direction:down=thinking,This is basically a Normal type hand. Not many weaknesses, but not any strengths either.
okay_hand,direction:down=thinking,This, could work? I hope.
bad_hand,direction:down=irritated,This Wonder Trade didn't go so well...
bad_hand,direction:down=embarrassed,I might as well start stripping now.
bad_hand,marker:misty_badwithdates,direction:down=embarrassed,Maybe I have just as much bad luck with poker as I do with dating?
bad_hand,direction:down=irritated,What kind of crap is that? This is worse than getting a Magikarp via Wonder Trade...
bad_hand,direction:down=irritated,I'll just say it outright: this hand is bad.
bad_hand,direction:down=irritated,This isn't going to work.

#stage-specific lines that override the stage-generic ones

#fully clothed
0-swap_cards,test:~cards~:0,direction:down=happy,No need to switch out now.
0-swap_cards,test:~cards~:0,direction:down=excited,I have exactly what I need!
0-swap_cards,test:~cards~:1,direction:down=happy,Quite a good hand. I only need one new card, please!
0-swap_cards,test:~cards~:1,direction:down=neutral,Just one new card will do.
0-good_hand,priority:0,count-male:0,marker:turned_around=1,direction:down=back,(I wonder if there are any guys around here that'd like to join in.)
0-good_hand,priority:0,count-male:0,marker:turned_around=1,direction:down=back,(I hope there are some guys watching us.)
0-good_hand,priority:0,count-male:0,marker:turned_around=1,direction:down=back,(Let's see if we've caught anyone's attention.)
0-good_hand,saidMarker:player_male==1,priority:0,direction:down=happy,Hmm, this hand is looking good. Almost as good as you, ~player~.
0-good_hand,saidMarker:player_male==1,priority:0,direction:down=pleased,I managed to meet ~player~ tonight, and I got a hand this good? Maybe my luck is starting to turn around.
0-okay_hand,saidMarker:player_male,priority:0,direction:down=embarrassed,So, uh, ~player~, do you come here often? This is my first time here. Maybe you could show me around when the game is done?
0-okay_hand,saidMarker:player_male,priority:0,direction:down=pleased,What are you doing after this, ~player~? I was thinking about going swimming. You can come with me if you want.
0-hand,alsoPlaying:aella,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:AellaAdventures,direction:down=thinking,Adventures? No. I don't go on adventures, I'm just a small part of other people's adventures.
0-hand,alsoPlaying:alice_mgq,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:MG,alsoPlayingSaying:girl,direction:down=thinking,"Monster Girl"? Is that another name for a PokeManiac, Alice?
0-hand,alsoPlaying:alice_mgq,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:MG,alsoPlayingSaying:lord,direction:down=thinking,"Monster Lord"? Is that like a fancy name for the champion where you come from, Alice?
0-hand,alsoPlaying:amalia,alsoPlayingStage:5,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Where did those flowers come from? Did you grow them just now, Amalia?
0-hand,alsoPlaying:amalia,alsoPlayingStage:5,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=thinking,How did those flowers grow so fast!? Do you have a grass type Pokemon hiding somewhere, Amalia?
0-hand,alsoPlaying:amalia,alsoPlayingStage:5,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=angry,Hold on. You're counting those flowers as more clothes!? That can't be allowed!
0-hand,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:rinkahmiss,direction:down=neutral,If she's sacrificing accuracy for power, then she should probably stop hustling.
0-hand,,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:d.va_wager_set,direction:down=shocked,Anything? Uh, I think I'll pass on that, D.Va.
0-hand,,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:d.va_wager_set,saidMarker:player_male,marker:misty_dvawagertaken,direction:down=excited,Anything? Hmm... I'll take you up on that bet, D.Va!
0-hand,alsoPlaying:marinette,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:shimari,direction:down=embarrassed,Are you sure you want to be let down, Marinette? You seem to be enjoying yourself.
0-hand,alsoPlaying:marinette,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:shimari,direction:down=embarrassed,You're not very convincing when you keep moaning in pleasure like that, Marinette.
0-hand,alsoPlaying:saki_zls,alsoPlayingStage:6,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Uuuh. You're right. I didn't see that coming?
0-hand,alsoPlaying:saki_zls,alsoPlayingStage:6,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Of course I didn't see that coming! Who would have?
0-hand,alsoPlaying:saki_zls,alsoPlayingStage:6,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Why do you seem so proud of that!?
0-hand,alsoPlaying:sei,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:sei_anal,direction:down=happy,Well Sei, I've never tried it myself, but I have often wondered what it'd be like.
0-hand,alsoPlaying:sei,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:sei_anal,direction:down=thinking,That's a strange question to suddenly bring up. Especially since I have no experience with that kind of thing.
0-hand,alsoPlaying:sei,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:sei_anal,direction:down=thinking,To answer your question, Sei: I've never done that before. Why do you want to know?

#lost jacket
1-swap_cards,test:~cards~:0,direction:down=happy,No need to switch out now.
1-swap_cards,test:~cards~:0,direction:down=excited,I have exactly what I need!
1-swap_cards,test:~cards~:1,direction:down=happy,Quite a good hand. I only need one new card, please!
1-swap_cards,test:~cards~:1,direction:down=neutral,Just one new card will do.
1-good_hand,priority:0,count-male:0,marker:turned_around=1,direction:down=back,(I wonder if there are any guys around here that'd like to join in.)
1-good_hand,priority:0,count-male:0,marker:turned_around=1,direction:down=back,(I hope there are some guys watching us.)
1-good_hand,priority:0,count-male:0,marker:turned_around=1,direction:down=back,(Let's see if we've caught anyone's attention.)
1-good_hand,saidMarker:player_male==1,priority:0,direction:down=happy,Hmm, this hand is looking good. Almost as good as you, ~player~.
1-good_hand,saidMarker:player_male==1,priority:0,direction:down=pleased,I managed to meet ~player~ tonight, and I got a hand this good? Maybe my luck is starting to turn around.
1-okay_hand,saidMarker:player_male,priority:0,direction:down=embarrassed,So, uh, ~player~, do you come here often? This is my first time here. Maybe you could show me around when the game is done?
1-okay_hand,saidMarker:player_male,priority:0,direction:down=pleased,What are you doing after this, ~player~? I was thinking about going swimming. You can come with me if you want.
1-hand,alsoPlaying:aella,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:AellaAdventures,direction:down=thinking,Adventures? No. I don't go on adventures, I'm just a small part of other people's adventures.
1-hand,alsoPlaying:alice_mgq,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:MG,alsoPlayingSaying:girl,direction:down=thinking,"Monster Girl"? Is that another name for a PokeManiac, Alice?
1-hand,alsoPlaying:alice_mgq,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:MG,alsoPlayingSaying:lord,direction:down=thinking,"Monster Lord"? Is that like a fancy name for the champion where you come from, Alice?
1-hand,alsoPlaying:amalia,alsoPlayingStage:5,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Where did those flowers come from? Did you grow them just now, Amalia?
1-hand,alsoPlaying:amalia,alsoPlayingStage:5,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=thinking,How did those flowers grow so fast!? Do you have a grass type Pokemon hiding somewhere, Amalia?
1-hand,alsoPlaying:amalia,alsoPlayingStage:5,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=angry,Hold on. You're counting those flowers as more clothes!? That can't be allowed!
1-hand,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:rinkahmiss,direction:down=neutral,If she's sacrificing accuracy for power, then she should probably stop hustling.
1-hand,,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:d.va_wager_set,direction:down=shocked,Anything? Uh, I think I'll pass on that, D.Va.
1-hand,,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:d.va_wager_set,saidMarker:player_male,marker:misty_dvawagertaken,direction:down=excited,Anything? Hmm... I'll take you up on that bet, D.Va!
1-hand,alsoPlaying:marinette,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:shimari,direction:down=embarrassed,Are you sure you want to be let down, Marinette? You seem to be enjoying yourself.
1-hand,alsoPlaying:marinette,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:shimari,direction:down=embarrassed,You're not very convincing when you keep moaning in pleasure like that, Marinette.
1-hand,alsoPlaying:saki_zls,alsoPlayingStage:6,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Uuuh. You're right. I didn't see that coming?
1-hand,alsoPlaying:saki_zls,alsoPlayingStage:6,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Of course I didn't see that coming! Who would have?
1-hand,alsoPlaying:saki_zls,alsoPlayingStage:6,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Why do you seem so proud of that!?
1-hand,alsoPlaying:sei,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:sei_anal,direction:down=happy,Well Sei, I've never tried it myself, but I have often wondered what it'd be like.
1-hand,alsoPlaying:sei,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:sei_anal,direction:down=thinking,That's a strange question to suddenly bring up. Especially since I have no experience with that kind of thing.
1-hand,alsoPlaying:sei,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:sei_anal,direction:down=thinking,To answer your question, Sei: I've never done that before. Why do you want to know?

