base:"",// The vanilla version the mod is based off of, this should never be changed.
release:1109// When gettting close to 2000, please remove the check located within the onLoad() function defined at line five of src/js/eventHandlers.js.
release:1110// When getting close to 2000, please remove the check located within the onLoad() function defined at line five of src/js/eventHandlers.js.
if (slave.assignment==="be confined in the arcade"){
r.push(`You are notified by ${V.arcadeName} staff that one of the cabinets has broken down and will need to be replaced. It would seem ''<span class="pink">${slave.slaveName}</span>'', the fucktoy encased in it, died`);
r.push(`You are notified by ${V.arcadeName} staff that one of the cabinets has broken down and will need to be replaced. It would seem <span class="pink bold">${slave.slaveName}</span>, the fucktoy encased in it, died`);
r.push(`${his} living conditions. ${He} was a good unit; logs show ${he} was taking dick up until the very end.`);
}elseif (slave.assignment==="work in the dairy"&&V.dairyRestraintsSetting>1){
r.push(`You are notified by ${V.dairyName} staff that one of the occupied milkers has ceased producing. Upon inspection, it would seem ''<span class="pink">${slave.slaveName}</span>'', the cow restrained in it, died`);
r.push(`You are notified by ${V.dairyName} staff that one of the occupied milkers has ceased producing. Upon inspection, it would seem <span class="pink bold">${slave.slaveName}</span>, the cow restrained in it, died`);
r.push(`${his} living conditions. ${He} was a good cow; ${he} gave milk up until ${his} death.`);
}elseif (slave.fuckdoll>0){
r.push(`One of your Fuckdolls' monitoring systems alerts you that the slave contained within has died. It would seem ''<span class="pink">${slave.slaveName}</span>'' has died`);
r.push(`One of your Fuckdolls' monitoring systems alerts you that the slave contained within has died. It would seem <span class="pink bold">${slave.slaveName}</span> has died`);
r.push(`${his} living conditions. Thankfully the suit notifies its owner of such things; especially with the rumors of earlier models and necrophilia you hear occasionally.`);
r.push(`''<span class="pink">${slave.slaveName}</span>'' failed to report in for a routine inspection, something that rarely occurs under your watch. It doesn't take long to track down the wayward slave.`);
r.push(`<span class="pink bold">${slave.slaveName}</span> failed to report in for a routine inspection, something that rarely occurs under your watch. It doesn't take long to track down the wayward slave.`);
if (deathSeed>75){
r.push(`${He} is found dead in ${his} bed, having died sometime during the previous night.`);
if (slave.assignment==="be confined in the arcade"){
r.push(`You are notified by ${V.arcadeName} staff that one of the cabinets has broken down and will need to be replaced. It would seem ''<span class="pink">${slave.slaveName}</span>'', the fucktoy encased in it, died of an aphrodisiac overdose from the constant aphrodisiac injections. ${He} was a good unit; logs show ${he} was taking dick up until the very end.`);
r.push(`You are notified by ${V.arcadeName} staff that one of the cabinets has broken down and will need to be replaced. It would seem <span class="pink bold">${slave.slaveName}</span>, the fucktoy encased in it, died of an aphrodisiac overdose from the constant aphrodisiac injections. ${He} was a good unit; logs show ${he} was taking dick up until the very end.`);
}elseif (slave.assignment==="work in the dairy"&&V.dairyRestraintsSetting>1){
r.push(`You are notified by ${V.dairyName} staff that one of the occupied milkers has ceased producing. Upon inspection, it would seem ''<span class="pink">${slave.slaveName}</span>'', the cow restrained in it, died of an aphrodisiac overdose. How ${he} managed to get them is unknown, but ${he} was a good cow; ${he} gave milk up until ${his} death.`);
r.push(`You are notified by ${V.dairyName} staff that one of the occupied milkers has ceased producing. Upon inspection, it would seem <span class="pink bold">${slave.slaveName}</span>, the cow restrained in it, died of an aphrodisiac overdose. How ${he} managed to get them is unknown, but ${he} was a good cow; ${he} gave milk up until ${his} death.`);
}elseif (slave.fuckdoll>0){
