:: Ocean Breeze
<<if $openinghours is 1>>
<<if $weather is "clear">>
The cafe is busy, and despite the strong winds some people are sitting outside.
No one is sitting outside due to the rain, but the cafe proper is crowded.
<<elseif $weather is "snow">>
No one is sitting outside due to the cold, but the cafe proper is crowded.
<<elseif $openinghours is 1 and $exposed lt 1 and $bunstat gte 50 and $chef_state is 1>>
<<set $chef_state to 2>><<set $bun_value to 10000>>
<<npc Sam>><<person1>>
Sam approaches you, wiping <<his>> hands on a towel and beaming.
"I've made a decision," <<he>> says. "I wanted to keep the buns affordable, but we've attracted interest."
<<He>> holds out a holiday brochure, opened on a page that advertises the town.
There's a picture of the cafe with a caption that describes the buns as "world-class."
"World-class!" Sam beams.
"I've decided to increase the price to <span class="gold">£100</span>. We have a limited supply after all, and can't keep up with demand as it is."
<<He>> returns to work, humming some tune.
<<link [[Next|Ocean Breeze]]>><</link>>
<<elseif $openinghours is 1 and $exposed lt 1 and $bunstat gte 200 and $chef_state is 2>>
<<set $chef_state to 3>>
<<npc Sam>><<person1>>
Sam approaches you.
"I was at a party," <<he>> says.
"And I may have had one too many. Anyway, the topic of our buns came up.
People were very curious about how they're made. When I told them I didn't know, that a new chef was responsible, they became even hungrier.
I think a myth is building around you."
"Anyway," <<he>> continues.
"It got me thinking. I'd like to use your image in our advertisements.
Maybe redesign the front of the building. It's only fair people know who's responsible for these treats."
"I'm willing to increase your cut to <span class="gold">30%</span> of each bun sale," <<he>> adds, cleaning a vacated table.
"I'm in talks with a professional photographer. Mull it over, then let me know what you think."
<<elseif $openinghours is 1 and $exposed lt 1 and $chef_state is 5>>
<<set $chef_state to 6>>
<<npc Sam>>Sam approaches you. "The photographer sent the pictures over," <<he>> says.
"They're fantastic! The new adverts are going to look great. You'll get <span class="gold">30%</span> of each bun sold from now on, as promised."
<<set $bun_cut to 0.3>>
Sam returns to work, humming some tune.
<<elseif $openinghours is 1 and $exposed lt 1 and $bunstat gte 400 and $chef_state is 6>>
<<set $chef_state to 7>>
<<set $chef_rework to 37>>
<<npc Sam>><<person1>>
Sam approaches you, looking more serious than normal. "I've made a decision," <<he>> says.
"The buns are our flagship, but people are more interested than ever in our other dishes too.
Even when people know the chef is not in the building, they still queue for a chance to eat here. You've probably noticed."
"I've bought next-door," <<he>> continues.
"The big one. I'm going to merge the buildings, make one huge cafe. One that can accommodate the numbers we're pulling. I'm giddy just thinking about it!"
<span class="pink">"We'll need to close for a month,"</span> <<he>> adds.
"It's unfortunate, but the changes are so big. We'll have a grand opening event when its done, with you as the star."
"We're closing down in a week. I don't want you to be caught off guard. Drop by when we're finished and we'll discuss the opening event."
<<He>> returns to work.
<<link [[Next|Ocean Breeze]]>><</link>>
It's closing time. Sam is herding everyone outside.
<<if $exposed gte 1>>
You feel a twinge of panic as you realise how exposed you'll be should you be found in this state of dress.
<<elseif $openinghours is 0>>
You are alone in the darkness.
<<elseif $exposed gte 1>>
You are hiding beneath a table to protect your dignity.