#lost sandals
2-swap_cards,test:~cards~:0,direction:down=happy,No need to switch out now.
2-swap_cards,test:~cards~:0,direction:down=excited,I have exactly what I need!
2-swap_cards,test:~cards~:1,direction:down=happy,Quite a good hand. I only need one new card, please!
2-swap_cards,test:~cards~:1,direction:down=neutral,Just one new card will do.
2-good_hand,direction:down=excited,I'm not losing my swimsuit yet!
2-good_hand,direction:down=excited,I can still make a comeback!
2-good_hand,direction:down=excited,These cards will keep me in my swimsuit.
2-good_hand,direction:down=excited,This hand is Super Effective!
2-good_hand,direction:down=excited,I got this!
2-good_hand,priority:0,count-male:0,marker:turned_around=1,direction:down=back,(I wonder if there are any guys around here that'd like to join in.)
2-good_hand,priority:0,count-male:0,marker:turned_around=1,direction:down=back,(I hope there are some guys watching us.)
2-good_hand,priority:0,count-male:0,marker:turned_around=1,direction:down=back,(Let's see if we've caught anyone's attention.)
2-good_hand,saidMarker:player_male==1,priority:0,direction:down=happy,Hmm, this hand is looking good. Almost as good as you, ~player~.
2-good_hand,saidMarker:player_male==1,priority:0,direction:down=pleased,I managed to meet ~player~ tonight, and I got a hand this good? Maybe my luck is starting to turn around.
2-okay_hand,direction:down=thinking,This should be enough.
2-okay_hand,direction:down=thinking,Will this work? I can only hope so.
2-okay_hand,direction:down=neutral,Well, let's just see how this plays out.
2-okay_hand,direction:down=thinking,This hand isn't bad, but it's nothing spectacular either.
2-okay_hand,saidMarker:player_male,priority:0,direction:down=embarrassed,Say, ~player~, are you single? Because I am, and I was just wondering if, maybe we're both here for the same reason.
2-okay_hand,saidMarker:player_male,priority:0,direction:down=embarrassed,Are you a busy person ~player~? Or do you have a pretty open schedule? For instance, do you think you'd be able to fit a date into the next few days?
2-bad_hand,direction:down=disappointed,I may lose my swimsuit this time.
2-bad_hand,direction:down=embarrassed,This...this is not good.
2-bad_hand,direction:down=disappointed,This game is sink or swim, and it looks like I've sunk.
2-bad_hand,direction:down=embarrassed,This's not very effective.
2-bad_hand,direction:down=embarrassed,I must have messed up somewhere.
2-hand,alsoPlaying:aella,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:AellaAdventures,direction:down=thinking,Adventures? No. I don't go on adventures, I'm just a small part of other people's adventures.
2-hand,alsoPlaying:alice_mgq,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:MG,alsoPlayingSaying:girl,direction:down=thinking,"Monster Girl"? Is that another name for a PokeManiac, Alice?
2-hand,alsoPlaying:alice_mgq,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:MG,alsoPlayingSaying:lord,direction:down=thinking,"Monster Lord"? Is that like a fancy name for the champion where you come from, Alice?
2-hand,alsoPlaying:amalia,alsoPlayingStage:5,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Where did those flowers come from? Did you grow them just now, Amalia?
2-hand,alsoPlaying:amalia,alsoPlayingStage:5,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=thinking,How did those flowers grow so fast!? Do you have a grass type Pokemon hiding somewhere, Amalia?
2-hand,alsoPlaying:amalia,alsoPlayingStage:5,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=angry,Hold on. You're counting those flowers as more clothes!? That can't be allowed!
2-hand,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:rinkahmiss,direction:down=neutral,If she's sacrificing accuracy for power, then she should probably stop hustling.
2-hand,,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:d.va_wager_set,direction:down=shocked,Anything? Uh, I think I'll pass on that, D.Va.
2-hand,,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:d.va_wager_set,saidMarker:player_male,marker:misty_dvawagertaken,direction:down=excited,Anything? Hmm... I'll take you up on that bet, D.Va!
2-hand,alsoPlaying:marinette,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:shimari,direction:down=embarrassed,Are you sure you want to be let down, Marinette? You seem to be enjoying yourself.
2-hand,alsoPlaying:marinette,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:shimari,direction:down=embarrassed,You're not very convincing when you keep moaning in pleasure like that, Marinette.
2-hand,alsoPlaying:saki_zls,alsoPlayingStage:6,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Uuuh. You're right. I didn't see that coming?
2-hand,alsoPlaying:saki_zls,alsoPlayingStage:6,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Of course I didn't see that coming! Who would have?
2-hand,alsoPlaying:saki_zls,alsoPlayingStage:6,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Why do you seem so proud of that!?
2-hand,alsoPlaying:sei,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:sei_anal,direction:down=happy,Well Sei, I've never tried it myself, but I have often wondered what it'd be like.
2-hand,alsoPlaying:sei,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:sei_anal,direction:down=thinking,That's a strange question to suddenly bring up. Especially since I have no experience with that kind of thing.
2-hand,alsoPlaying:sei,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:sei_anal,direction:down=thinking,To answer your question, Sei: I've never done that before. Why do you want to know?

#lost swimsuit top
3-swap_cards,test:~cards~:0,direction:down=happy,No need to switch out now.
3-swap_cards,test:~cards~:0,direction:down=excited,I have exactly what I need!
3-swap_cards,test:~cards~:1,direction:down=happy,Quite a good hand. I only need one new card, please!
3-swap_cards,test:~cards~:1,direction:down=neutral,Just one new card will do.
3-good_hand,direction:down=excited,I'm not losing my swimsuit yet!
3-good_hand,direction:down=excited,I can still make a comeback!
3-good_hand,direction:down=excited,These cards will keep me in my swimsuit.
3-good_hand,direction:down=excited,This hand is Super Effective!
3-good_hand,direction:down=excited,I got this!
3-good_hand,priority:0,count-male:0,marker:turned_around=1,direction:down=back,(I wonder if there are any guys around here that'd like to join in.)
3-good_hand,priority:0,count-male:0,marker:turned_around=1,direction:down=back,(I hope there are some guys watching us.)
3-good_hand,priority:0,count-male:0,marker:turned_around=1,direction:down=back,(Let's see if we've caught anyone's attention.)
3-good_hand,saidMarker:player_male==1,priority:0,direction:down=happy,Hmm, this hand is looking good. Almost as good as you, ~player~.
3-good_hand,saidMarker:player_male==1,priority:0,direction:down=pleased,I managed to meet ~player~ tonight, and I got a hand this good? Maybe my luck is starting to turn around.
3-okay_hand,direction:down=thinking,This should be enough.
3-okay_hand,direction:down=thinking,Will this work? I can only hope so.
3-okay_hand,direction:down=neutral,Well, let's just see how this plays out.
3-okay_hand,direction:down=thinking,This hand isn't bad, but it's nothing spectacular either.
3-okay_hand,saidMarker:player_male,priority:0,direction:down=embarrassed,Say, ~player~, are you single? Because I am, and I was just wondering if, maybe we're both here for the same reason.
3-okay_hand,saidMarker:player_male,priority:0,direction:down=embarrassed,Are you a busy person ~player~? Or do you have a pretty open schedule? For instance, do you think you'd be able to fit a date into the next few days?
3-bad_hand,direction:down=disappointed,I may lose my swimsuit this time.
3-bad_hand,direction:down=embarrassed,This...this is not good.
3-bad_hand,direction:down=disappointed,This game is sink or swim, and it looks like I've sunk.
3-bad_hand,direction:down=embarrassed,This's not very effective.
3-bad_hand,direction:down=embarrassed,I must have messed up somewhere.
3-hand,alsoPlaying:aella,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:AellaAdventures,direction:down=thinking,Adventures? No. I don't go on adventures, I'm just a small part of other people's adventures.
3-hand,alsoPlaying:alice_mgq,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:MG,alsoPlayingSaying:girl,direction:down=thinking,"Monster Girl"? Is that another name for a PokeManiac, Alice?
3-hand,alsoPlaying:alice_mgq,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:MG,alsoPlayingSaying:lord,direction:down=thinking,"Monster Lord"? Is that like a fancy name for the champion where you come from, Alice?
3-hand,alsoPlaying:amalia,alsoPlayingStage:5,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Where did those flowers come from? Did you grow them just now, Amalia?
3-hand,alsoPlaying:amalia,alsoPlayingStage:5,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=thinking,How did those flowers grow so fast!? Do you have a grass type Pokemon hiding somewhere, Amalia?
3-hand,alsoPlaying:amalia,alsoPlayingStage:5,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=angry,Hold on. You're counting those flowers as more clothes!? That can't be allowed!
3-hand,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:rinkahmiss,direction:down=neutral,If she's sacrificing accuracy for power, then she should probably stop hustling.
3-hand,,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:d.va_wager_set,direction:down=shocked,Anything? Uh, I think I'll pass on that, D.Va.
3-hand,,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:d.va_wager_set,saidMarker:player_male,marker:misty_dvawagertaken,direction:down=excited,Anything? Hmm... I'll take you up on that bet, D.Va!
3-hand,alsoPlaying:marinette,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:shimari,direction:down=embarrassed,Are you sure you want to be let down, Marinette? You seem to be enjoying yourself.
3-hand,alsoPlaying:marinette,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:shimari,direction:down=embarrassed,You're not very convincing when you keep moaning in pleasure like that, Marinette.
3-hand,alsoPlaying:saki_zls,alsoPlayingStage:6,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Uuuh. You're right. I didn't see that coming?
3-hand,alsoPlaying:saki_zls,alsoPlayingStage:6,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Of course I didn't see that coming! Who would have?
3-hand,alsoPlaying:saki_zls,alsoPlayingStage:6,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Why do you seem so proud of that!?
3-hand,alsoPlaying:sei,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:sei_anal,direction:down=happy,Well Sei, I've never tried it myself, but I have often wondered what it'd be like.
3-hand,alsoPlaying:sei,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:sei_anal,direction:down=thinking,That's a strange question to suddenly bring up. Especially since I have no experience with that kind of thing.
3-hand,alsoPlaying:sei,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:sei_anal,direction:down=thinking,To answer your question, Sei: I've never done that before. Why do you want to know?

-3-swap_cards,test:~cards~:0,direction:down=happy,No need to switch out now.
-3-swap_cards,test:~cards~:0,direction:down=excited,I have exactly what I need!
-3-swap_cards,test:~cards~:1,direction:down=happy,Quite a good hand. I only need one new card, please!
-3-swap_cards,test:~cards~:1,direction:down=neutral,Just one new card will do.
-3-good_hand,direction:down=excited,It looks like I'm still in the game.
-3-good_hand,direction:down=excited,I haven't lost yet!
-3-good_hand,direction:down=excited,I can still win this!
-3-good_hand,direction:down=happy,If you think I'm done for, you should think again.
-3-good_hand,priority:0,count-male:0,marker:turned_around=1,direction:down=back,(I wonder if there are any guys around here that'd like to join in.)
-3-good_hand,priority:0,count-male:0,marker:turned_around=1,direction:down=back,(I hope there are some guys watching us.)
-3-good_hand,priority:0,count-male:0,marker:turned_around=1,direction:down=back,(Let's see if we've caught anyone's attention.)
-3-good_hand,saidMarker:player_male==1,priority:0,direction:down=happy,Hmm, this hand is looking good. Almost as good as you, ~player~.
-3-good_hand,saidMarker:player_male==1,priority:0,direction:down=pleased,I managed to meet ~player~ tonight, and I got a hand this good? Maybe my luck is starting to turn around.
-3-okay_hand,direction:down=embarrassed,I might have to get ready for that forfeit.
-3-okay_hand,direction:down=thinking,Now's not the time to be getting "okay" hands.
-3-okay_hand,direction:down=thinking,I hope this is enough.
-3-okay_hand,direction:down=embarrassed,This hand reminds me of Metronome. Because it could cause things to go either way.
-3-bad_hand,direction:down=embarrassed,This might be it for me.
-3-bad_hand,direction:down=embarrassed,Looks like I'm really gonna have to masturbate in front of all of you.
-3-bad_hand,direction:down=disappointed,This is not good.
-3-bad_hand,direction:down=embarrassed,Is there any equivalent of a Revive in this game?
-3-hand,alsoPlaying:aella,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:AellaAdventures,direction:down=thinking,Adventures? No. I don't go on adventures, I'm just a small part of other people's adventures.
-3-hand,alsoPlaying:alice_mgq,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:MG,alsoPlayingSaying:girl,direction:down=thinking,"Monster Girl"? Is that another name for a PokeManiac, Alice?
-3-hand,alsoPlaying:alice_mgq,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:MG,alsoPlayingSaying:lord,direction:down=thinking,"Monster Lord"? Is that like a fancy name for the champion where you come from, Alice?
-3-hand,alsoPlaying:amalia,alsoPlayingStage:5,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Where did those flowers come from? Did you grow them just now, Amalia?
-3-hand,alsoPlaying:amalia,alsoPlayingStage:5,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=thinking,How did those flowers grow so fast!? Do you have a grass type Pokemon hiding somewhere, Amalia?
-3-hand,alsoPlaying:amalia,alsoPlayingStage:5,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=angry,Hold on. You're counting those flowers as more clothes!? That can't be allowed!
-3-hand,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:rinkahmiss,direction:down=neutral,If she's sacrificing accuracy for power, then she should probably stop hustling.
-3-hand,,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:d.va_wager_set,direction:down=shocked,Anything? Uh, I think I'll pass on that, D.Va.
-3-hand,,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:d.va_wager_set,saidMarker:player_male,marker:misty_dvawagertaken,direction:down=excited,Anything? Hmm... I'll take you up on that bet, D.Va!
-3-hand,alsoPlaying:marinette,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:shimari,direction:down=embarrassed,Are you sure you want to be let down, Marinette? You seem to be enjoying yourself.
-3-hand,alsoPlaying:marinette,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:shimari,direction:down=embarrassed,You're not very convincing when you keep moaning in pleasure like that, Marinette.
-3-hand,alsoPlaying:saki_zls,alsoPlayingStage:6,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Uuuh. You're right. I didn't see that coming?
-3-hand,alsoPlaying:saki_zls,alsoPlayingStage:6,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Of course I didn't see that coming! Who would have?
-3-hand,alsoPlaying:saki_zls,alsoPlayingStage:6,alsoPlayingTimeInStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Why do you seem so proud of that!?
-3-hand,alsoPlaying:sei,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:sei_anal,direction:down=happy,Well Sei, I've never tried it myself, but I have often wondered what it'd be like.
-3-hand,alsoPlaying:sei,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:sei_anal,direction:down=thinking,That's a strange question to suddenly bring up. Especially since I have no experience with that kind of thing.
-3-hand,alsoPlaying:sei,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:sei_anal,direction:down=thinking,To answer your question, Sei: I've never done that before. Why do you want to know?
-3-hand,saidMarker:player_male,notSaidMarker:found_date,priority:0,marker:askfor_number,direction:down=embarrassed,Hey, ~player~. Do you... Can we...maybe exchange numbers? So I can call you again later?

