- Mar 14, 2018
Nmasp authored
Compresses Gwen's Folder Size using optipng.
Nmasp authored
Updates from Alchemist 21 to adjust various model aspects.
Nmasp authored
Per testing, releases Pit as a completed character to the core game.
Nmasp authored
This update adds a fresh image suite to Rinkah, removing her default face and adding lots of spice to an otherwise spicy character!
Nmasp authored
Pit Update 8 See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!542
- Mar 13, 2018
- Mar 12, 2018
- Mar 11, 2018
- Mar 10, 2018
Nmasp authored
Pit Update 6 See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!537
Nmasp authored
From his subreddit post: "So... Hinata is much more ready than the first attempt... I think... -If it's possible could /u/ManiacWithTheHex, /u/spanon, /u/ninjakingace, /u/yu_ser, /u/sjrslev, and /u/UnderscorM3 Kindly give me your opinions? I freely admit that I didn't necessarily agree with everything you guys said, but you Universally gave good advice and I'd like your input for additional improvement. -Request for character update has been sent to /u/SPNATI so if one of you could let me know when the updates are applied I'd appreciate it. I have some traveling to do this weekend and would like to run some testing on my phone. _Update notes: * _ -Altered images: Bigger chest, eyes should only have the barest hint of Lavender now. -Fixed a bunch of spelling, uncapatilized a lot of letters... -Added a lot of dialogue, she's over 400 lines now and I'm hoping you guys can point out more weak areas for me. No Targeted dialogue yet, so if you have someone you want me to target, let me know! -Still haven't gotten the scene specific stuff completely fixed, so after she loses her shirt she will pull a knife if she is the first to strip to a given nudity regardless instead of the linear fashion I'm still planning on inserting. That said she should ONLY pull a knife if she is the first to hit that level, and if she's always the first to a given level her dialogue is linear, but it should be able to stand alone as well. -I altered her difficulty a little, but she can see through cards (and clothes) and is trained at reading body language she SHOULD be tough despite not knowing the game. As it is she's set to easiest for the first three levels and hardest for the last two or three, I don't recall exactly where I set the break. -She is play tested quite a bit, but I run only her for all four when I do so on my computer, she might not respond quite right in all circumstances. please let me know if that happens. -They say your harshest critic is your best friend, so don't feel like you need to pull punches here. I want her to make the main table at some point! Thanks, ~Fuzzy~ PS. Is anyone hosting a repository of all characters submitted for play testing? I think I'm running the search wrong if they are. Thanks again!"
Nmasp authored
Adds Hope to the testing tables, ironically, as Evie is thrown to the cold grips of the offline opponents.
- Mar 09, 2018
Nmasp authored
Pit Update 5 See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!535
Nmasp authored
Meia Marker Addition + Misc. Lines/Case Edits See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!536
Nmasp authored
Nmasp authored
Fixes Rinkah clipping issues, and adds a few lines of dialogue.
Nmasp authored
Fixes Kyu's epilogue link for YSP to make room for more responses.
Nmasp authored
This is an update from /u/sjrslev. This update is a huge graphical update as well as dialogue update. I've tested Elaine once and made a few spelling corrections to her .xml using the editor, but overall she was pretty bug-free! A word of warning, this update increases Elaine's stages by 1, which will break many lines targeting her. Pit and Meia in particular may need to make adjustments following this. [This also includes a few bugfixes to Marinette's dialogue, but doesn't add anything new.]
Nmasp authored
Compressed Corrin_F's images. Updated her finished lines See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!534
- Mar 08, 2018
SnSChase authored
Nmasp authored
April XML update from a .txt given by FrostFireFive. Shuffles/Consolidates the testing tables. Also names them the Testing Tables for clarity. Testing out names for the tables too, because creativity is fun.
Nmasp authored
Modernized Corrin_F's behavior files See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!533
SnSChase authored
Updated, modernized and cleaned up both behavior.xml and corrin_f_bhv.txt, added markers to the txt file so they can be converted into markers.xml
Nmasp authored
Captain America - Art Update See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!532
Zeuses Swan Song authored
- Mar 07, 2018
Arndress authored
Patrickisdom authored
Nmasp authored
Kyu Updates See merge request spnati/spnati.gitlab.io!529