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                <state img="8-lucid.png">Okay...I better not step there.</state>
            <case tag="male_finished_masturbating" totalFinished="2-">
                <state img="8-DPAmused.png">There goes another one.</state>
                <state img="8-DPDelighted.png">And there goes another one...</state>
            <case tag="female_must_masturbate">
                <state img="8-bored.png">Well, ~name~ lost.</state>
                <state img="8-bored.png">...~name~ lost huh?</state>
                <state img="8-doubt.png">Looks like it's her turn to destroy herself...</state>
                <state img="8-pondering.png">Another bites the dust...but...dust is too "airy' to be bitten...whoever came up with that saying really hasn't tried biting dust.</state>
                <state img="8-DPDelighted.png">...And another girl's innocence has been taken.</state>
            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="emi">
                <state img="8-surprised.png">Emi...even at your &lt;i&gt;'Emi'&lt;/i&gt;est, you still lost? How is that even possible?</state>
                <state img="8-doubt.png">Looks like you lost this race Emi...</state>
            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="emi" targetSaidMarker="pirate" targetSaying="I be convinced this entire game was jus' a plot t' get me t' teach ye all how t' finger paint th' oval cabin.">
                <state img="8-curious.png" marker="oval_cabin">...Since when did you pick up finger painting?</state>
                <state img="8-doubt.png" marker="oval_cabin">...I can't even finger paint...</state>
            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="emi" targetSaidMarker="pirate" targetSaying="I be nah happy about this result, but if I be bein' honest, flossin' th' otter ain't th' worst punishment fer losin'.">
                <state img="8-disgust.png" marker="otter_floss">Flossing...what?</state>
                <state img="8-confused.png" marker="otter_floss">Otters? Where?</state>
                <state img="8-curious.png" marker="otter_floss">Flossing an otter? Since when have you cared about otters, Emi?</state>
            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="emi" targetSaidMarker="pirate" targetSaying="I be nah sure wha's &lt;i&gt;more&lt;/i&gt; upsettin', losin', or wha' I now 'ave t' do...">
                <state img="8-DPDelighted.png">Oh, you know what's coming Ms. Pirate.</state>
            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="emi" targetSaidMarker="pirate" targetSaying="I was tryin' so hard 'n I still couldn't pull it off...">
                <state img="8-DPUpset.png">...But  in the end, it doesn't even matter.</state>
            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="emi" targetSaying="I was trying so hard and I still couldn't pull it off...">
                <state img="8-DPUpset.png">...But  in the end, it doesn't even matter.</state>
            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="emi" targetSaying="I'm convinced this entire game was just a plot to get me to teach you all how to finger paint the oval office.">
                <state img="8-curious.png" marker="oval_cabin">...Since when did you pick up finger painting?</state>
                <state img="8-doubt.png" marker="oval_cabin">...I can't even finger paint...</state>
            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="emi" targetSaying="I'm not happy about this result, but if I'm being honest, flossing the otter isn't the worst punishment for losing.">
                <state img="8-disgust.png" marker="otter_floss">Flossing...what?</state>
                <state img="8-confused.png" marker="otter_floss">Otters? Where?</state>
                <state img="8-curious.png" marker="otter_floss">Flossing an otter? Since when have you cared about otters, Emi?</state>
            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="hanako">
                <state img="8-doubt.png">...Bad luck Hanako...maybe next time...</state>
            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="sei">
                <state img="8-curious.png">Sei's 'destroying' herself now?...Is it really happening?</state>
            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="shimakaze">
                <state img="8-surprised.png">Critical Hit!</state>
            <case tag="female_must_masturbate" target="zizou">
                <state img="8-amused.png">The Butterfly Goddess has fallen.</state>
            <case tag="female_start_masturbating">
                <state img="8-DPAmused.png">...Well, good luck with that.</state>
                <state img="8-lucid.png">...And away we go.</state>
                <state img="8-DPDelighted.png">...Don't embarrass yourself too much ~name~.</state>