#This is the character says once they've lost a hand, but before they strip.

#stage-generic lines that will be used for every individual stage that doesn't have a line written
must_strip_winning,direction:down=happy,This loss is no big deal.
must_strip_winning,direction:down=neutral,Despite this loss, I'm still doing pretty good.
must_strip_winning,direction:down=excited,I'm still in the lead. Don't get too cocky!
must_strip_winning,direction:down=neutral,I'm not worried. I've still got this.
must_strip_winning,direction:down=neutral,I may have lost, but at least I'm not losing.
must_strip_normal,direction:down=embarrassed,I guess this was coming eventually.
must_strip_normal,direction:down=happy,I need to strip? No problem. As a swimmer, I'm more comfortable wearing less.
must_strip_normal,direction:down=excited,I'm not done yet! I'm still in the game!
must_strip_normal,direction:down=thinking,I'll have to step things up if I want to win.
must_strip_normal,direction:down=embarrassed,At least I'm not in last.
must_strip_losing,direction:down=irritated,Jeez. And I don't have many clothes to begin with.
must_strip_losing,direction:down=disappointed,As a Gym Leader, I've kinda gotten used to just always losing.
must_strip_losing,direction:down=disappointed,I can do better than this.
must_strip_losing,direction:down=irritated,I'm not upset about having to strip. I'm upset about losing.
must_strip_losing,direction:down=disappointed,I honestly don't care if I have to get naked, but I still want to win.

#stage-specific lines that override the stage-generic ones

#losing jacket
0-must_strip,direction:down=thinking,Hmm, should I start with my jacket or my sandals?
0-must_strip,direction:down=neutral,Looks like I lost, but I wasn't expecting to leave here without taking anything off.
0-must_strip,direction:down=thinking,There's my first loss. Now what should I take off?
0-must_strip,marker:misty_notembarressed,direction:down=neutral,Looks like it's my turn.....No, I'm not upset. Why would I even be playing this game if I wasn't prepared to strip naked?
0-must_strip,alsoPlaying:chiaki,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:pokemon,direction:down=thinking,I...don't really understand what you're talking about, Chiaki.
0-must_strip,alsoPlaying:chiaki,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:recognize,direction:down=happy,Yes, I am. Are you one of those people who like learning about Gym Leaders, Chiaki?
0-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_bot,direction:down=embarrassed,I, uh, can't really say for sure, but I don't think that they're wrong.
0-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_bot,direction:down=embarrassed,Well, they're probably right about that.
0-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_bot,direction:down=embarrassed,I do have a preference for strong men, so that sounds about right.
0-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_kink,direction:down=irritated,My - huh!? You can't just ask someone something like that!
0-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_kink,direction:down=shocked,That - That's personal! Why would I share something like that anyway!?
0-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_kink,marker:misty_allnight,direction:down=pleased,My fantasy, huh? Well, I guess I'd like to try going at it all night at least once. Wait! Why am I even sharing this!?
0-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_shave,marker:misty_waxing,direction:down=thinking,Well, personally I wax. But I don't really care about my partner's hair.
0-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_waifu,direction:down=irritated,Well Streaming-chan, the whole reason why I'm here is BECAUSE I'm lonely.
0-must_strip,consecutiveLosses:2,direction:down=disappointed,Twice in a row? This isn't looking very good.
0-must_strip,consecutiveLosses:3,direction:down=shocked,Three times in a row!? You guys aren't cheating, are you?
0-must_strip,consecutiveLosses:4,direction:down=irritated,And to think that I still had everything on a few rounds ago.
0-must_strip,saidMarker:turned_around==1,priority:400,marker:turned_around=0,direction:down=shocked,Huh? What? I lost!? But I had such a good hand!
0-must_strip,saidMarker:turned_around==1,priority:400,marker:turned_around=0,direction:down=shocked,Wait! I wasn't paying attention! How'd I lose!?
0-must_strip,totalRounds:0,direction:down=thinking,I'm first to lose, huh? With my luck, that seems about right.
0-must_strip,totalRounds:0,direction:down=happy,I guess I'm first. Let's get things going!
0-stripping,direction:down=strip,I'll start with the jacket. I take it off whenever I go swimming anyway.
0-stripping,direction:down=strip,I'll take off my jacket. It's getting too hot in here anyway. Or maybe it's just me?
0-stripping,direction:down=strip,I'll take this off first. All it's really covering is my arms.
0-stripping,direction:down=strip,Off comes the jacket! I don't really need it right now anyway.
0-stripping,direction:down=strip,I'll start with something big. My jacket is the biggest thing I can take off right now.

#losing sandals
1-stripped,direction:down=after,You can get a better view of my figure without the jacket. Well? What do you think?
1-stripped,direction:down=after,This swimsuit is skin tight. What do you think of my figure?
1-stripped,direction:down=after,I personally think I look even better without the jacket.
1-stripped,direction:down=after,Now you can see just how well toned my body is. What do you think?
1-must_strip,direction:down=embarrassed,Looks like the sandals are coming off now.
1-must_strip,direction:down=embarrassed,Well, there goes my footwear.
1-must_strip,direction:down=neutral,Let me just slip out of my sandals.
1-must_strip,direction:down=neutral,That's my second loss. Let me just kick off these sandals.
1-must_strip,alsoPlaying:chiaki,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:pokemon,direction:down=thinking,I...don't really understand what you're talking about, Chiaki.
1-must_strip,alsoPlaying:chiaki,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:recognize,direction:down=happy,Yes, I am. Are you one of those people who like learning about Gym Leaders, Chiaki?
1-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_bot,direction:down=embarrassed,I, uh, can't really say for sure, but I don't think that they're wrong.
1-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_bot,direction:down=embarrassed,Well, they're probably right about that.
1-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_bot,direction:down=embarrassed,I do have a preference for strong men, so that sounds about right.
1-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_kink,direction:down=irritated,My - huh!? You can't just ask someone something like that!
1-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_kink,direction:down=shocked,That - That's personal! Why would I share something like that anyway!?
1-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_kink,marker:misty_allnight,direction:down=pleased,My fantasy, huh? Well, I guess I'd like to try going at it all night at least once. Wait! Why am I even sharing this!?
1-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_shave,marker:misty_waxing,direction:down=thinking,Well, personally I wax. But I don't really care about my partner's hair.
1-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_waifu,direction:down=irritated,Well Streaming-chan, the whole reason why I'm here is BECAUSE I'm lonely.
1-must_strip,consecutiveLosses:2,direction:down=disappointed,Twice in a row? This isn't looking very good.
1-must_strip,consecutiveLosses:3,direction:down=shocked,Three times in a row!? You guys aren't cheating, are you?
1-must_strip,consecutiveLosses:4,direction:down=irritated,And to think that I still had everything on a few rounds ago.
1-must_strip,saidMarker:turned_around==1,priority:400,marker:turned_around=0,direction:down=shocked,Huh? What? I lost!? But I had such a good hand!
1-must_strip,saidMarker:turned_around==1,priority:400,marker:turned_around=0,direction:down=shocked,Wait! I wasn't paying attention! How'd I lose!?
1-stripping,direction:down=strip,I had to take these off eventually. Might as well do it now.
1-stripping,direction:down=strip,Don't get upset! I had to get rid of them at some point!
1-stripping,direction:down=strip,I feel more comfortable barefoot anyway.
1-stripping,direction:down=strip,Don't look at me like that! You would do the same thing!