r.push(`One of your Fuckdolls' monitoring systems alerts you that the slave contained within has died. It would seem ''<span class="pink">${slave.slaveName}</span>'' has died of an aphrodisiac overdose. Thankfully the suit notifies its owner of such things; especially with the rumors of earlier models and necrophilia you hear occasionally. It does little to deal with the resulting mess of the orgasm ${he} died during, however.`);
r.push(`One of your Fuckdolls' monitoring systems alerts you that the slave contained within has died. It would seem <span class="pink bold">${slave.slaveName}</span> has died of an aphrodisiac overdose. Thankfully the suit notifies its owner of such things; especially with the rumors of earlier models and necrophilia you hear occasionally. It does little to deal with the resulting mess of the orgasm ${he} died during, however.`);
r.push(`''<span class="pink">${slave.slaveName}</span>'' failed to report in for a routine inspection, something that rarely occurs under your watch. It doesn't take long to track down the wayward slave.`);
r.push(`<span class="pink bold">${slave.slaveName}</span> failed to report in for a routine inspection, something that rarely occurs under your watch. It doesn't take long to track down the wayward slave.`);
r.push(`${He} is found dead in ${his} bed, having died sometime earlier. Judging by the mess and the expression on ${his} face, ${he} died of a heart attack during a particularly intense orgasm bought about by the massive amount of aphrodisiacs in ${his} system. ${slave.slaveName} died at the age of ${slave.actualAge};`);
if (slave.assignment==="be confined in the arcade"){
r.push(`You are notified by ${V.arcadeName} staff that one of the cabinets has broken down and will need to be replaced. It would seem ''<span class="pink">${slave.slaveName}</span>'', the fucktoy encased in it, died to poor health caused by ${his} living conditions. ${He} was a good unit; logs show ${he} was taking dick up until the very end.`);
r.push(`You are notified by ${V.arcadeName} staff that one of the cabinets has broken down and will need to be replaced. It would seem <span class="pink bold">${slave.slaveName}</span>, the fucktoy encased in it, died to poor health caused by ${his} living conditions. ${He} was a good unit; logs show ${he} was taking dick up until the very end.`);
}elseif (slave.assignment==="work in the dairy"&&V.dairyRestraintsSetting>1){
r.push(`You are notified by ${V.dairyName} staff that one of the occupied milkers has ceased producing. Upon inspection, it would seem ''<span class="pink">${slave.slaveName}</span>'', the cow restrained in it, died to poor health caused by ${his} living conditions. ${He} was a good cow; ${he} gave milk up until ${his} death.`);
r.push(`You are notified by ${V.dairyName} staff that one of the occupied milkers has ceased producing. Upon inspection, it would seem <span class="pink bold">${slave.slaveName}</span>, the cow restrained in it, died to poor health caused by ${his} living conditions. ${He} was a good cow; ${he} gave milk up until ${his} death.`);
}elseif (slave.fuckdoll>0){
r.push(`One of your Fuckdolls' monitoring systems alerts you that the slave contained within has died. It would seem ''<span class="pink">${slave.slaveName}</span>'' has died of general poor health. Thankfully the suit notifies its owner of such things; especially with the rumors of earlier models and necrophilia you hear occasionally. Clean up is easy enough, however.`);
r.push(`One of your Fuckdolls' monitoring systems alerts you that the slave contained within has died. It would seem <span class="pink bold">${slave.slaveName}</span> has died of general poor health. Thankfully the suit notifies its owner of such things; especially with the rumors of earlier models and necrophilia you hear occasionally. Clean up is easy enough, however.`);
r.push(`''<span class="pink">${slave.slaveName}</span>'' failed to report in for a routine inspection, something that rarely occurs under your watch. It doesn't take long to track down the wayward slave.`);
r.push(`<span class="pink bold">${slave.slaveName}</span> failed to report in for a routine inspection, something that rarely occurs under your watch. It doesn't take long to track down the wayward slave.`);
r.push(`${He} is found dead in ${his} bed, having died sometime during the night. ${He} has been in very poor health lately, so you knew this was a possibility. ${slave.slaveName} died at the age of ${slave.actualAge};`);