<<if $arousal gte $arousalmax>>
<<orgasmLocation "cafe">>
<<if $openinghours is 1 and $exposed lt 1 and $oceanbreezejob isnot 1>>
<<if $oceanbreezejoboffer is 1>>
<<ind>><<link [[Ask for work|Ocean Breeze Ask Again]]>><</link>>
<<ind>><<link [[Ask for work|Ocean Breeze Ask]]>><</link>>
<<if $openinghours is 1 and $exposed lt 1 and $oceanbreezejob is 1>>
<<if $chef_state is 0>>
<<ind>><<link [["Accept Sam's offer"|Chef Photographer]]>><</link>>
<<if $player.gender_appearance is "m">>
<<ind>><<link [[Work as a waiter (1:00)|Ocean Breeze Work]]>><<set $tablesservedstat += random(10,30)>><</link>>
<<ind>><<link [[Work as a waitress (1:00)|Ocean Breeze Work]]>><<set $tablesservedstat += random(10,30)>><</link>>
<<if $openinghours is 1 and $exposed lt 1 and $daily.cafeEaten isnot 1>>
<<if $money gte 200>>
<<coffeeicon>><<link [[Buy coffee (0:02 £2)|Cafe Coffee]]>>
<<set $daily.cafeEaten to 1>><<set $money -= 200>><<stress -3>><<tiredness -4>><<pass 2>>
<<if playerIsPregnant() and playerAwareTheyArePregnant()>>
<span class="blue">You can't bring yourself to drink winter ale while you know you're with child.</span>
<<link [[Buy winter ale (0:10 £7)|Cafe Winter Ale]]>><<set $daily.cafeEaten to 1>><<set $money -= 700>><<stress -6>><<alcohol 100>><<pass 10>><</link>><<lstress>><<galcohol>>
<<if playerIsPregnant() and playerAwareTheyArePregnant()>>
<span class="blue">You can't bring yourself to drink fruity ale while you know you're with child.</span>
<<link [[Buy fruity ale (0:10 £7)|Cafe Spring Ale]]>><<set $daily.cafeEaten to 1>><<set $money -= 700>><<stress -6>><<alcohol 60>><<pass 10>><</link>><<lstress>><<galcohol>>
<<if playerIsPregnant() and playerAwareTheyArePregnant()>>
<span class="blue">You can't bring yourself to drink shandy ale while you know you're with child.</span>
<<link [[Buy shandy (0:10 £7)|Cafe Summer Ale]]>><<set $daily.cafeEaten to 1>><<set $money -= 700>><<stress -6>><<alcohol 40>><<pass 10>><</link>><<lstress>><<galcohol>>
<<if playerIsPregnant() and playerAwareTheyArePregnant()>>
<span class="blue">You can't bring yourself to drink autumn ale while you know you're with child.</span>
<<link [[Buy autumn ale (0:10 £7)|Cafe Autumn Ale]]>><<set $daily.cafeEaten to 1>><<set $money -= 700>><<stress -6>><<alcohol 80>><<pass 10>><</link>><<lstress>><<galcohol>>
<<if $money gte 300>>
<<if ndef $milkshake>><<set $milkshake to 0>><</if>>
<<if $milkshake lt 2>>
<<milkshakeicon>><<link [[Buy milkshake to go (0:02 £3)|Ocean Breeze]]>><<set $money -= 300>> <<set $milkshake +=1>> <<pass 2>><</link>>
<<link [[Buy fruit salad (0:20 £5)|Cafe Fruit Salad]]>><<set $daily.cafeEaten to 1>><<set $money -= 500>><<stress -6>><<pass 20>><</link>><<lstress>>
<<if $money gte 1000>>
<<link [[Buy pancakes (0:20 £10)|Cafe Pancakes]]>><<set $daily.cafeEaten to 1>><<set $money -= 1000>><<tiredness -6>><<pass 20>><</link>><<ltiredness>>
<<if $money gte 5000>>
<<link [[Buy Deluxe Cream Bun (0:20 £50)|Cafe Cream Bun]]>><<set $daily.cafeEaten to 1>><<transform cat 1>><<set $money -= 5000>><<pass 20>><<stress -18>><</link>><<llstress>>
<<if $openinghours is 0 and Time.hour isnot $closinghour and !$weekly.theft.oceanBreeze>>
<<link [[Examine the cash register|Ocean Breeze Register]]>><</link>>
:: Ocean Breeze Lock
<<set $outside to 0>><<effects>><<set $lock to 200>>
<<link [[Pick it (0:10)|Ocean Breeze]]>><<pass 10>><<crimeup 1>><</link>><<crime>>
<span class="red">The lock looks beyond your ability to pick.</span><<skulduggeryrequired>>
:: Ocean Breeze Ask
<<set $outside to 0>><<set $location to "cafe">><<effects>>
<<npc Sam>><<person1>>
You walk up to the overweight <<personsimple>> behind the counter. <<He>> smiles at you.