#losing swimsuit top
2-stripped,direction:down=after,This is getting pretty risky. Maybe I should be a little more serious?
2-stripped,direction:down=after,Looks like I'm down to my swimsuit... But I'm not gonna make it too easy for you. You have to give it your best if you want to see me naked.
2-stripped,direction:down=after,My swimsuit's all I have left, but I'm not finished yet.
2-stripped,direction:down=thinking,Don't count me out yet. I still have a few tricks up my...uh....swimsuit?
2-must_strip,direction:down=happy,I guess my swimsuit is next, but I'm not going to show you everything at once!
2-must_strip,direction:down=pleased,All that's left is my swimsuit, but I'm not gonna take it all off at once.
2-must_strip,direction:down=happy,Looks like I have to strip again, but I'm not getting naked just yet.
2-must_strip,direction:down=happy,I lost again? Well, time to take off the swimsuit, but not all of it.
2-must_strip,alsoPlaying:chiaki,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:pokemon,direction:down=thinking,I...don't really understand what you're talking about, Chiaki.
2-must_strip,alsoPlaying:chiaki,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:recognize,direction:down=happy,Yes, I am. Are you one of those people who like learning about Gym Leaders, Chiaki?
2-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_bot,direction:down=embarrassed,I, uh, can't really say for sure, but I don't think that they're wrong.
2-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_bot,direction:down=embarrassed,Well, they're probably right about that.
2-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_bot,direction:down=embarrassed,I do have a preference for strong men, so that sounds about right.
2-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_kink,direction:down=irritated,My - huh!? You can't just ask someone something like that!
2-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_kink,direction:down=shocked,That - That's personal! Why would I share something like that anyway!?
2-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_kink,marker:misty_allnight,direction:down=pleased,My fantasy, huh? Well, I guess I'd like to try going at it all night at least once. Wait! Why am I even sharing this!?
2-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_shave,marker:misty_waxing,direction:down=thinking,Well, personally I wax. But I don't really care about my partner's hair.
2-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_waifu,direction:down=irritated,Well Streaming-chan, the whole reason why I'm here is BECAUSE I'm lonely.
2-must_strip,consecutiveLosses:2,direction:down=disappointed,Twice in a row? This isn't looking very good.
2-must_strip,consecutiveLosses:3,direction:down=shocked,Three times in a row!? You guys aren't cheating, are you?
2-must_strip,consecutiveLosses:4,direction:down=irritated,And to think that I still had everything on a few rounds ago.
2-must_strip,saidMarker:turned_around==1,priority:400,marker:turned_around=0,direction:down=shocked,Huh? What? I lost!? But I had such a good hand!
2-must_strip,saidMarker:turned_around==1,priority:400,marker:turned_around=0,direction:down=shocked,Wait! I wasn't paying attention! How'd I lose!?
2-stripping,direction:down=strip1,I'll just slip off the shoulder straps for now. You'll have to work a little harder if you want to see everything.
2-stripping,direction:down=strip0,I'll let you see my boobs for now. You'll have to beat me again to get me naked.
2-stripping,direction:down=strip1,I'll take off the top of it for now. If I lose again, then I'll take off the whole thing.
2-stripping,direction:down=strip1,I'm gonna count my swimsuit as two pieces. I'll undo the top of it as one piece.

#losing swimsuit
3-stripped,direction:down=after,This swimsuit is pretty much my underwear, so I think it's fair to count it as two items, right?
3-stripped,direction:down=after,I didn't have very many clothes to begin with, and this swimsuit covers everything important, so I think that this is fair.
3-stripped,direction:down=after,I'm not wearing anything underneath this swimsuit, so I think it's fine to take it off in two parts like this.
3-must_strip,alsoPlaying:chiaki,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:pokemon,direction:down=thinking,I...don't really understand what you're talking about, Chiaki.
3-must_strip,alsoPlaying:chiaki,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:recognize,direction:down=happy,Yes, I am. Are you one of those people who like learning about Gym Leaders, Chiaki?
3-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_bot,direction:down=embarrassed,I, uh, can't really say for sure, but I don't think that they're wrong.
3-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_bot,direction:down=embarrassed,Well, they're probably right about that.
3-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_bot,direction:down=embarrassed,I do have a preference for strong men, so that sounds about right.
3-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_kink,direction:down=irritated,My - huh!? You can't just ask someone something like that!
3-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_kink,direction:down=shocked,That - That's personal! Why would I share something like that anyway!?
3-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_kink,marker:misty_allnight,direction:down=pleased,My fantasy, huh? Well, I guess I'd like to try going at it all night at least once. Wait! Why am I even sharing this!?
3-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_shave,marker:misty_waxing,direction:down=thinking,Well, personally I wax. But I don't really care about my partner's hair.
3-must_strip,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:gen_waifu,direction:down=irritated,Well Streaming-chan, the whole reason why I'm here is BECAUSE I'm lonely.
3-must_strip,consecutiveLosses:2,direction:down=disappointed,Twice in a row? This isn't looking very good.
3-must_strip,consecutiveLosses:3,direction:down=shocked,Three times in a row!? You guys aren't cheating, are you?
3-must_strip,consecutiveLosses:4,direction:down=irritated,And to think that I still had everything on a few rounds ago.
3-must_strip,saidMarker:turned_around==1,priority:400,marker:turned_around=0,direction:down=shocked,Huh? What? I lost!? But I had such a good hand!
3-must_strip,saidMarker:turned_around==1,priority:400,marker:turned_around=0,direction:down=shocked,Wait! I wasn't paying attention! How'd I lose!?
3-stripping,direction:down=strip,Time for you to see all of my beautiful body. I put a lot of work into staying in shape, so I'm very proud of it.
3-stripping,direction:down=strip,Congratulations. Now you get to see all of me.
3-stripping,direction:down=strip,Now you all get to see the body that I'm so proud of.
3-stripping,direction:down=strip,Take a good look. You've all earned it.

-3-stripped,direction:down=after,The swimsuit helps if you want to swim fast, but if you're just doing it for fun, then nothing beats skinny dipping!
-3-stripped,direction:down=after,So, what do you think of my bare naked body? Isn't it alluring?
-3-stripped,direction:down=after,<i>ooooooo!</i> There's a slight breeze here! It feels very nice.
-3-stripped,direction:down=after,This is the body I work so hard to maintain. Feel free to take a good look.
-3-stripped,alsoPlaying:ami,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:ami_suggests_scissoring,direction:down=after,Um, no. And I don't really ever intend to, Ami.

#These lines are spoken when an opponent must strip, but the character does not yet know what they will take off.
#Writing different variations is important here, as these lines will be spoken about thirty times per game.
#The "human" versions of the lines will only be spoken if the human player is stripping.

#stage-generic lines that will be used for every individual stage that doesn't have a line written
male_must_strip,direction:down=pleased,It's your turn ~name~! Show us your masculine charm!
male_must_strip,direction:down=pleased,Now's your chance to impress the ladies! (That includes me!)
male_must_strip,direction:down=excited,I hope you weren't expecting me to go easy on you!
male_must_strip,direction:down=excited,Misty's number one! Ha, HA!
male_must_strip,direction:down=happy,Alright ~name~! It's time for you to show us what you're made of!
female_must_strip,direction:down=pleased,Let's see how your body compares to mine. I swim almost daily, by the way.
female_must_strip,direction:down=neutral,Look's like it's ~name~'s turn. Show us something good!
female_must_strip,direction:down=excited,Your turn ~name~. Be bold about it!
female_must_strip,direction:down=excited,Sorry ~name~, but I came here to win! (And maybe pick up a date.)
female_must_strip,direction:down=excited,You're gonna have to try harder if you wanna beat me!
tie,direction:down=shocked,A tie!? That's so rare!
tie,direction:down=shocked,A tie!? That's like the shiny Pokemon of poker!
tie,direction:down=thinking,Now that I think about it, you don't see ties very often in Pokemon battles either.
tie,direction:down=thinking,So if it's a tie, then do both of you strip? No? Well then, let's move on.

#stage-specific lines that override the stage-generic ones

#fully clothed
0-male_human_must_strip,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:playsafer,direction:down=disappointed,(How exactly are you supposed to "play safe" in strip poker?)
0-female_must_strip,alsoPlaying:dark_magician_girl,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:ATK,direction:down=shocked,Wait, you do? Is it even possible to get an Attack stat as high as that?
0-female_must_strip,filter:very_long_hair,notSaidMarker:seen_verylonghair,marker:seen_verylonghair,direction:down=thinking,So, I've been meaning to say this for awhile, but ~name~, don't you think you should get a haircut? Hair that long is gonna cause a ton of problems while swimming.
0-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,Uh, Aimee? What are you doing with that gun?
0-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:1-4,direction:down=irritated,Not the gun again.
0-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:1-4,direction:down=irritated,Please just strip normally.
0-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:1-4,direction:down=disappointed,Oh no...
0-female_must_strip,target:alice_mgq,targetStage:5,direction:down=excited,Looks like it's time for you to forfeit, Alice!
0-female_must_strip,target:amalia,targetStage:0,direction:down=thinking,Um, Amalia? Are your clothes made out of...leaves?
0-female_must_strip,target:amalia,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,You look like you'd really like Grass types, Amalia.
0-female_must_strip,target:cammy_white,targetStage:3,direction:down=neutral,I'm actually really curious as to how you take that off. I don't see any zippers or anything.
0-female_must_strip,target:catria,targetSayingMarker:first,direction:down=disappointed,Yes, this is Strip Poker! Surely someone told you before you started playing, right?
0-female_must_strip,target:gwen,targetSayingMarker:drapes,targetSaying:waxing,direction:down=embarrassed,Well, yeah waxing hurts, but it makes it look nice and smooth.
0-female_must_strip,target:gwen,targetSayingMarker:drapes,targetSaying:waxing,direction:down=thinking,Sure, waxing hurts for a little bit, but I think it's the most efficient method.
0-female_must_strip,target:navi,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,Looks like you have to- uhh. Do you even have anything to strip?
0-female_must_strip,target:navi,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,So, how exactly are you going to do this, Navi?
0-female_must_strip,target:spooky,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Wait, you're an actual ghost!? How is that possible? Why are you even here!?
0-female_must_strip,target:spooky,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,A real ghost girl!? I've heard stories from all sorts of places, but I never thought I'd actually see one!

#lost jacket
1-male_human_must_strip,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:playsafer,direction:down=disappointed,(How exactly are you supposed to "play safe" in strip poker?)
1-female_must_strip,alsoPlaying:dark_magician_girl,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:ATK,direction:down=shocked,Wait, you do? Is it even possible to get an Attack stat as high as that?
1-female_must_strip,filter:very_long_hair,notSaidMarker:seen_verylonghair,marker:seen_verylonghair,direction:down=thinking,So, I've been meaning to say this for awhile, but ~name~, don't you think you should get a haircut? Hair that long is gonna cause a ton of problems while swimming.
1-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,Uh, Aimee? What are you doing with that gun?
1-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:1-4,direction:down=irritated,Not the gun again.
1-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:1-4,direction:down=irritated,Please just strip normally.
1-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:1-4,direction:down=disappointed,Oh no...
1-female_must_strip,target:alice_mgq,targetStage:5,direction:down=excited,Looks like it's time for you to forfeit, Alice!
1-female_must_strip,target:amalia,targetStage:0,direction:down=thinking,Um, Amalia? Are your clothes made out of...leaves?
1-female_must_strip,target:amalia,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,You look like you'd really like Grass types, Amalia.
1-female_must_strip,target:cammy_white,targetStage:3,direction:down=neutral,I'm actually really curious as to how you take that off. I don't see any zippers or anything.
1-female_must_strip,target:gwen,targetSayingMarker:drapes,targetSaying:waxing,direction:down=embarrassed,Well, yeah waxing hurts, but it makes it look nice and smooth.
1-female_must_strip,target:gwen,targetSayingMarker:drapes,targetSaying:waxing,direction:down=thinking,Sure, waxing hurts for a little bit, but I think it's the most efficient method.
1-female_must_strip,target:navi,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,Looks like you have to- uhh. Do you even have anything to strip?
1-female_must_strip,target:navi,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,So, how exactly are you going to do this, Navi?
1-female_must_strip,target:spooky,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Wait, you're an actual ghost!? How is that possible? Why are you even here!?
1-female_must_strip,target:spooky,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,A real ghost girl!? I've heard stories from all sorts of places, but I never thought I'd actually see one!

