App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div",el,`"This operation is neither simple nor is it perfected. There are extreme health risks involved and no guarantee of success. Strap a slave into your remote surgery to consent to the operation. Indentured servants${(V.incubator>0)||(V.nurseryChildren)?`and slaves with reserved children`:``} are not eligible."
App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div",el,`"This operation is neither simple nor is it perfected. There are extreme health risks involved and no guarantee of success. Strap a slave into your remote surgery to consent to the operation. Indentured servants${(V.incubator>0)||(V.nurseryChildren)?`and slaves with reserved children`:``} are not eligible."
App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div",el,`Select the slave whose mind will be transferred into the waiting husk. Amputated slaves must not be wearing prosthetics. This operation will cost ${cashFormat(cost)}.`);
App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div",el,`Select the slave whose mind will be transferred into the waiting husk. Amputated slaves must not be wearing prosthetics. This operation will cost ${cashFormat(cost)}.`);