allow birthing to be done if pawn dies due to pain during contractions stage
added natural parts resize (for kids growing) based on bodysize, probably broken af if you try transplant it until pawn fully grown... or not... who knows
changed masturbation in bed on happen in owned bedroom/prison cell, (prison)barracks now need frustrated for exhibitionist quirk
merged masturbation spot finder with quickies
changed quick sex target finder scores:
-added per door bonus/penalty for sexspot searching? so corridors or rooms with lots of doors would be less desirable, unless exhibitionist
-necrophiles now gain bonus from nearby corpses +20
-removed prisoner cell bonus
-added +5 bonus to cells that has beds
-added -100 score penalty to doorways, unless exhibitionist
-added -10 penalty to Barracks, Laboratory, RecRoom, DiningRoom, Hospital, PrisonBarracks, PrisonCell cells unless pawn is exhibitionist, then +10
hide already added quirks from quirk add menu
fix got_anal_bred not being removed when pawn become zoo