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# Karryn's Prison CCMod
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## Overview
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Adds a basic text-based pregnancy system to Karryn's Prison, along with a collection of other new features and (optional) balance changes to normal gameplay.  Almost everything is configurable, see CC_Config.js.
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An effort was made to overwrite as little as possible of the original game (both files and functions).  It is fairly easy to maintain between game versions.
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This is provided as-is.  It may or may not ever be updated again.  Things marked TODO are placeholder for future ideas that may or may not ever happen.  If you want me to answer any support questions, you must mention 'shibboleet' or otherwise make very clear you either read the readme or opened the mod files.  It might be silly and trite, but I have no intention of wasting my time trying to offer support to idiots who can't even read a readme.
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You are free to copy/paste my stuff just give attribution if you do.  I am interested in seeing what mods other people make too or changes they make to my mod, so feel free to share.

If any artist wants to contribute assets (piercings, tattoo, etc.) contact me.

## New Mechanics
Almost everything is configurable or can be disabled easily.

### Pregnancy
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Basic mostly text-based pregnancy with fertility cycle.  Cycle state will influence in-battle charm and fatigue gain.  Gain passives based on births, passive effects are birth-related.  There's a birth control edict with a daily expense to maintain.  It will be removed on bankruptcy or randomly sabotaged on days when a riot starts.  There are some fertility edicts, these will block the birth control edict.

An internal view is added to the status/pause menu.

There's an option for a womb tattoo while pregnant for the map pose.  Assets 'borrowed' from some anonymous Chinese modder who ripped off my work without credit.
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### Exhibitionist
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With v9A, night mode was added to the game as an official exhibitionist mode wherein clothing and cum are semi-persistent after battle, depending on passives.  The way it works is that clothing now loses some maximum durability each time it's damaged or stripped off.  When enough clothing is lost or bukkake accumulates, Karryn is naked and night mode is triggered, which closes off some rooms and side jobs until next day.

The mod aims to make the clothing state much more active even from the first battle in day 1.  No passives are required for maxumum durability to be lowered, though the rate without any passives is very low.  However, clothing state after battle is no longer affected by clothing durability, only the state Karryn was in at the end of the battle.  Walking around will slowly restore clothing states up to the current maximum durability.  Night mode will be triggered frequently, but it will also change back as Karryn gets dressed again.

If Karryn walk around naked, she gain exhibitionist points.  Karryn starts out getting fatigued from doing so but will eventually gain pleasure from walking around naked.  These changes are granted via passives.  If the second exhibitionist passive is obtained, Karryn will no longer restore clothing stages while walking around.
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Toys will give pleasure over time while walking around and can be equipped at any bed after having it used once on Karryn in battle.

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Bukkake handling is done entirely by the mod and skips over the changes made in v9A.  Bukkake slowly decreases over time while walking around.  Being covered in cum will give fatigue or pleasure based on passives.  Clean up and sleeping will significnatly reduce but may not fully remove bukkake.  Starting a side job has the same effect as clean up.  Set feature flag to disable decrease over time and go back to having sleep remove everything.
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At a bed, Karryn can clean up and get dressed, for a small fatigue cost.  The option to strip is added once the first exhibitionist passive is obtained.  Using strip while already naked will remove gloves and hat.  Cleaning up will put on a new uniform and restore maximum durability.
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The edict to sell mastrubation videos has been added back in and it requires the first exhibitionist passive.  Gain daily income bonus per video, but invasion chance is increased.  Income per video and invasion chance decrease over time.  See the config file under OnlyFans for income options.

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The main idea behind this edict is a high risk/high reward option since income is higher the more "pure" Karryn is (low slut level, virgin), and a pure Karryn benefits much more from gold to buy combat edicts.  But it comes with a much higher invasion risk, and since mastrubation increases all desires which carry over into the invasion battle and possible defeat...

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### Gyaru - Hair, Eye, Skin recolor
Edicts to change Karryn's hair, eye, and skin color.  Hair and eye colors can be configured to be anything you want by editing the color definitions.  A few presets are provided.

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Note: v9A changed a lot of art assets as well as how stuff is rendered.  Some poses are misaligned and will look wrong with floating hair or body parts in odd places.  These will be disabled until art is fixed.  This includes the map pose for tan skin options.  **Due to rendering change and caching, the very first time an image is drawn, hair will not be colored correctly.**  It will update properly the next time that pose is drawn, so probably within 5-10 seconds, and then it won't happen again for that pose unless hair color is changed.
This feature does come with a small performance hit when used.  If the game is lagging, consider not changing the eye color.  Performance has been significantly improved in v9A.
There may be the occasional game error with trying to load an image that doesn't exist when using tan skin option.  Just report the error in discord with the full missing file path and it'll get fixed.  The crash state can be salvaged by making a file of that name in the correct location and hitting 'Retry'.

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### Discipline
The Wanted system in the game is really underused.  It keeps track of so many stats, but you never see them and all they really end up being are enemies with the same name that show up now and then.

