$dairyNameCaps is equipped to feed and clean slaves normally. [[Upgrade the milking machines with intubators|Dairy][$cash -= _Tmult1, $dairyFeedersUpgrade = 1]] //Costs ¤_Tmult1 and will increase upkeep costs//
$dairyNameCaps is equipped to feed and clean slaves normally. [[Upgrade the milking machines with intubators|Dairy][cashX(forceNeg(_Tmult1), "capEx"), $dairyFeedersUpgrade = 1]] //Costs ¤_Tmult1 and will increase upkeep costs. cashX is the proper way to handle cash payments. The forceNeg part just means "make sure what comes next is negative if it isn't already, because I want it to cost the player money." "capEx" is the budget category you want this transaction recorded under. You can search through the game files to find similar transactions. //
In order to enable the industrial feeder option both any of the see extreme content options has be enabled and the restraint's have to be already set to industrial.
In order to enable the industrial feeder option both any of the see extreme content options has be enabled and the restraint's have to be already set to industrial.