#lost sandals
2-male_human_must_strip,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:playsafer,direction:down=disappointed,(How exactly are you supposed to "play safe" in strip poker?)
2-female_must_strip,alsoPlaying:dark_magician_girl,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:ATK,direction:down=shocked,Wait, you do? Is it even possible to get an Attack stat as high as that?
2-female_must_strip,filter:very_long_hair,notSaidMarker:seen_verylonghair,marker:seen_verylonghair,direction:down=thinking,So, I've been meaning to say this for awhile, but ~name~, don't you think you should get a haircut? Hair that long is gonna cause a ton of problems while swimming.
2-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,Uh, Aimee? What are you doing with that gun?
2-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:1-4,direction:down=irritated,Not the gun again.
2-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:1-4,direction:down=irritated,Please just strip normally.
2-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:1-4,direction:down=disappointed,Oh no...
2-female_must_strip,target:alice_mgq,targetStage:5,direction:down=excited,Looks like it's time for you to forfeit, Alice!
2-female_must_strip,target:amalia,targetStage:0,direction:down=thinking,Um, Amalia? Are your clothes made out of...leaves?
2-female_must_strip,target:amalia,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,You look like you'd really like Grass types, Amalia.
2-female_must_strip,target:cammy_white,targetStage:3,direction:down=neutral,I'm actually really curious as to how you take that off. I don't see any zippers or anything.
2-female_must_strip,target:gwen,targetSayingMarker:drapes,targetSaying:waxing,direction:down=embarrassed,Well, yeah waxing hurts, but it makes it look nice and smooth.
2-female_must_strip,target:gwen,targetSayingMarker:drapes,targetSaying:waxing,direction:down=thinking,Sure, waxing hurts for a little bit, but I think it's the most efficient method.
2-female_must_strip,target:navi,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,Looks like you have to- uhh. Do you even have anything to strip?
2-female_must_strip,target:navi,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,So, how exactly are you going to do this, Navi?
2-female_must_strip,target:spooky,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Wait, you're an actual ghost!? How is that possible? Why are you even here!?
2-female_must_strip,target:spooky,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,A real ghost girl!? I've heard stories from all sorts of places, but I never thought I'd actually see one!

#lost swimsuit top
3-male_human_must_strip,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:playsafer,direction:down=disappointed,(How exactly are you supposed to "play safe" in strip poker?)
3-female_must_strip,alsoPlaying:dark_magician_girl,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:ATK,direction:down=shocked,Wait, you do? Is it even possible to get an Attack stat as high as that?
3-female_must_strip,filter:very_long_hair,notSaidMarker:seen_verylonghair,marker:seen_verylonghair,direction:down=thinking,So, I've been meaning to say this for awhile, but ~name~, don't you think you should get a haircut? Hair that long is gonna cause a ton of problems while swimming.
3-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,Uh, Aimee? What are you doing with that gun?
3-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:1-4,direction:down=irritated,Not the gun again.
3-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:1-4,direction:down=irritated,Please just strip normally.
3-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:1-4,direction:down=disappointed,Oh no...
3-female_must_strip,target:alice_mgq,targetStage:5,direction:down=excited,Looks like it's time for you to forfeit, Alice!
3-female_must_strip,target:amalia,targetStage:0,direction:down=thinking,Um, Amalia? Are your clothes made out of...leaves?
3-female_must_strip,target:amalia,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,You look like you'd really like Grass types, Amalia.
3-female_must_strip,target:cammy_white,targetStage:3,direction:down=neutral,I'm actually really curious as to how you take that off. I don't see any zippers or anything.
3-female_must_strip,target:gwen,targetSayingMarker:drapes,targetSaying:waxing,direction:down=embarrassed,Well, yeah waxing hurts, but it makes it look nice and smooth.
3-female_must_strip,target:gwen,targetSayingMarker:drapes,targetSaying:waxing,direction:down=thinking,Sure, waxing hurts for a little bit, but I think it's the most efficient method.
3-female_must_strip,target:navi,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,Looks like you have to- uhh. Do you even have anything to strip?
3-female_must_strip,target:navi,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,So, how exactly are you going to do this, Navi?
3-female_must_strip,target:spooky,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Wait, you're an actual ghost!? How is that possible? Why are you even here!?
3-female_must_strip,target:spooky,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,A real ghost girl!? I've heard stories from all sorts of places, but I never thought I'd actually see one!

-3-male_human_must_strip,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:playsafer,direction:down=disappointed,(How exactly are you supposed to "play safe" in strip poker?)
-3-female_must_strip,alsoPlaying:dark_magician_girl,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:ATK,direction:down=shocked,Wait, you do? Is it even possible to get an Attack stat as high as that?
-3-female_must_strip,filter:very_long_hair,notSaidMarker:seen_verylonghair,marker:seen_verylonghair,direction:down=thinking,So, I've been meaning to say this for awhile, but ~name~, don't you think you should get a haircut? Hair that long is gonna cause a ton of problems while swimming.
-3-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,Uh, Aimee? What are you doing with that gun?
-3-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:1-4,direction:down=irritated,Not the gun again.
-3-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:1-4,direction:down=irritated,Please just strip normally.
-3-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:1-4,direction:down=disappointed,Oh no...
-3-female_must_strip,target:alice_mgq,targetStage:5,direction:down=excited,Looks like it's time for you to forfeit, Alice!
-3-female_must_strip,target:amalia,targetStage:0,direction:down=thinking,Um, Amalia? Are your clothes made out of...leaves?
-3-female_must_strip,target:amalia,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,You look like you'd really like Grass types, Amalia.
-3-female_must_strip,target:cammy_white,targetStage:3,direction:down=neutral,I'm actually really curious as to how you take that off. I don't see any zippers or anything.
-3-female_must_strip,target:gwen,targetSayingMarker:drapes,targetSaying:waxing,direction:down=embarrassed,Well, yeah waxing hurts, but it makes it look nice and smooth.
-3-female_must_strip,target:gwen,targetSayingMarker:drapes,targetSaying:waxing,direction:down=thinking,Sure, waxing hurts for a little bit, but I think it's the most efficient method.
-3-female_must_strip,target:navi,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,Looks like you have to- uhh. Do you even have anything to strip?
-3-female_must_strip,target:navi,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,So, how exactly are you going to do this, Navi?
-3-female_must_strip,target:spooky,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Wait, you're an actual ghost!? How is that possible? Why are you even here!?
-3-female_must_strip,target:spooky,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,A real ghost girl!? I've heard stories from all sorts of places, but I never thought I'd actually see one!

-2-male_human_must_strip,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:playsafer,direction:down=disappointed,(How exactly are you supposed to "play safe" in strip poker?)
-2-male_must_strip,direction:down=excited,Come on ~name~. Give me something to work with here.
-2-male_must_strip,direction:down=neutral,Please. Show me something good.
-2-male_must_strip,direction:down=excited,Show me something sexy, ~name~.
-2-male_must_strip,direction:down=neutral,Show me something I can think about while doing this, ~name~.
-2-female_must_strip,direction:down=happy,I'm already naked, ~name~. You have no reason to be shy.
-2-female_must_strip,direction:down=pleased,Be careful, ~name~. Otherwise you may end up like me soon.
-2-female_must_strip,direction:down=excited,And another piece of clothing comes off! Hurry up, ~name~!
-2-female_must_strip,direction:down=happy,You have to be confident! Even when losing! Now strip with confidence, ~name~!
-2-female_must_strip,filter:very_long_hair,notSaidMarker:seen_verylonghair,marker:seen_verylonghair,direction:down=thinking,So, I've been meaning to say this for awhile, but ~name~, don't you think you should get a haircut? Hair that long is gonna cause a ton of problems while swimming.
-2-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,Uh, Aimee? What are you doing with that gun?
-2-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:1-4,direction:down=irritated,Not the gun again.
-2-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:1-4,direction:down=irritated,Please just strip normally.
-2-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:1-4,direction:down=disappointed,Oh no...
-2-female_must_strip,target:alice_mgq,targetStage:5,direction:down=excited,Looks like it's time for you to forfeit, Alice!
-2-female_must_strip,target:amalia,targetStage:0,direction:down=thinking,Um, Amalia? Are your clothes made out of...leaves?
-2-female_must_strip,target:amalia,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,You look like you'd really like Grass types, Amalia.
-2-female_must_strip,target:cammy_white,targetStage:3,direction:down=neutral,I'm actually really curious as to how you take that off. I don't see any zippers or anything.
-2-female_must_strip,target:gwen,targetSayingMarker:drapes,targetSaying:waxing,direction:down=embarrassed,Well, yeah waxing hurts, but it makes it look nice and smooth.
-2-female_must_strip,target:gwen,targetSayingMarker:drapes,targetSaying:waxing,direction:down=thinking,Sure, waxing hurts for a little bit, but I think it's the most efficient method.
-2-female_must_strip,target:navi,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,Looks like you have to- uhh. Do you even have anything to strip?
-2-female_must_strip,target:navi,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,So, how exactly are you going to do this, Navi?
-2-female_must_strip,target:spooky,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Wait, you're an actual ghost!? How is that possible? Why are you even here!?
-2-female_must_strip,target:spooky,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,A real ghost girl!? I've heard stories from all sorts of places, but I never thought I'd actually see one!

-1-male_human_must_strip,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:playsafer,direction:down=disappointed,(How exactly are you supposed to "play safe" in strip poker?)
-1-female_must_strip,direction:down=happy,I'm already naked, ~name~. You have no reason to be shy.
-1-female_must_strip,direction:down=pleased,Be careful, ~name~. Otherwise you may end up like me soon.
-1-female_must_strip,direction:down=excited,And another piece of clothing comes off! Hurry up, ~name~!
-1-female_must_strip,direction:down=happy,You have to be confident! Even when losing! Now strip with confidence, ~name~!
-1-female_must_strip,alsoPlaying:dark_magician_girl,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:ATK,direction:down=shocked,Wait, you do? Is it even possible to get an Attack stat as high as that?
-1-female_must_strip,filter:very_long_hair,notSaidMarker:seen_verylonghair,marker:seen_verylonghair,direction:down=thinking,So, I've been meaning to say this for awhile, but ~name~, don't you think you should get a haircut? Hair that long is gonna cause a ton of problems while swimming.
-1-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,Uh, Aimee? What are you doing with that gun?
-1-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:1-4,direction:down=irritated,Not the gun again.
-1-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:1-4,direction:down=irritated,Please just strip normally.
-1-female_must_strip,target:aimee,targetStage:1-4,direction:down=disappointed,Oh no...
-1-female_must_strip,target:alice_mgq,targetStage:5,direction:down=excited,Looks like it's time for you to forfeit, Alice!
-1-female_must_strip,target:amalia,targetStage:0,direction:down=thinking,Um, Amalia? Are your clothes made out of...leaves?
-1-female_must_strip,target:amalia,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,You look like you'd really like Grass types, Amalia.
-1-female_must_strip,target:cammy_white,targetStage:3,direction:down=neutral,I'm actually really curious as to how you take that off. I don't see any zippers or anything.
-1-female_must_strip,target:gwen,targetSayingMarker:drapes,targetSaying:waxing,direction:down=embarrassed,Well, yeah waxing hurts, but it makes it look nice and smooth.
-1-female_must_strip,target:gwen,targetSayingMarker:drapes,targetSaying:waxing,direction:down=thinking,Sure, waxing hurts for a little bit, but I think it's the most efficient method.
-1-female_must_strip,target:navi,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,Looks like you have to- uhh. Do you even have anything to strip?
-1-female_must_strip,target:navi,targetStage:0,direction:down=embarrassed,So, how exactly are you going to do this, Navi?
-1-female_must_strip,target:spooky,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Wait, you're an actual ghost!? How is that possible? Why are you even here!?
-1-female_must_strip,target:spooky,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,A real ghost girl!? I've heard stories from all sorts of places, but I never thought I'd actually see one!

