text.push(`${V.arcologies[0].name} produced ${massFormat(production)} of food this week.`);
if (slaveAmount>0){
text.push(`${V.farmMenials?capFirstChar(massFormat(slaveAmount)):`All of it`} was produced by your ${num(farmhands)} farmhands`);
if (menialAmount>0){
text.push(`${slaveAmount>0?text.pop()+`, and ${massFormat(production-slaveAmount)}`:`All of it`} was produced by ${num(V.farmMenials)} menial slaves`);
text.push(`${capFirstChar(massFormat(consumption))} of it was consumed, with a spare ${massFormat(production-consumption)} moved into long-term storage.`);
if (storage>deficit){
text.push(`Unfortunately, this wasn't enough to cover needs of your hungry arcology, and ${massFormat(deficit)} had to be brought up from storage.`);
}elseif (V.cash>cost){
text.push(`Unfortunately, this wasn't enough to cover needs of your hungry arcology, and because you didn't have enough food in storage, you has to purchase and additional ${massFormat(deficit-storage)} for ${cashFormat()}.`);