You ask if <<he>> has any work for you. <<His>> smile broadens.
"As a matter of fact, I need a cute <<if $player.gender_appearance is "m">>waiter.<<else>>waitress.<</if>>
The pay is £5 an hour, plus tips. Just a warning though: some customers might try to grope you.
Please be patient with them; they don't mean nothing by it! We're always understaffed, so you can work whenever we're open."
<<link [[Take job|Ocean Breeze Take Job]]>><</link>>
<<link [[Refuse job|Ocean Breeze]]>><<endevent>><</link>>
:: Ocean Breeze Take Job
<<set $outside to 0>><<set $location to "cafe">><<effects>>
"Splendid!" <<he>> says, grabbing your hand in both of <<his>> own and shaking. "I'm Sam, by the way. Come on, let me show you the ropes."
<<link [[Next|Ocean Breeze]]>><<endevent>><</link>>
:: Ocean Breeze Ask Again
<<set $outside to 0>><<set $location to "cafe">><<effects>>
<<npc Sam>><<person1>>You walk up to the overweight <<personsimple>> behind the counter. <<He>> smiles at you.
<<link [[Take job|Ocean Breeze Take Job]]>><</link>>
<<link [[Refuse job|Ocean Breeze]]>><<endevent>><</link>>
:: Ocean Breeze Work
<<set $outside to 0>><<set $location to "cafe">><<effects>>
<<set $NPCName[$NPCNameList.indexOf("Sam")].love = Math.clamp($NPCName[$NPCNameList.indexOf("Sam")].love, -50, 50)>>
<<rng 111>>
<<if $rng gte 101>>
Sam asks you to bring plates of food out to a large table of customers.
<<link [[Make multiple trips|Ocean Breeze Plates]]>><<set $phase to 0>><</link>>
<<link [[Take them all out at once|Ocean Breeze Plates]]>><<set $phase to 1>><</link>><<dancedifficulty 200 800>>
<<elseif $rng gte 81 and $weather isnot "rain" and $weather isnot "snow">>
<<set $danger to random(1, 10000)>><<set $dangerevent to 0>>
<<if $danger gte (9900 - $allure)>>
<<if setup.clothes.lower[clothesIndex('lower', $worn.lower)].skirt is 1>>
As you're serving tables outside the cafe, a strong breeze blows in from the ocean, lifting your skirt and exposing your <<undies>> for anyone who looks.
<<link [[Own it|Ocean Breeze Own]]>><<set $phase to 0>><</link>><<exhibitionist1>>
<<link [[Own it|Ocean Breeze Own]]>><<set $phase to 1>><</link>><<exhibitionist3>>
<<link [[Cover yourself|Ocean Breeze Cover]]>><</link>>
As you're serving tables outside the cafe, a strong breeze blows in from the ocean, pleasantly caressing your skin.
<<lstress>><<stress -4>>
The rest of the shift passes uneventfully. You earn <<moneyGain 5>>.
<<pass 1 hour>>
You spend most of the shift serving the tables outside, overlooking the ocean.
The rest of the shift passes uneventfully. You earn <<moneyGain 5>>.
<<pass 1 hour>>
<<elseif $rng gte 81>>
<<set $danger to random(1, 10000)>><<set $dangerevent to 0>>
<<if playerBellyVisible() and $lactating is 1 and $breastfeedingdisable is "f">>
A voice calls out to you. "Oi, <<if $player.gender_appearance is "m">>waiter<<else>>waitress<</if>>!" you hear from a corner of the cafe. You approach the table, and find the voice belonging to a <<person>> who regards you with rage once you arrive. A <<person2>><<person>> sits in front of <<him>>.
"I asked for a deluxe cream bun, and instead I got this!" the <<person1>><<person>> says. "You call this deluxe? There's barely any cream on them! I paid fifty quid for this! Are you all fucking stupid or are you just taking the piss?" <<He>> continues with <<his>> rant, forcing you to listen whenever you try to look away.
The <<person2>><<person>> stays quiet during <<his>> friend's verbal onslaught, but <<his>> eyes remain fixated on your breasts. "Hold on, you're pregnant aren't you?" <<he>> asks, finally interrupting the tirade. "Those tits must be full right about now, why don't you add your own special touch to the buns so my friend here will stop complaining?" The <<person1>><<person>> simmers down, seemingly content with the proposition.