#These lines are spoken when an opponent removes a small item that does not cover any skin.
#Typically, characters are fine with this when they are fully dressed but less satisfied as they become more naked.
#Note that all "removing" lines are NOT spoken to human players. Characters will skip straight from "6-male_human_must_strip" to "6-male_removed_accessory", for example.

#stage-generic lines that will be used for every individual stage that doesn't have a line written
male_removing_accessory,direction:down=embarrassed,Well, I haven't really lost anything major yet, so I can't really blame you for choosing something small.
male_removing_accessory,direction:down=embarrassed,I want to be upset, but I guess that I'm not really showing off anything either.
male_removing_accessory,direction:down=pleased,Well, as long as you take off something bigger next time, I'm fine with you just taking off your ~clothing~.
male_removing_accessory,direction:down=embarrassed,Yeah, I wasn't expecting anything too big to be honest. I'm still completely covered up, after all.
male_removed_accessory,direction:down=neutral,I'm sure we'll both take off bigger things as the game goes on.
male_removed_accessory,direction:down=excited,Let's keep the game going. I want to see you take off more, ~name~.
male_removed_accessory,direction:down=neutral,Let's move on. It's the only way to make you take off something bigger, after all.
male_removed_accessory,direction:down=pleased,I'm not upset. Because, I'm sure it won't be the last time you lose.
female_removing_accessory,direction:down=neutral,You don't need your ~clothing~ right now anyway.
female_removing_accessory,direction:down=embarrassed,I've still got my swimsuit on, so I guess I can't really be mad.
female_removing_accessory,direction:down=neutral,I guess you had to get rid of your ~clothing~ at some point. Might as well be now.
female_removing_accessory,direction:down=neutral,I guess your ~clothing~ is a fair choice.
female_removed_accessory,direction:down=excited,No point in complaining about it. Onto the next round!
female_removed_accessory,direction:down=neutral,I'm not upset about it. You'll run out of small stuff soon.
female_removed_accessory,direction:down=pleased,Accessories can only protect you for so long. You'll see.
female_removed_accessory,direction:down=excited,Let's keep going. Another set of cards, Dealer!

#stage-specific lines that override the stage-generic ones

#fully clothed
0-female_removing_accessory,target:alice_mgq,targetStage:5,direction:down=shocked,Wait! What's happening!?
0-female_removing_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:7,direction:down=irritated,Hold on. You ARE counting your glasses as an item? Then why didn't you take them off sooner?
0-female_removing_accessory,target:florina,targetSaidMarker:fled,direction:down=irritated,Looks like her ability is Run Away.
0-female_removing_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:2,direction:down=embarrassed,Well, you started with your shirt and skirt, so I guess I can't really complain about this.
0-female_removing_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:5,direction:down=happy,You were already practically naked anyway, so I won't complain.
0-female_removing_accessory,target:twilight,targetStage:3-5,direction:down=neutral,You've already taken off everything important, so okay.
0-female_removing_accessory,target:twilight,targetStage:3-5,direction:down=thinking,I mean, after exposing your crotch and taking off your bra, I can't really complain about you taking off small stuff.
0-female_removing_accessory,target:twilight,targetStage:3-5,direction:down=thinking,Whatever makes you feel comfortable, Twilight.
0-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Whoa! She's glowing!?
0-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,This isn't a dark cave! You're supposed to use the other kind of Flash!
0-female_removed_accessory,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:dragon,direction:down=thinking,You can? Is it just a Dragon, or do you also have a secondary type?
0-female_removed_accessory,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:dragon,direction:down=thinking,You can? Hmm, I wonder what Lance would think about that.
0-female_removed_accessory,target:alice_mgq,targetStage:6,direction:down=shocked,What just happened? What's with your skin, Alice? And what happenned to your legs!?
0-female_removed_accessory,target:clover,targetStage:3,direction:down=irritated,Oh. You're just taking off your ribbon. Fine then.
0-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:3,direction:down=shocked,I wasn't planning on taking your hat! Calm down with the threats!
0-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:3,direction:down=shocked,No one is going to take your hat! Stop threatening us!
0-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:3,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,direction:down=excited,No point in complaining about it. Onto the next round!
0-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:3,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,direction:down=neutral,I'm not upset about it. You'll run out of small stuff soon.
0-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:3,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,direction:down=pleased,Accessories can only protect you for so long. You'll see.
0-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:3,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,direction:down=excited,Let's keep going. Another set of cards, Dealer!
0-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:8,direction:down=thinking,Those glasses must be really special to you or something, Coco.
0-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:8,direction:down=thinking,You either really love those shades, or you really want to win. Or both. Probably both.
0-female_removed_accessory,target:launch,targetStage:2,direction:down=shocked,Hey, wasn't your hair blonde a second ago? You also seem a lot less angry.
0-female_removed_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:3,direction:down=neutral,I'm sure you're gonna take off something else big next time.
0-female_removed_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:6,direction:down=happy,And now you just are naked!
0-female_removed_accessory,target:ribbon_girl,targetStage:1,direction:down=thinking,Hm. Now that I think about it, you remind me a lot of this Fighting type gym leader from the Kalos region, Ribbon Girl.
0-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:1,direction:down=angry,Jeez, that was bright. Wait!! What happened to your clothes!? Is that even allowed!?
0-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:2-4,direction:down=disappointed,Aaand she's wearing a completely different outfit again.
0-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:2-4,direction:down=disappointed,I though that this was supposed to be a game of STRIP poker.
0-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:2-4,direction:down=disappointed,Are you actually going to take something off at any point?

#lost jacket
1-female_removing_accessory,target:alice_mgq,targetStage:5,direction:down=shocked,Wait! What's happening!?
1-female_removing_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:7,direction:down=irritated,Hold on. You ARE counting your glasses as an item? Then why didn't you take them off sooner?
1-female_removing_accessory,target:florina,targetSaidMarker:fled,direction:down=irritated,Looks like her ability is Run Away.
1-female_removing_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:2,direction:down=embarrassed,Well, you started with your shirt and skirt, so I guess I can't really complain about this.
1-female_removing_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:5,direction:down=happy,You were already practically naked anyway, so I won't complain.
1-female_removing_accessory,target:twilight,targetStage:3-5,direction:down=neutral,You've already taken off everything important, so okay.
1-female_removing_accessory,target:twilight,targetStage:3-5,direction:down=thinking,I mean, after exposing your crotch and taking off your bra, I can't really complain about you taking off small stuff.
1-female_removing_accessory,target:twilight,targetStage:3-5,direction:down=thinking,Whatever makes you feel comfortable, Twilight.
1-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Whoa! She's glowing!?
1-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,This isn't a dark cave! You're supposed to use the other kind of Flash!
1-female_removed_accessory,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:dragon,direction:down=thinking,You can? Is it just a Dragon, or do you also have a secondary type?
1-female_removed_accessory,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:dragon,direction:down=thinking,You can? Hmm, I wonder what Lance would think about that.
1-female_removed_accessory,target:alice_mgq,targetStage:6,direction:down=shocked,What just happened? What's with your skin, Alice? And what happenned to your legs!?
1-female_removed_accessory,target:clover,targetStage:3,direction:down=irritated,Oh. You're just taking off your ribbon. Fine then.
1-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:3,direction:down=shocked,I wasn't planning on taking your hat! Calm down with the threats!
1-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:3,direction:down=shocked,No one is going to take your hat! Stop threatening us!
1-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:3,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,direction:down=excited,No point in complaining about it. Onto the next round!
1-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:3,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,direction:down=neutral,I'm not upset about it. You'll run out of small stuff soon.
1-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:3,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,direction:down=pleased,Accessories can only protect you for so long. You'll see.
1-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:3,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,direction:down=excited,Let's keep going. Another set of cards, Dealer!
1-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:8,direction:down=thinking,Those glasses must be really special to you or something, Coco.
1-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:8,direction:down=thinking,You either really love those shades, or you really want to win. Or both. Probably both.
1-female_removed_accessory,target:launch,targetStage:2,direction:down=shocked,Hey, wasn't your hair blonde a second ago? You also seem a lot less angry.
1-female_removed_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:3,direction:down=neutral,I'm sure you're gonna take off something else big next time.
1-female_removed_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:6,direction:down=happy,And now you just are naked!
1-female_removed_accessory,target:ribbon_girl,targetStage:1,direction:down=thinking,Hm. Now that I think about it, you remind me a lot of this Fighting type gym leader from the Kalos region, Ribbon Girl.
1-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:1,direction:down=angry,Jeez, that was bright. Wait!! What happened to your clothes!? Is that even allowed!?
1-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:2-4,direction:down=disappointed,Aaand she's wearing a completely different outfit again.
1-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:2-4,direction:down=disappointed,I though that this was supposed to be a game of STRIP poker.
1-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:2-4,direction:down=disappointed,Are you actually going to take something off at any point?