            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="emi" targetSaidMarker="pirate">
                <state img="8-lucid.png">...You do you Emi.</state>
            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="emi" targetSaying="Well I guess I'll start jacking Jill up the hill.">
                <state img="8-annoyed.png">...What is with you and using fancy word language today?</state>
            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="sei">
                <state img="8-flustered.png">Mmmmf...</state>
            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="shimakaze">
                <state img="8-DPUpset.png">...I'm honestly really surprised I haven't gone deaf...</state>
                <state img="8-lucid.png">...It's's finally over...</state>
            <case tag="female_start_masturbating" target="zizou">
                <state img="8-amused.png">Looks like someone dropped to my level...</state>
            <case tag="female_masturbating">
                <state img="8-DPAmused.png">...Don't mind me. I'm just...getting inspiration.</state>
                <state img="8-DPNormal.png">Don't expect me to help you with my hands.</state>
                <state img="8-doubt.png">...This is honestly a bit odd for me.</state>
                <state img="8-DPUpset.png">...What's another good word for feeling uncomfortable?</state>
                <state img="8-confused.png">...Hm...if only I had one of those...painting boards...what were they called again?</state>
                <state img="8-curious.png">...Are you thinking about me?</state>
                <state img="8-lucid.png">...At least you have hands to work with...</state>
            <case tag="female_masturbating" target="emi" priority="10">
                <state img="8-lucid.png">Don't wear yourself out now Emi...</state>
                <state img="8-confused.png">...This is an entirely different race that I'm seeing right now.</state>
                <state img="8-DPAmused.png">Getting to the finish line soon, Emi?</state>
                <state img="8-pondering.png">...I wonder if I'll remember this tomorrow...</state>
            <case tag="female_masturbating" target="felicia" priority="10">
                <state img="8-DPDelighted.png">...Don't scratch yourself now.</state>
            <case tag="female_masturbating" target="hanako" totalAlive="2" priority="10">
                <state img="8-curious.png">...You're doing this in front of me, Hanako? How curious.</state>
            <case tag="female_masturbating" target="hanako" totalAlive="3-4" priority="10">
                <state img="8-bored.png">Never thought I'd see her front of all these people.</state>
            <case tag="female_masturbating" target="sei">
                <state img="8-curious.png">(I...can't take my eyes off her...)</state>
                <state img="8-surprised.png">(I...really can't stop watching her...)</state>
                <state img="8-amused.png">(So...graceful...)</state>
                <state img="8-bored.png">Mmmf...</state>
                <state img="8-bored.png">Don't...give in to temptation...</state>
            <case tag="female_heavy_masturbating">
                <state img="8-DPDelighted.png">'re still going at it, huh?</state>
                <state img="8-curious.png">...Are you okay ~name~?</state>
                <state img="8-DPAmused.png">Someone's getting close...</state>
                <state img="8-DPDelighted.png">What kind of face is that ~name~?</state>
            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating">
                <state img="8-curious.png">Your paints spilled out.</state>
                <state img="8-DPDelighted.png">'re wet.</state>
                <state img="8-pondering.png">...I wonder if you can really hear yourself squirt?</state>
                <state img="8-amused.png">De-stroyed.</state>
                <state img="8-lucid.png">Okay...I better not step there.</state>
            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="aimee">
                <state img="8-surprised.png">...Hey, I wasn't wrong! She did shoot herself!</state>
                <state img="8-surprised.png">...Hey, I was right! She did shoot herself!</state>
                <state img="8-curious.png">...That...looks like it hurt.</state>
            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="emi" notSaidMarker="emi_finished">
                <state img="8-DPDelighted.png" marker="emi_finished">So, how was the race Emi?</state>
                <state img="8-DPAmused.png" marker="emi_finished">So, did you finish like you expected, Emi?~</state>
                <state img="8-amused.png" marker="emi_finished">Looks like you finished Emi...was it worth it?</state>