<<if $milk_amount gte 1>>
<<link [[Agree|Ocean Breeze Pregnant Milk Accept]]>><<npcincr Sam love 2>><</link>><<glove>><<promiscuous1>>
<span class = "pink">You don't have enough milk left.</span>
<<link [[Refuse|Ocean Breeze Pregnant Milk Refuse]]>><</link>>
<<elseif $danger gte (9900 - $allure)>>
<<generate1>><<person1>>You serve a <<person>> who orders a bun. <<He>> licks the cream. "That's so good," <<he>> gasps.
<<He>> pulls back a chair and slides the plate in front of it. "Please, sit and try some. My treat." The cafe isn't very busy.
<<link [[Sit|Ocean Breeze Sit]]>><</link>>
<<link [[Refuse|Ocean Breeze Sit Refuse]]>><</link>>
<<generate1>><<person1>>You serve a <<person>> who orders a bun. <<He>> stares at you as <<he>> licks the cream.
The rest of the shift passes uneventfully. You earn <<moneyGain 5>>.
<<pass 1 hour>>
<<elseif $rng gte 71>>
<<generate1>><<person1>>A <<person>> sits at a table alone with <<his>> head back and eyes closed.
<<if $awareness gte 400>>
<<generates2>>From the way <<hes>> grinding, it's quite obvious <<hes>> getting oral. <<Hes>> barely trying to hide it.
<<print either("gently","eagerly","energetically","sensually","clumsily","vigorously","dutifully","skilfully")>>
<<if $NPCList[0].penis isnot "none">>
sucking the <<personsimple>> off.
eating the <<personsimple>> out.
<<if $weather is "clear">>
<<He>> seems to take almost sexual pleasure from sunbathing.
If not for the rhythmic squirming, you'd think <<he>> was asleep.
At one point <<he>> shudders in a way that seems almost orgasmic.
<<if $weather is "clear">>
It's a beautiful day - <<hes>>
probably dozed off.
The rest of the shift passes uneventfully. You earn <<moneyGain 5>>.
<<pass 1 hour>>
<<link [[Next|Ocean Breeze]]>><<endevent>><</link>>
<<elseif $rng gte 61>>
<<set $danger to random(1, 10000)>><<set $dangerevent to 0>>
<<if $danger gte (9900 - $allure)>>
<<generate1>><<generate2>>You serve a young pair, a <<fullGroup>>.
<<if setup.clothes.lower[clothesIndex('lower', $worn.lower)].skirt is 1>>
As you turn to leave, the <<person1>><<person>> lifts the hem of your $, revealing your bare <<bottom>> to the cafe.
"No underwear?" <<he>> says with incredulity. "You're a little slut, aren't you?"
<<fameexhibitionism 10>><<stress 6>><<arousal 600>><<gstress>><<garousal>>
<<link [[Get angry|Ocean Breeze Angry]]>><</link>>
<<link [[Ignore|Ocean Breeze Ignore]]>><<trauma 6>><<stress 6>><<set $phase to 2>><</link>><<gtrauma>><<gstress>>
As you turn to leave, the <<person1>><<person>> lifts the hem of your $, revealing your $ to the cafe.
<<He>> and the <<person2>><<person>> both laugh, drawing more attention to you.
<<fameexhibitionism 1>><<stress 3>><<arousal 300>><<gstress>><<garousal>>
<<link [[Get angry|Ocean Breeze Angry]]>><</link>>
<<link [[Ignore|Ocean Breeze Ignore]]>><<trauma 3>><<stress 3>><<set $phase to 1>><</link>><<gtrauma>><<gstress>>
As you turn to leave, the <<person1>><<person>> pulls down the back of your $, revealing your bare <<bottom>> to the cafe.
"No underwear!" <<he>> says with incredulity. "Bet you regret that now."
<<fameexhibitionism 5>><<stress 3>><<arousal 300>><<gstress>><<garousal>>
<<link [[Get angry|Ocean Breeze Angry]]>><</link>>
<<link [[Ignore|Ocean Breeze Ignore]]>><<trauma 3>><<stress 3>><<set $phase to 1>><</link>><<gtrauma>><<gstress>>
As you turn to leave, the <<person1>><<person>> pulls down the back of your $, revealing your $ to the cafe.