#lost sandals
2-female_removing_accessory,target:alice_mgq,targetStage:5,direction:down=shocked,Wait! What's happening!?
2-female_removing_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:7,direction:down=irritated,Hold on. You ARE counting your glasses as an item? Then why didn't you take them off sooner?
2-female_removing_accessory,target:florina,targetSaidMarker:fled,direction:down=irritated,Looks like her ability is Run Away.
2-female_removing_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:2,direction:down=embarrassed,Well, you started with your shirt and skirt, so I guess I can't really complain about this.
2-female_removing_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:5,direction:down=happy,You were already practically naked anyway, so I won't complain.
2-female_removing_accessory,target:twilight,targetStage:3-5,direction:down=neutral,You've already taken off everything important, so okay.
2-female_removing_accessory,target:twilight,targetStage:3-5,direction:down=thinking,I mean, after exposing your crotch and taking off your bra, I can't really complain about you taking off small stuff.
2-female_removing_accessory,target:twilight,targetStage:3-5,direction:down=thinking,Whatever makes you feel comfortable, Twilight.
2-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Whoa! She's glowing!?
2-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,This isn't a dark cave! You're supposed to use the other kind of Flash!
2-female_removed_accessory,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:dragon,direction:down=thinking,You can? Is it just a Dragon, or do you also have a secondary type?
2-female_removed_accessory,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:dragon,direction:down=thinking,You can? Hmm, I wonder what Lance would think about that.
2-female_removed_accessory,target:alice_mgq,targetStage:6,direction:down=shocked,What just happened? What's with your skin, Alice? And what happenned to your legs!?
2-female_removed_accessory,target:clover,targetStage:3,direction:down=irritated,Oh. You're just taking off your ribbon. Fine then.
2-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:3,direction:down=shocked,I wasn't planning on taking your hat! Calm down with the threats!
2-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:3,direction:down=shocked,No one is going to take your hat! Stop threatening us!
2-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:3,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,direction:down=excited,No point in complaining about it. Onto the next round!
2-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:3,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,direction:down=neutral,I'm not upset about it. You'll run out of small stuff soon.
2-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:3,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,direction:down=pleased,Accessories can only protect you for so long. You'll see.
2-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:3,alsoPlaying:streaming-chan,direction:down=excited,Let's keep going. Another set of cards, Dealer!
2-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:8,direction:down=thinking,Those glasses must be really special to you or something, Coco.
2-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:8,direction:down=thinking,You either really love those shades, or you really want to win. Or both. Probably both.
2-female_removed_accessory,target:launch,targetStage:2,direction:down=shocked,Hey, wasn't your hair blonde a second ago? You also seem a lot less angry.
2-female_removed_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:3,direction:down=neutral,I'm sure you're gonna take off something else big next time.
2-female_removed_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:6,direction:down=happy,And now you just are naked!
2-female_removed_accessory,target:ribbon_girl,targetStage:1,direction:down=thinking,Hm. Now that I think about it, you remind me a lot of this Fighting type gym leader from the Kalos region, Ribbon Girl.
2-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:1,direction:down=angry,Jeez, that was bright. Wait!! What happened to your clothes!? Is that even allowed!?
2-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:2-4,direction:down=disappointed,Aaand she's wearing a completely different outfit again.
2-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:2-4,direction:down=disappointed,I though that this was supposed to be a game of STRIP poker.
2-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:2-4,direction:down=disappointed,Are you actually going to take something off at any point?

#lost swimsuit top
3-male_removing_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,Really? Just your ~clothing~? That's a disappointment.
3-male_removing_accessory,direction:down=thinking,I don't even wear accessories. All they would do is slow me down when I'm swimming.
3-male_removing_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,I guess that was the best option for you, but it's still really disappointing.
3-male_removing_accessory,direction:down=irritated,Your ~clothing~? Come on! That hardly even covers anything!
3-male_removing_accessory,direction:down=irritated,Please tell me you're taking off more than just your ~clothing~.
3-male_removed_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,How about you show a bit more skin next time? Like I am.
3-male_removed_accessory,direction:down=thinking,Why do guys shy away from me like this? Am I scaring them or something?
3-male_removed_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,I was honestly hoping for more.
3-male_removed_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,Please be a bit more adventurous next time.
3-male_removed_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,Just don't even wear your ~clothing~ next time. Okay?
3-female_removing_accessory,direction:down=irritated,I'm here exposing myself and you're taking off tiny stuff like that?
3-female_removing_accessory,direction:down=happy,Your ~clothing~ is just dead weight anyway. Good riddance!
3-female_removing_accessory,direction:down=irritated,Your ~clothing~? Does that even count?
3-female_removing_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,Just your ~clothing~? Nothing else? Fine then.
3-female_removing_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,Aren't you going to take off more than just your ~clothing~?
3-female_removing_accessory,target:alice_mgq,targetStage:5,direction:down=shocked,Wait! What's happening!?
3-female_removing_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:7,direction:down=irritated,Hold on. You ARE counting your glasses as an item? Then why didn't you take them off sooner?
3-female_removing_accessory,target:florina,targetSaidMarker:fled,direction:down=irritated,Looks like her ability is Run Away.
3-female_removing_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:2,direction:down=embarrassed,Well, you started with your shirt and skirt, so I guess I can't really complain about this.
3-female_removing_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:5,direction:down=happy,You were already practically naked anyway, so I won't complain.
3-female_removing_accessory,target:twilight,targetStage:3-5,direction:down=neutral,You've already taken off everything important, so okay.
3-female_removing_accessory,target:twilight,targetStage:3-5,direction:down=thinking,I mean, after exposing your crotch and taking off your bra, I can't really complain about you taking off small stuff.
3-female_removing_accessory,target:twilight,targetStage:3-5,direction:down=thinking,Whatever makes you feel comfortable, Twilight.
3-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Whoa! She's glowing!?
3-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,This isn't a dark cave! You're supposed to use the other kind of Flash!
3-female_removed_accessory,direction:down=excited,You should show off more of your body! Guys like that.
3-female_removed_accessory,direction:down=happy,Guys don't care about whatever accessories you're wearing! So you should get rid of them!
3-female_removed_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,You're gonna run out of accessories eventually.
3-female_removed_accessory,direction:down=thinking,Why do other girls like accessories so much anyway? I've never understood that.
3-female_removed_accessory,direction:down=irritated,Not taking off anything else, ~name~? Fine, let's start the next round then.
3-female_removed_accessory,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:dragon,direction:down=thinking,You can? Is it just a Dragon, or do you also have a secondary type?
3-female_removed_accessory,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:dragon,direction:down=thinking,You can? Hmm, I wonder what Lance would think about that.
3-female_removed_accessory,target:alice_mgq,targetStage:6,direction:down=shocked,What just happened? What's with your skin, Alice? And what happenned to your legs!?
3-female_removed_accessory,target:clover,targetStage:3,direction:down=irritated,Oh. You're just taking off your ribbon. Fine then.
3-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:3,direction:down=shocked,I wasn't planning on taking your hat! Calm down with the threats!
3-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:3,direction:down=shocked,No one is going to take your hat! Stop threatening us!
3-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:8,direction:down=thinking,Those glasses must be really special to you or something, Coco.
3-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:8,direction:down=thinking,You either really love those shades, or you really want to win. Or both. Probably both.
3-female_removed_accessory,target:launch,targetStage:2,direction:down=shocked,Hey, wasn't your hair blonde a second ago? You also seem a lot less angry.
3-female_removed_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:3,direction:down=neutral,I'm sure you're gonna take off something else big next time.
3-female_removed_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:6,direction:down=happy,And now you just are naked!
3-female_removed_accessory,target:ribbon_girl,targetStage:1,direction:down=thinking,Hm. Now that I think about it, you remind me a lot of this Fighting type gym leader from the Kalos region, Ribbon Girl.
3-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:1,direction:down=angry,Jeez, that was bright. Wait!! What happened to your clothes!? Is that even allowed!?
3-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:2-4,direction:down=disappointed,Aaand she's wearing a completely different outfit again.
3-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:2-4,direction:down=disappointed,I though that this was supposed to be a game of STRIP poker.
3-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:2-4,direction:down=disappointed,Are you actually going to take something off at any point?

-3-male_removing_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,I wish you would stop stalling and just start enjoying yourself ~name~.
-3-male_removing_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,Your ~clothing~? These accessories are really starting to annoy me.
-3-male_removing_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,Pulling of something small? I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
-3-male_removing_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,Really? Just your ~clothing~? That's a disappointment.
-3-male_removing_accessory,direction:down=thinking,I don't even wear accessories. All they would do is slow me down when I'm swimming.
-3-male_removing_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,I guess that was the best option for you, but it's still really disappointing.
-3-male_removing_accessory,direction:down=irritated,Your ~clothing~? Come on! That hardly even covers anything!
-3-male_removing_accessory,direction:down=irritated,Please tell me you're taking off more than just your ~clothing~.
-3-male_removed_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,How about you show a bit more skin next time? Like I am.
-3-male_removed_accessory,direction:down=thinking,Why do guys shy away from me like this? Am I scaring them or something?
-3-male_removed_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,I was honestly hoping for more.
-3-male_removed_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,Please be a bit more adventurous next time.
-3-male_removed_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,Just don't even wear your ~clothing~ next time. Okay?
-3-male_removed_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,I'm very disappointed in you ~name~.
-3-male_removed_accessory,direction:down=irritated,Whatever, it's still a step in the right direction.
-3-male_removed_accessory,direction:down=irritated,I'm over here completely naked ~name~! The least you could do is give me something good to look at.
-3-female_removing_accessory,direction:down=irritated,I'm here exposing myself and you're taking off tiny stuff like that?
-3-female_removing_accessory,direction:down=happy,Your ~clothing~ is just dead weight anyway. Good riddance!
-3-female_removing_accessory,direction:down=irritated,Your ~clothing~? Does that even count?
-3-female_removing_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,Just your ~clothing~? Nothing else? Fine then.
-3-female_removing_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,Aren't you going to take off more than just your ~clothing~?
-3-female_removing_accessory,direction:down=irritated,Your ~clothing~ was just extra anyway.
-3-female_removing_accessory,direction:down=irritated,~name~, the fact that you're taking off something so small while I'm here naked really annoys me.
-3-female_removing_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,Next time we play, we shouldn't allow for things that small.
-3-female_removing_accessory,target:alice_mgq,targetStage:5,direction:down=shocked,Wait! What's happening!?
-3-female_removing_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:7,direction:down=irritated,Hold on. You ARE counting your glasses as an item? Then why didn't you take them off sooner?
-3-female_removing_accessory,target:florina,targetSaidMarker:fled,direction:down=irritated,Looks like her ability is Run Away.
-3-female_removing_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:2,direction:down=embarrassed,Well, you started with your shirt and skirt, so I guess I can't really complain about this.
-3-female_removing_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:5,direction:down=happy,You were already practically naked anyway, so I won't complain.
-3-female_removing_accessory,target:twilight,targetStage:3-5,direction:down=neutral,You've already taken off everything important, so okay.
-3-female_removing_accessory,target:twilight,targetStage:3-5,direction:down=thinking,I mean, after exposing your crotch and taking off your bra, I can't really complain about you taking off small stuff.
-3-female_removing_accessory,target:twilight,targetStage:3-5,direction:down=thinking,Whatever makes you feel comfortable, Twilight.
-3-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Whoa! She's glowing!?
-3-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,This isn't a dark cave! You're supposed to use the other kind of Flash!
-3-female_removed_accessory,direction:down=happy,One step closer to getting you as naked as I am.
-3-female_removed_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,It's almost sad how cowardly you're being, ~name~.
-3-female_removed_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,Whatever, next round.
-3-female_removed_accessory,direction:down=excited,You should show off more of your body! Guys like that.
-3-female_removed_accessory,direction:down=happy,Guys don't care about whatever accessories you're wearing! So you should get rid of them!
-3-female_removed_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,You're gonna run out of accessories eventually.
-3-female_removed_accessory,direction:down=thinking,Why do other girls like accessories so much anyway? I've never understood that.
-3-female_removed_accessory,direction:down=irritated,Not taking off anything else, ~name~? Fine, let's start the next round then.
-3-female_removed_accessory,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:dragon,direction:down=thinking,You can? Is it just a Dragon, or do you also have a secondary type?
-3-female_removed_accessory,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:dragon,direction:down=thinking,You can? Hmm, I wonder what Lance would think about that.
-3-female_removed_accessory,target:alice_mgq,targetStage:6,direction:down=shocked,What just happened? What's with your skin, Alice? And what happenned to your legs!?
-3-female_removed_accessory,target:clover,targetStage:3,direction:down=irritated,Oh. You're just taking off your ribbon. Fine then.
-3-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:3,direction:down=shocked,I wasn't planning on taking your hat! Calm down with the threats!
-3-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:3,direction:down=shocked,No one is going to take your hat! Stop threatening us!
-3-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:8,direction:down=thinking,Those glasses must be really special to you or something, Coco.
-3-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:8,direction:down=thinking,You either really love those shades, or you really want to win. Or both. Probably both.
-3-female_removed_accessory,target:launch,targetStage:2,direction:down=shocked,Hey, wasn't your hair blonde a second ago? You also seem a lot less angry.
-3-female_removed_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:3,direction:down=neutral,I'm sure you're gonna take off something else big next time.
-3-female_removed_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:6,direction:down=happy,And now you just are naked!
-3-female_removed_accessory,target:ribbon_girl,targetStage:1,direction:down=thinking,Hm. Now that I think about it, you remind me a lot of this Fighting type gym leader from the Kalos region, Ribbon Girl.
-3-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:1,direction:down=angry,Jeez, that was bright. Wait!! What happened to your clothes!? Is that even allowed!?
-3-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:2-4,direction:down=disappointed,Aaand she's wearing a completely different outfit again.
-3-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:2-4,direction:down=disappointed,I though that this was supposed to be a game of STRIP poker.
-3-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:2-4,direction:down=disappointed,Are you actually going to take something off at any point?

