- Sep 17, 2018
PivotalCog authored
- Sep 16, 2018
PivotalCog authored
PivotalCog authored
Adds some lines to Nayru, Miko, Ryuji, Juri, Chun-Li, F_Corrin, Navi, and Natsuki. See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!1008
PivotalCog authored
Meia, Jura, Revy Plurals See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!1007
RinkahBestGirl authored
Patrickisdom authored
Major Nayru Bigfix See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!1006
Patrickisdom authored
Avoid marker="foo-bar" being interpreted as "decrement bar" See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!1005
ReformCopyright authored
Anchor regexp for incrementing/decrementing marker or setting one to a value, avoiding that it matches from the middle of a marker name containing a hyphen-minus.
Opal_Kobold authored
Adds 66 lines Attention: Changes null-possess marker to null_possess; consider updating targets ASAP. Hyphens in markers have been causing issues, so this should allow Nayru to finish a game without Veran showing up.
Patrickisdom authored
Patrickisdom authored
Patrickisdom authored
Meia, Jura Masturbation Sequence + Memes See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!1004
spnanon authored
Patrickisdom authored
Typo Fixes See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!1000
Patrickisdom authored
- Sep 15, 2018
Patrickisdom authored
Arndress authored
Delete conflict markers i meta files. See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!1001
ReformCopyright authored
Patrickisdom authored
It hasn't been updated in a while. If you want to play with Zone-tan's Valentine outfit, just copy all the files within the zone-tan_valentine folder (within the saves/reskinned_opponents folder) and paste and overwrite all these files in the normal zone-tan folder (within the opponents folder).
Patrickisdom authored
Patrickisdom authored
- Sep 14, 2018
RinkahBestGirl authored
Arndress authored
When commenting on other female characters "forfeiting", Mei has more than one thing to say. Also pluralized her clothing and attempted to fix her targeted lines to Raven.
Patrickisdom authored
- Sep 13, 2018
Patrickisdom authored
Arndress authored
To support line functionality that can assess whether an item of clothing sounds plural, each character will need to be updated with a `plural=true` on selected lines in their wardrobe list. This is supported by the latest versions of the Character Editor (from v2.1.1) and make_xml (from v1.55). I recommend doing this for your own characters before a guide is written showing how to write these lines. I'm going through and updating the xml files of characters who have had no content edits in the past six months. If you see the name of character you're working on, watch out for edit conflicts. Ciri, Sheena, and Sheeva all had behaviour.xml files of unknown creation method, so I sought a method of altering them while making the smallest diff. The Character Editor worked best here.
Arndress authored
To support line functionality that can assess whether an item of clothing sounds plural, each character will need to be updated with a `plural=true` on selected lines in their wardrobe list. This is supported by the latest versions of the Character Editor (from v2.1.1) and make_xml (from v1.55). I recommend doing this for your own characters before a guide is written showing how to write these lines. I'm going through and updating the xml files of characters who have had no content edits in the past six months. If you see the name of character you're working on, watch out for edit conflicts. Harley, Jane, Kurumu, Pearl, and Videl all had behaviour.xml files of unknown creation method, so I sought a method of altering them while making the smallest diff. The Character Editor worked best here. I also corrected the tags of Harley, Jane, and Videl.
Patrickisdom authored
Patrickisdom authored
Revy Finished Pose, Tweaks See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!997
spnanon authored
Patrickisdom authored
Arndress authored
To support forthcoming line functionality that can assess whether an item of clothing sounds plural, each character will need to be updated with a `plural=true` on selected lines in their wardrobe list. This is supported by the latest versions of the Character Editor (from v2.1.1) and make_xml (from v1.55). I'm going through and updating the xml files of characters who have had no content edits in the past six months. If you see the name of character you're working on, watch out for edit conflicts. In addition to the clothing plural changes, I have changed Jasmine's initial label from "Anonymous girl" to "anonymous girl. Because this is label called with `~name~`, the capital letter was showing up mid-sentence. To prevent the lower case letter to Jasmine (and any other opponent or player) from being at the start of a sentence, you should start sentences with `~Name~`, which is the same but with a capital letter at the beginning. This can be done quickly by opening your xml in a simple text editor and doing a find-replace of `">~name~` to `">~Name~`. (This won't catch mid-line `~name~`s, though.)
- Sep 12, 2018
Patrickisdom authored
Dialogue fixes See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!996
Patrickisdom authored
Dialogue error clean up. (Got rid of some default/messed up lines) See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!995
Patrickisdom authored
Nayran Update 3 See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!994
Patrickisdom authored
Adds plural values to the clothing of Aella See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!993
BB authored
BB authored