//You switch one of the screens in your office to the feed from research facility.//<br><br>
<br>[[Decommission facility|Manage Arcology][$researchLab.built = "false",$researchLab.hired = 0,$menials += $researchLab.menials,$researchLab.menials = 0,$researchLab.research = "none",$researchLab.manufacture = "none",$researchLab.productionTime = 0]] //Warning! This will cancel all projects, remove all staff and shut down this facility.//
[[Buy and install research module|Research Lab][cashX(-35000, "capEx"), $researchLab.aiModule = 2]] //This module enables your personal assistant to assist staff and direct menials assigned to your research facility, increasing efficiency. It costs <<print cashFormat(35000)>>//<br>
<<else>>You do not own any <<if $researchLab.menials != 0>>unassigned <</if>>menial slaves.<br>
//Using menial slaves is much cheaper than hiring scientists, but they are less effective. <<print cashFormat(100)>> per slave each week.//<br>
[[Build advanced sex limbs|Research Lab][$researchLab.productionTime = 100,$researchLab.manufacture = "Advanced sex limbs"]] // Currently have: $stockpile.advSexPLimb//
//You contact a representative of one of the larger cybernetics companies and inquire about their products.<br> This is what they have to offer://<br><br>
//You contact a representative of one of the most popular Japanese cybernetics companies and inquire about their products.<br> This is what they have to offer://<br><br>