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The edict desk in the office has been expanded to show all Wanted inmates and display their highest sex stats.  Karryn can also call in any of them for some special one-on-one time with a temporary level buff so they aren't a pushover.  Subduing them physically or being defeated will increase their level, sexually satisfying them will lower it instead.

Bosses can be called as well after defeating them.  They seem to work without issue.
Up to 3 enemies can be called at once.  This is probably as close to a 'gallery' mode as the game will ever get.
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### Side Job Additions - Waitress
In the bar minigame there are now concequences for serving the wrong drink.  There are two passives granted if Karryn continues to be a ditz and can't remember orders.  This can serve as a fun addition to get rid of extra drinks and earn more tips, or just a way to get Karryn shitfaced in 60 seconds.  Serving drinks is now an instant action.
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### Tweaks
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A large number of balance changes which can turn into cheats when taken to the extreme.  See config file for details.  Note that most of them are disabled by default.  Changes required for above features to work are enabled by default.
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The ability for enemies to call for reinforcements during normal battles is enabled by default.

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Some new passives/edicts have been added.

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## Install
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Everything needed is in 'ccmod_resources'.  Unless you know what you're doing you should be using the 'release' version.
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For 'release':
1.  Copy the 'www' in the 'release' folder to the main game directory.  If there was no prompt for file overwrite, you messed up.

For 'dev':
1. Decrypt the game resources.  A tool (and its readme) is included if you don't have one, which requires Java runtime from
2. Move the decrypted resources into the main game folder, maintaining the directory structure.
3. Put the 'www' from ccmod_resources into the game directory.  If there was no prompt for file overwrite, you messed up.
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This mod does not require a new save.
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#### Frequent Fuckups and Fixes
> Cannot read property 'slice' of undefined

You didn't follow steps 1 and 2 of the install instructions.  Why are you trying to use the dev version when you don't know what you're doing?

> Any other error on game load

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You are using the wrong mod version for the target game version or screwed up the install somehow.  Start over with a fresh copy of the game, verify the game and mod verions, and try again.
If you're making use of CC_ConfigOverride.js and it complains about something being undefined, a variable may have been deleted so remove it from the override file.

> Tool isn't working

A few users report issues with their Java version being incompatible.  Refer to the tool's readme for possible solutions, or just install a new JRE from

Folder permissions may also stop things from working.  Don't put shit in Program Files on C:, put it somewhere that Windows doesn't care about like D:\Games\ and try again.

Apparnetly some people also manage to associate a .jar file with WinRAR.  This is obviously wrong, as WinRAR is not Java.

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## Updating

If the game version is changed, do not try to update in place, do a fresh install in a new folder.

If the game version is the same, mod files can just be replaced.  After loading the game make sure to transition to a new map before doing any other actions.  Map info is baked into the save and if you are in a map that has been changed those changes won't work until the next time you enter that room.  This also applies to official game updates.
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If a fresh install is required instead of a simple overwrite, those version incompatibilities will be mentioned here.  Always check this section when updating.

The file, CC_ConfigOverride.js, is provided as an empty file that can be used to put all customizations in instead of directly modifying CC_Config which is frequently updated.  Simply make a backup of CC_ConfigOverride.js, update the mod, then paste it back in overwriting the empty one from the mod to keep all your changes between versions.
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NG or NG+ is required for everything to work properly if using a save made in an older version.  If transferring a save, just get the Bad End 1 by having order fall to 0 then start again with a full reset (talk to one of the guards).
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There were quite a few system changes.  Cutins were completely moved to a new system (APNG), so the one in the mod is disabled for now.  Art was redone and touched up on a number of poses, so the existing skin and hair mods for those poses will not work properly.  Messed up hair won't break the game at least.  I'm disabling those poses as I come across them.
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## Known Issues

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> NaN value in battle followed by a crash: Failed to execute 'createLinearGradiant' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D'
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Some users report this as a rare/uncommon occurrence, but all attempts on my end to reproduce it have failed and I have never encountered it in my time playing the game.  It is most likely some specific combination of stats and actions, but I don't know what that sequence is.  So if you report this, please also include as much detail about what you were doing leading up to encountering the bug.
Reporting this without detailed reproduction steps is not going to help anyone.

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If you encounter a NaN value in Karryn's stats or anywhere, do not save.  Close the game and restart.  I recommend saving at least semi-frequently in a new save slot to mitigate any damage.
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I have attempted to fix this with the v7B update and removing usage of paramRate and paramBase.  I haven't seen any mention of this since the update so hopefully it got fixed, though I never did find out the exact cause of the error.
> Visual bug when starting glory hole battle with toys already equipped

Just do any Toilet action and it'll update properly.  Probably not going to fix this.

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> Error message with missing image for '_tan2'

Refer to the note in the Gyaru section above.

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> Cannot read property '17' of undefined

Doesn't have to be 17, it could be 16, or something else.  The tracelog should include getPoseTierFromPoseName.  This is likely caused by an incorrect usage of adding to PoseStart in the config options.

