- Jul 27, 2018
Patrickisdom authored
Add sort option to sort opponents by most (unique) lines targeting them by currenty selected characters See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!820
ReformCopyright authored
Add sort option to sort opponents by most (unique) lines targeting them by currenty selected characters
- Jul 26, 2018
- Jul 25, 2018
Patrickisdom authored
Patrickisdom authored
Arndress authored
Arndress authored
I've been meaning to standardize these for over a year. I also removed nugi_images.py, which was a version of make_images.py for Nugi-chan based on her old model. Zombiqaz, who made Nugi-chan's original model, also make make_images.py with support for templates like this. Similar Python scrips for still-current models can be found in other veteran characters' folders. (The resulting kisekae codes for Nugi-chan's original model are still in her folder.)
Arndress authored
ReformCopyright added to make_xml:.py + The ability to use stage-generic targeted lines + Elimination of common lines that can't happen: stripped in stage 0, victory after losing
Arndress authored
make_xml.py: Make stage-global targeted lines work and eliminate cases from stages they can't appear in See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!816
- Jul 24, 2018
PivotalCog authored
Nmasp authored
Target line updates for Beatrix, Joey, and Aella See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!875
Nmasp authored
Revy Case Fix See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!874
- Jul 23, 2018
Patrickisdom authored
Monika 3.5.5: general file cleanup See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!872
FarawayVision authored
FarawayVision authored
Patrickisdom authored
Monika v3.5.4: poses.csv must now be fetched via Google Sheets API w/ OAuth2 authentication See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!871
FarawayVision authored
PivotalCog authored
PivotalCog authored
PivotalCog authored
Arndress authored
Hooray for testing! Also fixed some 4AM spelling mistakes.
Arndress authored
Also made a related adjustment to behaviour_template.txt to indicate the shift away from "start" lines to "selected" and "game_start" lines.
Arndress authored
Fix "selected" support in make_xml.py and add "game_start" (renamed from "start") See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!868
- Jul 22, 2018
PivotalCog authored
PivotalCog authored
Revy Generic + Conditional Line Update See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!869
- Jul 21, 2018
Nmasp authored
Returns Elizabeth's Tandem tag as well
ReformCopyright authored
Rename the "start" trigger tag "game_start" to avoid conflicts in make_xml.py, add support for it to make_xml.py, remove default text for "selected" (make it and "game_start" optional) and only use it and "game_start" in stage 0, and mark them as optional i the CE.
- Jul 20, 2018
Arndress authored
Moon was created at a time when we had no concept of total file size limits. In fact, it was she who first tread on this terrifying landscape. In a world of no limits, every character would benefit from having several hundred pose files. However, this is not the type of fantasy that this game was created to entertain. As the person responsible for handling Moon's image files at almost all stages of the process, I feel partly responsible. With DK's ancient and unspecific blessing, today I have made significant changes to Moon's overall file size. Specific notes: * Notably, Moon had *many* poses that spanned all states of undress while being otherwise identical. I have pared many of these, often leaving only one of each type per stage. For example, Moon has seven "sad" poses, so I have spread these different poses over seven different stages. This uses her pose divesity to take her a square closer to a Nagisa-level of pose efficiency. * As Moon is quick to be elimated, I have preserved her full range of poses in her final stage, meaning many of her specific poses are still available in her final stage and in only one other stage. Also, her pentultimate has made unique images due to its nature. * I have deleted Moon's unused ".image" files, except for three with potential future use that have photoshop improvements. All of these were duplicates of existing poses in other stages, and they can be remade from her kisekae codes if needed in the future. * Some "_a" images didn't have any variants, so I renamed these files and their kisekae codes references too. * Moon's stage 8 "starting" images were identical to her stage 7 ones, so I deleted the stage 8 ones and changed the file references to stage 7. * The above image reduction will be most noticable in a Full Moon Table game, especially in the first few rounds. As the Moons move into different stages from each other, their poses will become more differentiated. * All of the Validation errors I saw for Moon are wrong. * I used some experimental technology to give Moon a small number of targeted lines. * At 9.26MB, Moon's folder size is no longer in the top 30.
Patrickisdom authored
Arndress authored
With MR !674 (for issue #19), ReformCopyright gave us the exciting ability to use our flexible toys in pre-game lines and introduced the concept of the "selected" state, which is when a character has been selected but the game hasn't started. This is formerly when a character would have drawn a second start line, and this behaviour continues for most characters. I have clumsily added "selected" line functionality to make_xml.py. Please advise anyone anywhere if you encounter any issues with this.
Nmasp authored
Meia/Jura Decloning See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!866
- Jul 19, 2018