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  1. May 05, 2018
  2. Apr 26, 2018
  3. Feb 27, 2018
  4. Jan 11, 2018
    • Arndress's avatar
      Added Sheva and Angie to the testing tables; moved Amalia, Chiaki, and Chica... · d9d8c982
      Arndress authored
      Added Sheva and Angie to the testing tables; moved Amalia, Chiaki, and Chica to incomplete_opponents
      Two new characters are available for testing: Sheva and Angie! Please try out both of them and give feedback to their respective authors.
      Amalias, Chiaki, and Toy Chica have been moved off the live testing tables and into the incomplete_opponents folder. Any development activity at all is enough to promote these gals back to live testing.