            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="hanako">
                <state img="8-amused.png">...You did good Hanako...You did good...</state>
            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="sakura">
                <state img="8-amused.png">I've seemed to learn a lot today.</state>
            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" target="sei">
                <state img="8-doubt.png">Now I kind of wish that I was Sei...</state>
            <case tag="female_finished_masturbating" totalFinished="2-">
                <state img="8-DPAmused.png">There goes another one.</state>
                <state img="8-DPDelighted.png">And there goes another one...</state>
            <case tag="finished_masturbating">
                <state img="8-amused.png">That was...really nice...</state>
                <state img="8-amused.png">I...did it...</state>
                <state img="8-amused.png">That wasn't so bad...</state>
                <state img="8-DPDelighted.png">Enjoying yourself ~player~?</state>
                <state img="8-lucid.png">If only I brought my art supplies...</state>
                <state img="8-curious.png">...Has anyone ever stopped to notice the smaller details in things?</state>
                <state img="8-DPNormal.png">...Can I take my put my clothes back on now?</state>
                <state img="8-doubt.png">...I really feel like one of those models that people use to paint naked bodies with...</state>
                <state img="8-lucid.png">The floor is really cold...</state>
                <state img="8-DPNormal.png">Well, you won't have to worry about me sleeping...the floor's too cold for sleep anyways...</state>
                <state img="8-lucid.png">I've slept on floors before...but this...this is not comfortable...</state>
                <state img="8-confused.png">...I think I just stepped on something wet...</state>
            <case tag="finished_masturbating" alsoPlaying="sei" notSaidMarker="finished" priority="2">
                <state img="8-finished.png" marker="finished">I...don't regret a thing...</state>
            <case tag="finished_masturbating" alsoPlaying="sei" notSaidMarker="sei_moan" priority="1">
                <state img="8-flustered.png" marker="sei_moan">Wait...did I just say...Oh...I did scream out your name, didn't I, Sei?</state>
            <case tag="finished_masturbating" notSaidMarker="finished">
                <state img="8-finished.png" marker="finished">Hey ~player~?...What's the word for when it feels inside your heart that everything in the world is all right?</state>
                <state img="8-finished.png" marker="finished">That was...really nice...</state>
                <state img="8-finished.png" marker="finished">And...that's how it's...done...</state>
            <case tag="game_over_defeat">
                <state img="8-bored.png">Oh...~name~ won?</state>
                <state img="8-pondering.png">You know, I could use the liquids from the floor as paint if I really wanted to.</state>
                <state img="8-DPDelighted.png">Oh cool, ~name~ won.</state>
                <state img="8-absent.png">...I'm probably going to go paint now...Let me know when you're doing this again.</state>
            <case tag="game_over_defeat" alsoPlaying="aimee">
                <state img="8-amused.png">Probably should of thought about that before it started raining...</state>
                <state img="8-DPDelighted.png">Karma can really get to you Aimee...</state>
            <case tag="game_over_defeat" target="aimee" targetStage="4-5" priority="100">
                <state img="8-amused.png">Probably should of thought about that before it started raining...</state>
                <state img="8-DPDelighted.png">Karma can really get to you Aimee...</state>
            <case tag="game_over_defeat" target="emi">
                <state img="8-bored.png">Great job Emi. I bet you feel invincible now.</state>
                <state img="8-DPNormal.png">Emi won? Well, can't blame her for always doing her &lt;i&gt;Emi&lt;/i&gt;est...Even in things that are not running.</state>
                <state img="8-lucid.png">Looks like you won this race Emi.</state>
                <state img="8-curious.png">Oh cool, Emi we going to that art store?</state>
            <case tag="game_over_defeat" target="hanako">
                <state img="8-amused.png">Oh, you won Hanako...good job...</state>
                <state img="8-bored.png">...Of course she won...she's so mysterious...</state>
                <state img="8-DPAmused.png">Reading those books must of paid off, eh Hanako?</state>
            <case tag="game_over_defeat" target="hanako" saidMarker="toiletgirl">
                <state img="8-DPDelighted.png" marker="toiletgirl">Well done MTG...Well done...</state>