* chainchariot - That me.  All code and some photoshop work.
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* Tessai - Tan skin, hair cutouts
* Таня - Tan2 skin, hair cutouts
* Saleek - Idea and resources for extra waitress clothing stages
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* d90art - Idea and art for visible hymen
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## Changelog
Major additions and changes only.  Refer to commit history for full changelog.

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### 2021-10-11
 - Mod has been reformatted to work with the new mod loader system.  Saba_Tachie.js and plugins.js are no longer modified.
 - Install instructions have changed.  If you somehow still fuck up install you are beyond help.
 - FPSLimit plugin removed as it is included in base game now.  See mods.txt to enable it.
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### 2021-10-3
 - Updated for v9B series
 - Due to the nature of the job strip club reputation is not included in decay prevention
 - Exhibitionist option for clothing durability to not be fully restored anywhere but office
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### 2021-8-27
 - Add virginity loss passives, retroactive on any NG/NG+ made in v9A+
 - Add wombtat art to standby/unarmed poses
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### 2021-8-26
 - Add lazy gold cost to Clean Up action at bed, default 0
 - Bugfixes
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### 2021-8-25
 - Updated for v9A series
 - Exhibitionist feature redone, read relevant section for details
 - Add FPSLimit plugin, disabled by default.  Try it out, may improve performance.
 - Add visible hymen on a few poses where it makes sense, art by d90art
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### 2021-5-25
 - Updated for v8 series

### 2021-5-6
 - Using strip at the bed while naked will now remove gloves and hat

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### 2021-5-1
 - Add 2 more clothing stages to waitress, topless and naked
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 - Add config override file, see Updating section
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### 2021-4-24
 - Finally fixed ejaculation stock properly?
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 - Made the resolution sex solution edicts add more ejaculations (Thug Problem => Thug Stress Relief, etc.)
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### 2021-4-21
 - Add new feature: discipline
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 - Kick Counter now checks and respects desires when used in PoseStart
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### 2021-4-20
 - Add reinforcement call mechanic
 - Add additional PoseStart additions and ability to add per enemy type not just global
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 - Gave Nerd enemies Cargill's horny syringe attack
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### 2021-3-18
 - Add PoseStart additions - can add global sex initiation to all enemies
 - Add ejac stock/volume.  This still seems unreliable but it does work sometimes.
 - Add desire carry over between battles and properly set desire if toy is equipped at battle start
 - Add desire multipliers, both global and conditional (zero stamina, defeat scenes)

### 2021-2-20
 - Lactation art on nipple petting cutin while pregnant

### 2021-2-18
 - Defeat max participant count tweak

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### 2021-2-9
 - Karryn gets an OnlyFans!  Re-introduced selling mastrubation video edict.
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 - Chance for an invasion battle to start while sleeping.  Disabled by default.
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 - Bugfix: cut-in lag on mastrubation scene

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### 2021-1-31
 - Performance improvement for coloring stuff

### 2021-1-30
 - Update to 0.7B series
 - Add edict point cost cheat
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 - Add most gloryhole hair parts, sitting mouth bj will be miscolored but that's 42 separate images to fix so maybe later
 - Add some tweaks for glory hole (guest spawning, sex skills, etc.)
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 - Add womb tattoo while pregnant
 - Fixed passive categories
 - Bugfix?: Removed paramBase/paramRate changes, fertility charm moved to inBattleCharm

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### 2020-12-28
 - Add 'Tan2' skin option

### 2020-12-25
 - Hair parts completed as of v7A

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### 2020-12-12
 - Minor to do but significant impact on the game: passive record requirement multiplier

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### 2020-12-4
 - Update to 0.7 series
 - Restructured and reorganized the mod a bit, all configuration options are now in one file
 - General balance tweaks are now disabled by default, which includes the mod no longer disabling autosave
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 - All desire tweaks are disabled (and likely abandoned for now) due to overhaul in v7
 - Waitress side job feature added
 - Can equip toys at bed after having a nerd use it once, toys give pleasure while walking around
 - Bukkake is now slowly removed over time, gives fatigue/pleasure based on passives while walking around
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### 2020-8-25
 - Finally figured out edicts and added pregnancy-related edicts

### 2020-8-23
 - Add birth passives and exhibitionist mechanic/passives

### 2020-8-20
 - Add a changelog!
 - Update to 0.6 series
 - Some more general tweaks added, including option to disable autosave

### 2020-7-17
 - Initial release
* master - Mod for the current game version with the hotfix/patch cycle finished and known mod bugs - that are fixable - fixed.
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* dev - May include more frequent updates during the hotfix/patch cycle for a new game version release.  May include wip mod features.  This branch is always updated before master.
* rem-merge - data/js from current game version for visualizing changes easier.
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Other branches may be for larger features that I want feedback/testing on before merging into the main branch.  I recommend making a copy of your game directory before using a test branch.