<<fameexhibitionism 1>><<stress 2>><<arousal 200>><<gstress>><<garousal>>
<<link [[Get angry|Ocean Breeze Angry]]>><</link>>
<<link [[Ignore|Ocean Breeze Ignore]]>><<trauma 2>><<stress 2>><<set $phase to 0>><</link>><<gtrauma>><<gstress>>
<<generate1>><<generate2>>You serve a young pair, a <<fullGroup>>.
You think you catch the <<person1>><<person>> checking you out, but they don't say anything.
The rest of the shift passes uneventfully. You earn <<moneyGain 5>>.
<<pass 1 hour>>
<<link [[Next|Ocean Breeze]]>><<endevent>><</link>>
<<elseif $rng gte 51>>
<<set $danger to random(1, 10000)>><<set $dangerevent to 0>>
A couple of tourists are sat at one of your tables.
<<if $danger gte (9900 - $allure)>>
<<person1>>You overhear the <<person>> telling the <<person2>><<person>> about the town in a hushed voice.
<<person1>>"I swear," <<he>> says. "This town is a dream for people like us. You can do whatever you like here. No one stops you."
"The police? They're worse than the rest! Slip 'em a few quid, and they'll probably cuff a <<girl>> down for you."
"Anyone. Hey," <<he>> looks at you. "You. <<if playerBellyVisible()>>You're pregnant.<<elseif $beauty gte($beautymax / 7) * 2>>You're cute.<</if>> You've been raped, right?"
<<if ($rapestat + $beastrapestat + $tentaclerapestat) gt 0>>
<<link [[Nod|Ocean Breeze Tourist]]>><<set $phase to 1>><</link>>
<<link [[Deny (lie)|Ocean Breeze Tourist]]>><<set $phase to 2>><</link>>
<<link [[Refuse to answer|Ocean Breeze Tourist]]>><<set $phase to 3>><</link>>
<<link [[Nod (lie)|Ocean Breeze Tourist]]>><<set $phase to 1>><</link>>
<<link [[Deny|Ocean Breeze Tourist]]>><<set $phase to 2>><</link>>
<<link [[Refuse to answer|Ocean Breeze Tourist]]>><<set $phase to 3>><</link>>
They talk at length about
<<print either(
"the beach", "surfing", "the museum", "boys", "girls", "the food", "the news",
"the ultimate unity of life", "their plans for next weekend", "the political situation"
The rest of the shift passes uneventfully. You earn <<moneyGain 5>>.
<<pass 1 hour>>
<<link [[Next|Ocean Breeze]]>><<endevent>><</link>>
<<elseif $rng gte 41>>
<<set $danger to random(1, 10000)>><<set $dangerevent to 0>>
<<generate1>><<person1>> A <<person>> enters the cafe and sits alone in the corner.
<<He>> keeps stealing glances at you, and when you go to take <<his>> order <<he>> asks only for a glass of water.
As you turn to leave <<he>> grabs your wrist.
"You don't happen to be on the menu, do you?" <<He>> smiles.
"How about you and I find somewhere quiet and have some fun? I'll make it worth your while." <<He>> taps <<his>> <<wallet>>.
<<His>> intentions are clearly lewd in nature.
<<link [[Accept the offer|Ocean Breeze Whore]]>><<set $sexstart to 1>><</link>><<promiscuous2>>
<<elseif $uncomfortable.prostituting is false>>
<<His>> offer repulses you, but you need the money.
<<link [[Reluctantly accept the offer|Ocean Breeze Whore]]>><<set $desperateaction to 1>><<set $sexstart to 1>><</link>><<promiscuous2>>
You are not promiscuous enough to take up such an offer.
<<link [[Refuse|Ocean Breeze Whore Refuse]]>><</link>>
<<He>> keeps stealing glances at you. However, <<he>> refuses to make eye contact when you take <<his>> order.
The rest of the shift passes uneventfully. You earn <<moneyGain 5>>.
