<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<variable name="player" description="Displays the player's name." global="true" />
<variable name="name" description="Displays the target's name." />
<variable name="cards" description="Displays the number of cards being exchanged.">
<function name="ifPlural" description="Displays text conditionally based on whether the clothing is singular or plural.">
<param name="true" description="Text when plural (ex. 3)."/>
<param name="false" description="Text when not plural (ex. 1)."/>
<function name="text" description="Displays the number of cards being exchanged as a word instead of a number (ex. four rather than 4)."></function>
<variable name="clothing" description="Displays the name of the clothing being removed.">
<function name="ifPlural" description="Displays text conditionally based on whether the clothing is singular or plural.">
<param name="true" description="Text when plural (ex. pants)."/>
<param name="false" description="Text when not plural (ex. dress)."/>
<function name="generic" description="Displays the generic name of the clothing."/>
<function name="plural" description="Displays 'plural' or 'single' depending on if the clothing is plural."/>
<function name="position" description="Displays the clothing's position (upper, lower, etc.)."/>
<variable name="marker" description="Displays the value of a marker." global="true" useMarkers="true" />
<variable name="weekday" description="Displays the current day of the week." global="true" />
<variable name="background" description="Displays the name of the background the player is using." global="true">
<function name="location" description="Displays 'indoors' or 'outdoors' depending on which background is in play."/>
<function name="time" description="Displays 'day' or 'night' depending on which background is in play."/>
<variable name="target" description="Displays the target's name, same as ~name~.">
<function name="costume" description="Expands to the ID of the current skin the target is using, or 'default' by default." />
<function name="gender" description="Expands to male or female depending on the character's gender." />
<function name="position" description="Expands to left, right, or self based on the target's position on the screen relative to this character." />
<function name="size" description="Expands to small, medium, or large based on the character's chest or penis size." />
<function name="slot" description="Expands to 1, 2, 3, or 4 based on the target's position on screen, where 1 is leftmost and 4 is rightmost." />
<function name="tag" description="Expands to 'true' or 'false' depending on if the target has this tag." />
<function name="place" description="Expands to the character's current place (1-5) based on layers remaining." />
<function name="revplace" description="Expands to the character's current place in reverse order (1-5) based on layers remaining, so 1 means in last place." />
<function name="lead" description="Expands to the number of remaining layers this character has over 2nd place when in the leader, or a negative number difference from the leader if not in first." />
<function name="trail" description="When in last place, expands to the difference in layers between this character and 2nd to last." />
<function name="diff" description="Difference between the number of layers of this player and other.">
<param name="other" description="ID of the character to compare to." />
<variable name="self" description="Displays the target's name, same as ~name~." global="true">
<function name="costume" description="Expands to the ID of the current skin the character is using, or 'default' by default." />
<function name="slot" description="Expands to 1, 2, 3, or 4 based on the character's position on screen, where 1 is leftmost and 4 is rightmost." />
<function name="tag" description="Expands to 'true' or 'false' depending on if the character has this tag." />
<function name="place" description="Expands to the character's current place (1-5) based on layers remaining." />
<function name="revplace" description="Expands to the character's current place in reverse order (1-5) based on layers remaining, so 1 means in last place." />
<function name="lead" description="Expands to the number of remaining layers this character has over 2nd place when in the leader, or a negative number difference from the leader if not in first." />
<function name="trail" description="When in last place, expands to the difference in layers between this character and 2nd to last." />
<function name="diff" description="Difference between the number of layers of this player and other.">
<param name="other" description="ID of the character to compare to." />