<UseParentMethod_desc>ON:Babies have random parent dna.\nOFF:Babies are like mothers.</UseParentMethod_desc>
<OffspringLookLikeTheirMother>Humanlike DNA inheritance</OffspringLookLikeTheirMother>
<OffspringLookLikeTheirMother_desc>Governs humanlike pregnancies. \n100% means born babies will be of mothers race. \nAt 0% means born babies will be of father race.\n\nValid range: 0 - 100%</OffspringLookLikeTheirMother_desc>
<OffspringIsHuman>Bestiality DNA inheritance</OffspringIsHuman>
<OffspringIsHuman>Bestiality DNA inheritance (Mother/Father)</OffspringIsHuman>
<OffspringIsHuman_desc>Governs Humanlike-Animal and Animal-Animal pregnancies.\n100% means born babies will be of "mother" race. \nAt 0% means born babies will be of "father" race.\n\nValid range: 0 - 100%</OffspringIsHuman_desc>
<OffspringIsHuman2>Bestiality DNA inheritance</OffspringIsHuman2>
<OffspringIsHuman2_desc>Governs Humanlike-Animal pregnancies.\n\n left - born babies will be of beast race. \n\n right - born babies will be of humanlike race.</OffspringIsHuman2_desc>
<OffspringIsHuman2>Bestiality DNA inheritance (Human/Beast)</OffspringIsHuman2>
<OffspringIsHuman2_desc>Governs Humanlike-Animal pregnancies.\n\n left - born babies will be of beast race. \n\n right - born babies will be of humanlike race. \n\n anything else - use the Mother/Father logic</OffspringIsHuman2_desc>