-2-male_removing_accessory,direction:down=irritated,You're taking off your ~clothing~? Seriously? While I'm like this?
-2-male_removing_accessory,direction:down=irritated,Please take off something else along with your ~clothing~.
-2-male_removing_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,Your ~clothing~? Really? Right now?
-2-male_removed_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,I would think that having a naked girl fapping right in front of you would give you the courage to take off something bigger.
-2-male_removed_accessory,direction:down=irritated,You're no fun, ~name~.
-2-male_removed_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,I guess I'll just have to using my imagination to get myself off.
-2-female_removing_accessory,direction:down=irritated,Your ~clothing~ was just extra anyway.
-2-female_removing_accessory,direction:down=irritated,~name~, the fact that you're taking off something so small while I'm here naked really annoys me.
-2-female_removing_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,Next time we play, we shouldn't allow for things that small.
-2-female_removing_accessory,target:alice_mgq,targetStage:5,direction:down=shocked,Wait! What's happening!?
-2-female_removing_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:7,direction:down=irritated,Hold on. You ARE counting your glasses as an item? Then why didn't you take them off sooner?
-2-female_removing_accessory,target:florina,targetSaidMarker:fled,direction:down=irritated,Looks like her ability is Run Away.
-2-female_removing_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:2,direction:down=embarrassed,Well, you started with your shirt and skirt, so I guess I can't really complain about this.
-2-female_removing_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:5,direction:down=happy,You were already practically naked anyway, so I won't complain.
-2-female_removing_accessory,target:twilight,targetStage:3-5,direction:down=neutral,You've already taken off everything important, so okay.
-2-female_removing_accessory,target:twilight,targetStage:3-5,direction:down=thinking,I mean, after exposing your crotch and taking off your bra, I can't really complain about you taking off small stuff.
-2-female_removing_accessory,target:twilight,targetStage:3-5,direction:down=thinking,Whatever makes you feel comfortable, Twilight.
-2-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Whoa! She's glowing!?
-2-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,This isn't a dark cave! You're supposed to use the other kind of Flash!
-2-female_removed_accessory,direction:down=happy,One step closer to getting you as naked as I am.
-2-female_removed_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,It's almost sad how cowardly you're being, ~name~.
-2-female_removed_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,Whatever, next round.
-2-female_removed_accessory,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:dragon,direction:down=thinking,You can? Is it just a Dragon, or do you also have a secondary type?
-2-female_removed_accessory,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:dragon,direction:down=thinking,You can? Hmm, I wonder what Lance would think about that.
-2-female_removed_accessory,target:alice_mgq,targetStage:6,direction:down=shocked,What just happened? What's with your skin, Alice? And what happenned to your legs!?
-2-female_removed_accessory,target:clover,targetStage:3,direction:down=irritated,Oh. You're just taking off your ribbon. Fine then.
-2-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:3,direction:down=shocked,I wasn't planning on taking your hat! Calm down with the threats!
-2-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:3,direction:down=shocked,No one is going to take your hat! Stop threatening us!
-2-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:8,direction:down=thinking,Those glasses must be really special to you or something, Coco.
-2-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:8,direction:down=thinking,You either really love those shades, or you really want to win. Or both. Probably both.
-2-female_removed_accessory,target:launch,targetStage:2,direction:down=shocked,Hey, wasn't your hair blonde a second ago? You also seem a lot less angry.
-2-female_removed_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:3,direction:down=neutral,I'm sure you're gonna take off something else big next time.
-2-female_removed_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:6,direction:down=happy,And now you just are naked!
-2-female_removed_accessory,target:ribbon_girl,targetStage:1,direction:down=thinking,Hm. Now that I think about it, you remind me a lot of this Fighting type gym leader from the Kalos region, Ribbon Girl.
-2-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:1,direction:down=angry,Jeez, that was bright. Wait!! What happened to your clothes!? Is that even allowed!?
-2-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:2-4,direction:down=disappointed,Aaand she's wearing a completely different outfit again.
-2-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:2-4,direction:down=disappointed,I though that this was supposed to be a game of STRIP poker.
-2-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:2-4,direction:down=disappointed,Are you actually going to take something off at any point?

-1-male_removing_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,I wish you would stop stalling and just start enjoying yourself ~name~.
-1-male_removing_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,Your ~clothing~? These accessories are really starting to annoy me.
-1-male_removing_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,Pulling of something small? I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
-1-male_removed_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,I'm very disappointed in you ~name~.
-1-male_removed_accessory,direction:down=irritated,Whatever, it's still a step in the right direction.
-1-male_removed_accessory,direction:down=irritated,I'm over here completely naked ~name~! The least you could do is give me something good to look at.
-1-female_removing_accessory,direction:down=irritated,Your ~clothing~ was just extra anyway.
-1-female_removing_accessory,direction:down=irritated,~name~, the fact that you're taking off something so small while I'm here naked really annoys me.
-1-female_removing_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,Next time we play, we shouldn't allow for things that small.
-1-female_removing_accessory,target:alice_mgq,targetStage:5,direction:down=shocked,Wait! What's happening!?
-1-female_removing_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:7,direction:down=irritated,Hold on. You ARE counting your glasses as an item? Then why didn't you take them off sooner?
-1-female_removing_accessory,target:florina,targetSaidMarker:fled,direction:down=irritated,Looks like her ability is Run Away.
-1-female_removing_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:2,direction:down=embarrassed,Well, you started with your shirt and skirt, so I guess I can't really complain about this.
-1-female_removing_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:5,direction:down=happy,You were already practically naked anyway, so I won't complain.
-1-female_removing_accessory,target:twilight,targetStage:3-5,direction:down=neutral,You've already taken off everything important, so okay.
-1-female_removing_accessory,target:twilight,targetStage:3-5,direction:down=thinking,I mean, after exposing your crotch and taking off your bra, I can't really complain about you taking off small stuff.
-1-female_removing_accessory,target:twilight,targetStage:3-5,direction:down=thinking,Whatever makes you feel comfortable, Twilight.
-1-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,Whoa! She's glowing!?
-1-female_removing_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:0,direction:down=shocked,This isn't a dark cave! You're supposed to use the other kind of Flash!
-1-female_removed_accessory,direction:down=happy,One step closer to getting you as naked as I am.
-1-female_removed_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,It's almost sad how cowardly you're being, ~name~.
-1-female_removed_accessory,direction:down=disappointed,Whatever, next round.
-1-female_removed_accessory,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:dragon,direction:down=thinking,You can? Is it just a Dragon, or do you also have a secondary type?
-1-female_removed_accessory,alsoPlaying:corrin_f,alsoPlayingSayingMarker:dragon,direction:down=thinking,You can? Hmm, I wonder what Lance would think about that.
-1-female_removed_accessory,target:alice_mgq,targetStage:6,direction:down=shocked,What just happened? What's with your skin, Alice? And what happenned to your legs!?
-1-female_removed_accessory,target:clover,targetStage:3,direction:down=irritated,Oh. You're just taking off your ribbon. Fine then.
-1-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:3,direction:down=shocked,I wasn't planning on taking your hat! Calm down with the threats!
-1-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:3,direction:down=shocked,No one is going to take your hat! Stop threatening us!
-1-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:8,direction:down=thinking,Those glasses must be really special to you or something, Coco.
-1-female_removed_accessory,target:coco,targetStage:8,direction:down=thinking,You either really love those shades, or you really want to win. Or both. Probably both.
-1-female_removed_accessory,target:launch,targetStage:2,direction:down=shocked,Hey, wasn't your hair blonde a second ago? You also seem a lot less angry.
-1-female_removed_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:3,direction:down=neutral,I'm sure you're gonna take off something else big next time.
-1-female_removed_accessory,target:pinkie_pie,targetStage:6,direction:down=happy,And now you just are naked!
-1-female_removed_accessory,target:ribbon_girl,targetStage:1,direction:down=thinking,Hm. Now that I think about it, you remind me a lot of this Fighting type gym leader from the Kalos region, Ribbon Girl.
-1-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:1,direction:down=angry,Jeez, that was bright. Wait!! What happened to your clothes!? Is that even allowed!?
-1-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:2-4,direction:down=disappointed,Aaand she's wearing a completely different outfit again.
-1-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:2-4,direction:down=disappointed,I though that this was supposed to be a game of STRIP poker.
-1-female_removed_accessory,target:vriska,targetStage:2-4,direction:down=disappointed,Are you actually going to take something off at any point?

#Minor pieces of clothing don't reveal much when removed, but probably indicate more progress than accessory removal.

#stage-generic lines that will be used for every individual stage that doesn't have a line written
male_removing_minor,direction:down=thinking,Your ~clothing~? I mean, I guess that makes sense.
male_removing_minor,direction:down=neutral,I was kinda hoping for something more, but that's fine too.
male_removing_minor,direction:down=pleased,Your ~clothing~ works for now.
male_removing_minor,direction:down=pleased,Your ~clothing~ is a good choice.
male_removed_minor,direction:down=pleased,Not bad, but I know you can do better.
male_removed_minor,direction:down=pleased,I may not be able to see much, but I'm still liking what I see.