<<pass 1 hour>>
<<elseif $rng gte 31>>
<<set $danger to random(1, 10000)>><<set $dangerevent to 0>>
<<if $danger gte (9900 - $allure)>>
<<generateRole 0 0 "waiter/waitress">><<person1>>
A <<person>> collides with you as you exit the kitchen, spilling warm soup over your
<<if $worn.upper.type.includes("naked")>>chest<<else>>$<</if>>
"I am so sorry," <<he>> says, reaching for a towel. Customers turn to watch.
<<link [[Ignore|Ocean Breeze Soup Ignore]]>><<npcincr Sam love 2>><<stress 6>><<pain 20>><</link>><<glove>><<gpain>><<gstress>>
<<link [[Confront|Ocean Breeze Soup Confront]]>><<npcincr Sam love -1>><<stress -6>><<trauma -6>><</link>><<llove>><<ltrauma>><<lstress>>
<<if $player.gender_appearance is "m" and $player.breastsize lte 2>>
<<link [[Remove top|Ocean Breeze Remove]]>><<npcincr Sam love 2>><</link>><<glove>>
<<elseif $exhibitionism gte 55>>
<<link [[Remove top|Ocean Breeze Remove Lewd]]>><<npcincr Sam love 2>><</link>><<glove>><<exhibitionist4>>
<<generateRole 0 0 "waiter/waitress">><<person1>>
A <<person>> almost collides with you as you exit the kitchen.
The rest of the shift passes uneventfully. You earn <<moneyGain 5>>.
<<pass 1 hour>>
<<elseif $rng gte 21>>
<<set $danger to random(1, 10000)>><<set $dangerevent to 0>>
<<if $danger gte (9900 - $allure)>>
A large group enters the cafe, taking up several tables by themselves.
You try to ask for their order, but a <<person1>><<person>> sitting at the head interrupts you.
"It's my birthday today, you know. How about something special?" <<He>> openly ogles your body. "Wanna climb up on the table and give us a dance?"
<<link [[Dance for them|Ocean Breeze Dance]]>>
<<danceinit>><<set $dancing to 1>><<set $audience to 4>><<set $venuemod to 2>><<set $timer to 12>><<set $dancelocation to "cafe">>
<<link [[Refuse|Ocean Breeze Dance Refuse]]>><</link>>
A large group enters the cafe, taking up several tables by themselves. They don't give you any trouble though.
The rest of the shift passes uneventfully. You earn <<moneyGain 5>>.
<<pass 1 hour>>
<<npc Sam>><<person1>>Sam rushes out of the kitchen, looking flustered.
<<if $NPCName[$NPCNameList.indexOf("Sam")].love gte 10>>
<<He>> glances in your direction, <span class="green">then hastens over.</span>
"I'm in a bit of a pickle," <<he>> says.
"Our chef's stormed off again. I need someone to fill in. Don't worry, it's not hard, and I'll pay you double. Will you help me out?"
<<link [[Accept|Chef Help]]>><<npcincr Sam love 2>><</link>><<glove>>
<<link [[Refuse|Ocean Breeze Chef Refuse]]>><<npcincr Sam love -1>><</link>><<llove>>
<<He>> glances in your direction, <span class="red">but passes over you.</span>
<<He>> approaches another member of staff, and offers them better pay to fill in for the chef this shift.
<i>Perhaps Sam would be willing to give you a chance if <<he>> liked you more.</i>
The rest of the shift passes uneventfully. You earn <<moneyGain 5>>.
<<pass 1 hour>>
<!-- Modified for Monster People -->
<<beastNEWinit 1 dog>>
<<if $rng gte 51 and ($monster is 1 or $bestialitydisable is "f")>>
Sam asks you to take some trash to the dumpster beside the cafe. Stood beside the dumpster, however, is a stray <<beasttype>>. It growls as you approach.
<<link [[Continue regardless|Ocean Breeze Dumpster Dog]]>><<stress 6>><</link>><<gstress>>
<<link [[Forget your task and go back inside|Ocean Breeze Dumpster Refuse]]>><</link>>
Sam asks you to take some trash to the dumpster beside the cafe.
Stood beside the dumpster, however, are a <<fullGroup>>. They have a dangerous look about them.
<<link [[Continue regardless|Ocean Breeze Dumpster]]>><<stress 6>><</link>><<gstress>>
<<link [[Forget your task and go back inside|Ocean Breeze Dumpster Refuse]]>><</link>>
:: Ocean Breeze Plates
<<if $phase is 0>>
It takes a few minutes, but you manage to get everything to the table.
The rest of the shift passes uneventfully. You earn <<moneyGain 5>>.
<<elseif $phase is 1>>
<<if $danceSuccess>>
<<set $tipmod to 0.2>><<tipset "serving">>
<<set $tip += 500>>
<<set $tip += 100>>
You load the plates onto serving trays and <<dancetext>> balance them on your shoulders, careful not to let anything spill. You manage to get everything to the table in one piece.
<<npc Sam>><<person1>>Sam gives you a thumbs-up as <<he>> walks by.<<npcincr Sam love 1>><<glove>>
The rest of the shift passes uneventfully. Someone left you a tip.<<tipreceive>>
You load the plates onto serving trays and <<dancetext>> balance them on your shoulders, careful not to let anything spill. You lose your balance on your way out of the kitchen, however, and accidentally dump several plates' worth of food onto the floor. Sam gives you a disapproving look.<<npcincr Sam love -1>><<llove>><<stress 6>><<gstress>>
You sigh as you begin cleaning up your mess.
The rest of the shift passes uneventfully. You earn <<moneyGain 5>>.
<<pass 1 hour>>
<<link [[Next|Ocean Breeze]]>><<endevent>><</link>>
:: Ocean Breeze Soup Ignore
<<set $outside to 0>><<set $location to "cafe">><<effects>>
The <<personsimple>> nods and disappears into the kitchen while you dry off.
The rest of the shift passes uneventfully. You earn <<moneyGain 5>>.
<<pass 1 hour>>
<<link [[Next|Ocean Breeze]]>><<endevent>><</link>>
:: Ocean Breeze Soup Confront
<<set $outside to 0>><<set $location to "cafe">><<effects>>
<<He>> bows <<his>> head while the audience whisper and chuckle amongst themselves. Sam gives you a disapproving look.
The rest of the shift passes uneventfully. You earn <<moneyGain 5>>.
<<pass 1 hour>>
<<link [[Next|Ocean Breeze]]>><<endevent>><</link>>
:: Ocean Breeze Remove
<<set $outside to 0>><<set $location to "cafe">><<effects>>
You remove your $ to make it easier to dry.
The <<personsimple>> averts <<his>> eyes and a customer whistles, but you manage to dry off without hassle.
The rest of the shift passes uneventfully. Someone left you a tip.<<tipreceive>><<pass 1 hour>>
<<link [[Next|Ocean Breeze]]>><<clotheson>><<endevent>><</link>>
:: Ocean Breeze Remove Lewd
<<set $outside to 0>><<set $location to "cafe">><<effects>>
You remove your $ to make it easier to dry.
The <<personsimple>> averts <<his>> eyes and blushes at the sight of your <<breasts>>.
A customer whistles. Another cheers. You manage to dry off without hassle.
The rest of the shift passes uneventfully. Someone left you a tip.
<<tipreceive>><<pass 1 hour>>
<<link [[Next|Ocean Breeze]]>><<clotheson>><<endevent>><</link>>
:: Ocean Breeze Angry
<<set $outside to 0>><<set $location to "cafe">><<effects>>
You turn on the spot and glare at the <<person1>><<person>>.
The grin falls off <<his>> face. "Just having a laugh. No need to pout." Sam looks over at you disapprovingly.
The rest of the shift passes uneventfully. You earn <<moneyGain 5>>.
<<pass 1 hour>>
<<link [[Next|Ocean Breeze]]>><<endevent>><</link>>
:: Ocean Breeze Ignore
<<set $outside to 0>><<set $location to "cafe">><<effects>>
You rearrange your $ and continue as if nothing happened.
The rest of the shift passes uneventfully. Someone left you a tip.
You rearrange your $ and continue as if nothing happened.
The rest of the shift passes uneventfully. Someone left you a tip.
You rearrange your $ and continue as if nothing happened, blushing at being exposed and humiliated in public like this.
The rest of the shift passes uneventfully. Someone left you a tip.
<<link [[Next|Ocean Breeze]]>><<endevent>><</link>>
:: Ocean Breeze Whore
<<set $sexstart to 0>>
<<set $consensual to 1>>
<<neutral 1>>
<<set $enemytrust += 40>>
<<set $tipmod to 2>><<tipset "serving">>
"Meet me in the alley next to the cafe in five minutes, behind the dumpster." <<He>> leaves without looking back.
<<pass 5>>
You slip out while no one is looking, and find <<him>> waiting for you behind the dumpster as promised. <<He>> doesn't waste any time.
<span id="next"><<link [[Next|Ocean Breeze Whore Finish]]>><</link>></span><<nexttext>>
<span id="next"><<link [[Next|Ocean Breeze Whore]]>><</link>></span><<nexttext>>
:: Ocean Breeze Whore Refuse
<<set $outside to 0>><<set $location to "cafe">><<effects>>
You tell the <<person>> that this establishment doesn't serve anything not found on the menu, and leave to fetch <<his>> water. When you return, <<hes>> already gone.
The rest of the shift passes uneventfully. You earn <<moneyGain 5>>.
<<pass 1 hour>>
<<link [[Next|Ocean Breeze]]>><<endevent>><</link>>
:: Ocean Breeze Whore Finish
<<set $outside to 0>><<set $location to "cafe">><<effects>>
<<if $consensual is 1>>
<<if $enemyarousal gte $enemyarousalmax>>
<<ejaculation>><<set $prostitutionstat += 1>><<fameprostitution 1>>
"Here's your pay, whore." <<He>> drops some cash on you as <<he>> leaves. <<tearful>> you hurry back inside before you're missed.
"Fine. I hope you don't expect anything." <<He>> looks at you with disgust as <<he>> leaves. <<tearful>> you hurry back inside before you're missed.
<<if $enemyarousal gte $enemyarousalmax>>
<<ejaculation>><<fameprostitution 1>><<set $prostitutionstat += 1>>
"Here's your pay, whore." <<He>> drops some cash on you as <<he>> leaves. <<tearful>> you hurry back inside before you're missed.
You manage to knock the <<person>> backwards, giving you time to escape. <<tearful>> you flee back into the cafe.
Sam bursts through the cafe back entrance to see what the fuss is about.
The <<person>> shields <<his>> face and darts away, pushing you to the ground. Sam helps you up and gently steers you back inside.
The rest of the shift passes uneventfully. You earn <<moneyGain 5>>.
<<pass 53>>
<<link [[Next|Ocean Breeze]]>><</link>>
:: Ocean Breeze Dance
<<set $outside to 0>><<set $location to "cafe">><<effects>>
<<if $danceevent is 0 and $exhibitionism lte 74 and $exposed gte 2>>
There's no way you can continue dancing while so exposed! Face reddening, you flee the scene.
<<elseif $danceevent is 0 and $exhibitionism lte 34 and $exposed gte 1 and !$worn.under_lower.type.includes("dance")>>
There's no way you can continue dancing while so exposed! Face reddening, you flee the scene.
<<link [[Next|Ocean Breeze]]>><<endevent>><<clotheson>><</link>>
<<elseif $danceevent is 0>>
<<if $exposed gte 2 and $exhibitionism lte 74>>
:: Ocean Breeze Dance Refuse
<<set $outside to 0>><<set $location to "cafe">><<effects>>
The rest of the shift passes uneventfully. You earn <<moneyGain 5>>.
<<pass 1 hour>>
<<link [[Next|Ocean Breeze]]>><<endevent>><</link>>
:: Ocean Breeze Dance Stop
<<set $outside to 0>><<set $location to "cafe">><<effects>>
You rush to a back room, out of sight. <<clotheson>> The rest of the shift passes uneventfully, though many of the patrons who saw you dance throw glances your way.
<<set _pass to 5 * Math.clamp($timer, 0, 12)>>
<<pass _pass>>
<<link [[Next|Ocean Breeze]]>><<endevent>><</link>>
:: Ocean Breeze Dumpster
<<set $outside to 0>><<set $location to "cafe">><<effects>>
<<set $danger to random(1, 10000)>><<set $dangerevent to 0>>
<<if $danger gte (9900 - $allure)>>
<<set $outside to 1>>
You decide you're being paranoid, and walk over to the dumpster. As you turn to leave however, you find the pair blocking your path.
The <<person1>><<person>> grabs your arms and covers your mouth, while the <<person2>><<person>> grins at you. "Such a pretty little thing."
<<link [[Next|Ocean Breeze Rape]]>><<set $molestationstart to 1>><</link>>